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I had not clicked on the thread about Eastbay until just now.
In that thread is this is Julie's understated request for support:


Posted November 10, 2009 06:12 PM Hide Post

Is it time for some fundraising???

To be honest, times are tough right now, on this site just like everywhere else.

Donations in the past year have been almost non-existent, but I have not wanted to say anything because I know many of our members have been affected by the economic downturn.

Our site's major sponsor/financial supporter, Perfect Game USA, has remained the one steady (and very much appreciated) source of help in paying the bills - they have always been a tremendous help, without expecting promotion or anything else in return.

I've been paying part of most monthly bills out of my pocket this year, and to be honest, this month is especially difficult. I hate to ever ask publicly, but those who are able, are welcome to use 08Dad's link to donate. Those who are not able, truly should not feel guilty. Your presence here and your participation in our discussions is appreciated!


C'mon all of us who post and enjoy. Get on the site and help support Julie. In fact, donate $1, $5, $10 per month so Julie never has to ask.
In other threads, Julie has posted the costs to run the site are about $700 per month. That probably means anywhere from $800 to $1,000 per month in Julie "speak."
By my calculations, Julie is covering upwards of $10,000 per year for us to talk baseball...and stuff unrelated to baseball.
Please open your wallet a bit and donate $12 per year, $50/60 per year, whatever you can. Since this site is invaluable, please don't be bashful in estimating the value and enjoyment this site provides for you and support Julie to support this site.

BTW, 08Dad started this request. I just copied and cut to get the request a bit more visibility.
Thanks 08Dad!!

'You don't have to be a great player to play in the major leagues, you've got to be a good one every day.'

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    ...Julie "speak."

And if you don't listen you'll get a little of this action...


That's right guys...she's got three mean ways to turn you into quivering Julienne strips.
And when she's done with you she'll bring a stock pot full of lake water to boil and, oh my goodness, watch out!
Here's your fate...


So if you carrot all about being stripped to your very core please appease her now...

Trust me. She knows how to use it!

    Our mommy loves peels
    Our mommy loves peelin'
    She's got what it takes
    And she know how to use it!


Last edited by gotwood4sale
Great idea infielddad and 08Dad!

I know Julie does not like to draw attention to this type of stuff but lets all pitch in to help. I am going to sticky this up at the top of the forum - Julie please don't get upset with me angel No amount is too little as infielddad and 08Dad pointed out.

Lets make our goal to raise 10k. Here are some of the possibilities:

100 people donate $100.00
200 people donate $50.00
500 people donate $20.00
1000 people donate $10.00
Thank you for elevating this and providing visibility.
I was thinking of proposing a "user" tax. Big Grin
But, if I did, I knew BHD would oppose it. Cool
I think 08Dad got a group of us started with donations last night through PayPal.
I hope your efforts and those started by 08Dad can be continued so Julie never has to ask.
On the other hand, if these types of threads allow Woody to do his stuff, maybe we could threaten a "Julienne" every year...if Julie doesn't mind?
Last edited by infielddad
already done- in my original PM to MN. Mom. Small price to pay for hours of knowledge, advice, bantor, and info.

I was wondering if anyone ever thought about selling old baseball books, videos, equipment, etc out here with a listing fee to the site -or a predermined percentage of sales. We all probably have books or such that would be enjoyed by other members out here. I know that when I coached my son I accumulated a lot of baseball drills books that others may find useful.

Even if you have a suggested percentage of sales for a listing in a for sale forum I am sure most of these folks out here would be honest and forthcoming about sending the monies to the site.
It seems like a win-win for all involved.
I just wandered on - and saw this post - thanks InfieldDad and CD for raising up the profile of this issue.

HSBBW has provide me with hours - make that DAYS of entertainment over the last few years - along with incredibly valuable advice on baseball (and life for that matter).

It won't take much from all of us... a $20 donation from each of the 40 members who are on line at this time would pay for this month.

Gitnby gotitdone!

I feel guilty that I hadn't done it earlier!

I doubt that my Son would be at the school he's at (and he is extremely happy!)without the support and ideas from this site?

Also got a chance to hook up with a current player's Dad who was a member here, and he gave us a great insight into the program! Thanks, pitchersdad!

Go Hilltoppers!
Last edited by gitnby
I'm glad to do my part in support of HSBBWeb.

I can't tell you how many people I have refered to this site. Our CDP has a speaker coming in to talk about what it takes to play baseball in college. Someone who has just been through the process. We have an entire board of experienced posters who have "been there, done that" available almost 24/7. I'm still going to the seminar because in the imortal words of Emil Faber, "Knowledge is Good."
I am a new member of this site as of last week. I have a son in his senior year with a full ride to college to play baseball. I have a son that will be in 9th grade next year so I am definately in to support this site. I have to say also that it has been a very informitive site and a pleasure to read. I am looking forward to future chats! Keep up the great work Julie and peeps!PS paypal makes it very nice to donate to everyone.
Thank you all so very, very much. Your outpouring of concern and caring truly does warm my heart. And your donations since this thread started have lightened the load considerably in terms of financial worry for the monthly bill.

This thread, and your responses, provide yet another proof that this is the very best and most generous community on the Web. You are the greatest.

Last edited by MN-Mom
Originally posted by tmac2:
What a great site only my second day and I just donated.

tmac2 - welcome to the hsbbweb!

It is indeed a great site. Some of the best writers and thinkers you'll find anywhere who are all connected through baseball. The collective wisdom of the site is where the power lies. No matter the subject, there is someone out there with an answer. Sometimes we split right down the middle with strong views on both sides of a topic yet you are free to pick and choose the information that is most useful to your particular situation and beliefs. I would also encourage you to read all the articles and links associated with the site as well and browse past topics for pearls of wisdom. Of course create new topics as the need arises.

As PGStaff said the other day, it has become a hobby for many of us Smile

Again welcome!

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