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When I logged onto my work computer this morning, I had a calendar reminder pop up -

"Don't forget to donate to HSBBW"

Well, to be honest, I had forgotten about donating for a while. In the past, it has been posted that the cost to run the site are about $800 per month. So let's call it $10,000 a year.

Looking at the who's on listing, there are currently 34 member(s) and 140 guest(s) on the forums.

So if each member who is currently online were to donate $20 and if the guests were to chip in $1 each, that would cover a month of running this site. Don't you think that you are getting that much value and enjoyment out of this site?

It's easy to do:

Thanks for taking the time to read - and to consider donating.

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Thank you so much. To be honest, I got tears in my eyes when I saw this thread, and the donations which have already been made today.

The past few years, it has been tough economically to keep the monthly forum costs paid, and the last few months of the year are most difficult. Our most generous sponsor, Perfect Game USA, makes a large donation to the site early each year (January/February). Perfect Game never wants to be publicly acknowledged for this or for the donations they make to youth baseball across the country, but I want to thank them publicly and let you all know that they cover approximately half of the total year's expenses for this site.

I try to cover the remainder of the year with advertising revenue from other sponsors and advertisers, but the tough economy has definitely impacted the site, and each year I end up covering the difference out of pocket. In the second half of this year so far I have paid thousands of dollars of my own money, which is... very difficult. But I hate to ask for help from our members. Instead I try to find more time to work with advertisers to bring in revenue, but that takes more time away from my paid job (besides the time I spend on admin etc.), so it is always a "Catch 22" to try to increase ad revenue.

Anyway, I fear I've bored you enough with the "state of the union". I am truly thankful for your donations. Your assistance is needed and very, very much appreciated.

Last edited by MN-Mom
Originally posted by PESCAHOLIC:
Newbie here, donation made.

With my son just starting HS and an aspiring ball player, I'm sure I'll get more than my money's worth from this site.

Thanks for hosting a great site with quality contributors.

Don't forget to get your check in the mail to me this holiday weekend.
The one with five digits on it. Smile
Last edited by Bear
Well, I guess this is as good a cause for my first post here at HSBBW as any . . .

Several of the articles written about "How To Make Your High School Team" are excellent and saved me a boatload of time in the "copy and paste" method of getting great advise to our incoming freshman this year.

DONE!!! Well worth the price in the time-savings alone for me . . . not to mention the forums and other great info available.

Thanks so much,
mud -
Last edited by mudvnine

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