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My sons have always played a heavy summer schedule, have produced something above average grades (way better than anything I ever did) and spent a fair amount of time lifting and working out in the summer…until last year the 15u was bored and made his mothers life hard, which made my life hard, which is never good.


So this year he just got his drivers license, he got his first car and he got his first job. Granted he is working for me in my warehouse but it is hot, it is dirty and he most certainly is not sitting in the office next to me. I just stopped down to see him this afternoon as he nears the end of his first day – I am pretty sure based on the look he had on his face he is going to be even more interested in school!!! I also have to believe the next time he gets a 1pm and 3pm back to back schedule on turf he won’t think it is nearly as hot as he once did!


Oh and his mother is out getting her nails done with her first free day of the summer which makes her happy – which makes me happy…damn good day!!


Summer jobs are good.

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old_school - where do you live and can my son "work" for you in the summer?  I say "work" because you really wouldn't have to pay him and I'd pay forr anything he breaks.  I'll desposit x dollars in your account each week and you can cut him a check.  I will want regular check ups on his work habits and maybe some good pictures from the really hot days.  Also, I get to tell you when he gets to work in the shade or not (depends on how clean his room is in any given week)?


On a serious note, I have read that today's air conditioning is most places have decreased kids' ability to deal with heat.  Aside from all the mental benefits the job will pay, it sounds like it might actually make him a better player on the field - assuming he doesn't strain his back.  And the mother/wife thing, I could be persuaded to pay you extra if you put him to work.  Who needs Valentine's Day when you can have a weekend in June with no baseball to tend to.

My 2015 is working at the mall and the AC is great but he's so bored out of his head it's driving him crazy on a daily basis. But it's making me happy as heck because I know he's going to be thinking about that air conditioned minimum-wage retail hell every time he feels like procrastinating on his work once he gets to engineering school in the fall.

Originally Posted by 2017LHPscrewball:

old_school - where do you live and can my son "work" for you in the summer?  I say "work" because you really wouldn't have to pay him and I'd pay forr anything he breaks.  I'll desposit x dollars in your account each week and you can cut him a check.  I will want regular check ups on his work habits and maybe some good pictures from the really hot days.  Also, I get to tell you when he gets to work in the shade or not (depends on how clean his room is in any given week)?


On a serious note, I have read that today's air conditioning is most places have decreased kids' ability to deal with heat.  Aside from all the mental benefits the job will pay, it sounds like it might actually make him a better player on the field - assuming he doesn't strain his back.  And the mother/wife thing, I could be persuaded to pay you extra if you put him to work.  Who needs Valentine's Day when you can have a weekend in June with no baseball to tend to.

LOL too funny, I actually had a conversation with him to make sure he used his head with lifting. he is strong but product weight is a different animal then free weight on a bar. He went to bed last night in the 3rd inning of the Fla/Va game because he was beat!!

My real wish is to get him on a roofing team - but that is apparently not going to happen.  Had a friend in high school that worked as a roofer - could go shirtless but had to wear long pants.  It wasn't qute a farmer's tan but his chest/back was dark brown while his legs remained lily white.  I got to work on a beer truck.  Late summer was bad until Coors came into the state - then I could rest next to a pallet of cold beer in the back of the truck. 


I have seen several posting about whether a kid can get paid for job activities that involve baseball.  Am glad to hear that is permissable.  2017 worked the kid's summer camp but only four days worth.  will have to investigate to maybe find some baseball related job that he can fit around his summer baseball.  No driver's licence just yet so I've got another 9 months to possible find something for next summer.


PS - Tell your son that the lifting product will help get him definition all over.  My wife still wishes I could go back to the beer distributor as I was in awfully good shape - I warmed up with a couple hundred cases in the morning and moved on to kegs later in the day (really just happy she is still around after 25+ years and 50+ lbs).

My 16 YO/2017 son is now a counselor for skateboarding and mountain biking in Fairfax County. He started as a participant in 3rd grade and went every summer until the owner asked if he'd like to be a CIT (unpaid counselor-in-training). Was a junior counselor last year (minimum wage) and now makes minimum plus $1 per hour. And the owner is a baseball fan and will accomodate his need to take many Fridays off for showcases. His boss emailed him to work this summer and said he was a hard worker, great employee, and great with young kids. Blew me away to hear that (proud too).


HOT HOT HOT. Outside 8-9 hours all day. And biking is great exercise. That schedule would kill his dad (or make him stronger)...

Last edited by Batty67

Once he gets relieved of watching the little brother (mom is a school admin so starting tomorrow she has 6 weeks off), our 2017 is going to take the certification course for lifeguarding and WSI.


I'm not sure if he will be able to land a steady job because of his baseball travel this summer, but he is hoping to at least land some private lesson work.


I think it's a great choice - outside all day, and it pays much better than a retail or fast food job.

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