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I hope the link worked. 11u taking some swings last thursday. i tried to get differnt camera angles as i could. starts off front toss and then moves into live. he gets a little tired at the end of live. bats left throws right. he is swinging a 29 inch -8 combat. thanks in advance for your time and input
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Good rhythm and consistent repeatable swing. He should have a lot of fun.

From the view across the plate (at his chest), it looks like he drops his hands a little early and bars his lead arm.

With over 100 views of this thread, I'm not sure why no one else is chiming in. My guess though is that for an 11YO this is a pretty darned good swing, so maybe some of the regulars are suspicious that your post is more a plea for praise than assistance - seeing you didn't suggest what you've identified as his areas for improvement or what you've been working on, etc.. Just a guess tho.

Good luck.
No plea for praise at all. He has been very repeatable from an early age. I have been working on extension and controlled aggression. also been thinking about taking the top hand off the bat in order to keep his hands over the ball longer( Coach May mentioned this). I wanted a honest break down of him good or bad in order to take the next step. I wanted to eliminate the dad eyes and get some ideas from people who know more about it then i do.For over a year now i have had nothing for him other than the occasional pulling off the ball trying to hit homeruns or the rollover from being too early.
I agree with Sandman in that he's got a nice swing overall but the hands drop and sometimes does bar the lead arm. He's definately got a lot going for him.

Couple of things that I saw is that he needs to learn to go the other way. Most of his spray was middle to pull side. I only saw 4 or 5 opposite field hits and they were pop ups due to him trying to hit it at the front of the plate. I would go ahead and get him working on letting the ball get deep and hitting the other way.

Another thing looks way worse from the first two view points from above / side but looked much better from the side - he sometimes drifts / bleeds / shifts his midsection during his swing. I like to describe it as more of a golfer swing. It's not a problem now but could possibly be one as he gets older. One way to tell this is he's not sitting / rotating on his backside as much. Hope that makes sense.

One more thing is that the trigger needs to come a little quicker to seperate from the swing. It looks on quite a few swings his heel is hitting the ground just before he hits the ball.

Overall these are very small things and I think he's going to do a great job at hitting.
I think he has a very good swing for his age. The biggest thing at this age, IMO, is to swing with the right body parts in the right order and he is doing that.

Honestly, the only thing I see that I would try to fix asap is the way he gets the stretch to his hands. Currently, he gets it by pushing back with his front hand and arm toward the Catcher. That makes his hands drop and will cause him to have some trouble with good fastballs inside as he moves up in age and with outside stuff now (consistency). Have him pull the handle back with the fingers of his top hand toward the net behind him (not toward Catcher) like he's trying to pull his elbow back toward the net (think of pulling the string on a bow, but in a direction behind him, not beside him). That should take care of the dropping hands, the arm bar and pulling off the ball.

IMO, I would not teach him to take the top hand off the ball to fix any mechanical problem. If it comes off naturally, then that's fine, but teaching it is a bad thing, but that is, only my opinion.

Good luck to you and your Son and keep us posted.
Last edited by powertoallfields

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