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It isn't about being graceful with the shell -- it's that I have never developed the necessary ability to separate seed from shell while in the mouth! Another thing I am inept at. But I do love to eat them. (Though the work involved is an awful lot for the return. I have been experimenting with a wider variey of brands this year, not just David's. Some of the other, jumbo, seeds make it more worth the effort!) (As an aside -- I have been trying to get my husband to spit without making an awful noise. It is like sitting next to a rodent.)
(As an aside -- I have been trying to get my husband to spit without making an awful noise. It is like sitting next to a rodent.)

LOL way funny

Break the shell in your back teeth, balance the shell betweeen the teeth on the edges and slightly bite, should pop right open. I was going to suggest to ask your hubby to show you but the rodent comment indicates to me he could be poorly trained. Big Grin
Okay-I admit it. I love seeds and depending how the game is going, I have been known to be a spitter. I guess it goes back to my college days when the pitchers sat on the bench and did target practice on the foul lines. I think I may have to get some of those "fancy" seeds for those games where frustration sets in. Hmmmm.
I must confess that when I first began eating seeds I used my fingers, but after all these years at the ballpark I have mastered the "look Ma no hands" spitting technique. I prefer the original salted variety and we buy them by the Jumbo Bucket full at your local "Club" store along with a bucket of bubble gum, etc... Our boys have branched out into the flavored varieties as well, like Jalepeno and BBQ. Dad is a purist, sticking with original salted, and has earned the nickname "Big Bird" due in part to his height but mostly to his multi-bag habit and the humongeous amounts of shells surrounding him after a'd think there was a whole freakin flock of birds!!!

Last edited by Still Learning
My 18 yr old daughters who are "all girl" in regard to their manners, used to be "closet spitters". When in "proper" company they would remove the seed with two fingers and dispose of it into a container. I couldn't handle this two-faced attitude toward the seed so they were banned to indulge in my presence. That is a god given right of a "seed dad". I took about two days before they caved in a treated the shell with the respect it is due, in flight. Since that day our communication improved five fold and a week doesn't pass without a distance or accuracy competition. It's funny how a little seed can forever bond a father daughter relationship.

Seeds are universal. 2 weeks ago at their graduation they were handing seeds off to eveyone that passed by after the diploma was recieved as a gift. You have to remember that they are a "Z" so ceremonies that involve the alphabet tend to drag. I look down at them and it looks like a communion line. Those two dropping a few seeds in everyones hand when they passed and the seeds went straight to the mouth. When it was their turn to go up they handed the bag to a letter "S" so no one would be missed. I was almost in tears. Proud because my girls were sharing the seed, or because my wifes 2 inch heel was embedded in the top of my foot.
Last edited by rz1
I've got a Lil' Brat right here...and he looks a bit spoiled too. There's a whole mess of 'em around the neighborhood.

It's always tough as the dickens to get the truth outta' these Lil' Brats....they seldom fess up to their misdeeds.

I can see that rig of yours would come in handy Eddie G.. We could grill hundreds of 'em at a time...ask all the questions we want. If they don't come clean we could always turn the heat up on 'em!

Last edited by gotwood4sale
I prefer the original sunflower seeds and I spit them. There have been occasions (during a lenghty slow game) where we (meaning me and the younger siblings of players) have engaged in spitting contests. To hit the head of the live target is the ultimate and worth 1000 points. Just to clarify the live target -- it is a willing person and not someone just walking by.

Baseball is all about the seeds, spitting and good ol' red clay dirt!
Just discovered jalepeno pistachios up in Wichita!
Who woulda thunk? The shells are green too!

Mom of 2 catchers, are not alone!
I'm a messy seed spitter too and I admit it.
I even feel guilty for leaving shells on the ground.

Others, I have noticed, seem to dignify the pile of spit-soaked cracked shells as a proud monument/shrine after an intense inning! Big Grin

***Its soooo goood to be back home!
I've missed you guys!***
Last edited by shortstopmom
Thank you curveball07!

Ohhh what a time we had!!!
Blazin' hot, town was a buzzin' with the College World Series events. Sat first game in general seating and had a BLAST with hundreds thousands of on-a-budget college kids,...wild-wild-wild!! ( boy do I feel old!- ha!)
Who knew blow up beach balls could cause so much fun and good laughs!
To the girlfriends of the boys, who painted such detailed ferocious teeth baring Oregon State Beavers on their chests, backs, and faces, are true artists!

Watched amazing college baseball level talent up close,...memory of a lifetime for my son! Memory of a lifetime for me as a mom to watch son so happy.

Visited University of Nebraska. WOW!

Played on some pretty fields,...played on some ugly dirt fields. Won some. Lost some. Realized that HS baseball players will swim almost anywhere, including a rather green hotel pool.
Shortstawpmom is not as brave.

Learned that pancakes at a local mom and pop diner can feed an entire hungry team for about $20 bucks! YUM!!!

Validation for my belief that the team with the color coordinated vans, fancy logo trailors, equipments bags, custom cleats, and expensive uni's doesn't always mean they're gonna crush ya.
Hard work, sweat, and borrowed t-shirts can lead to a win too. Wink

Shortstawpmomma's College Wold Series on a budget #1 tip:
During CWS, t-shirts are about $25 a piece.
Day after: 3 for $25!!! Cha-ching!!!
Fitted hats ( with TPX embroidered on the back ) 2 for $20 as the tents are being taken down. Worth it to wait if on a budget. Thrift nifty is our motto.

Do college scouts and coaches really drive to the middle of nowhere in the blazin' heat/humidity to find prospects for their teams,....they do indeed.

Would we do it all again?
You betcha'!
In a half-a-nano-heartbeat!!!

Footnote: To all of the little sisters/siblings out there that get drug along come to these kinds of events to support your baseball playing brothers, hat goes off to you!!! Wink You definitely deserve a double ice cream cone at the zoo!!!

On a personal note: To the other baseballmom who handed off 4 leftover CWS reserved seat tickets to my family as she exited the hotel, are MY hero!!! More hugzzzzzzzzz!!!!
Last edited by shortstopmom

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