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Just like what Brian suggested, get somebody to help you out and catch as much as possible. It's the winter months, and I'm sure there are pitching instructors around that need somebody to catch bullpens for guys around your age and even a little older. Go volunteer to catch for them or see if you can get some cage time in exchange for your services. The more you catch the better you will get.

And don't forget the blocking.
The first thing to do is find a comfortable and athletic stance. Traditionally catchers were taught to have their butts up, weight forward and on the balls of their feet. However, you may be more comfortable and athletic with your knees in, feet out, weight spread on insteps and sitting back a bit toward your heels. Try both ways and see what works for you.

Your stance, balance, and footwork are the most basic and important aspect of catching. That said, buy a jumprope.

PM me or email me through my website if you need photos of what I'm talking about.

Good luck!
Originally posted by Catcher41:
In my opinion, do a lot of blocking. Get it in your head that you are going to take a lot of balls off your body all game. After that, everything should come easily. Blocking is almost a mental thing that is the weirdest part of the position. That's just my opinion.


Ya know .. I never thought about that but its completly true. If you have in your head that its only a ball and the worst it can do is knock the wind out of you then youll be fine. Catching is pretty different then short because even though some people with disagree but your not only responsable for your mistakes but you have to take charge of the pitchers to. When your behind the dish just remember that your incharge of your field, it helps when you yell out what plays there are ex. "man on first turn 2" or something like that.

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