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From my son's experience , play as many positions as you can well. If they want you to be a pitcher only they will tell you. The guys who play many positions well have more shots to fit in where the tream has holes , so you may not have to wait till your a senior to play .
Also most high schools only use 2 or 3 pitchers regularly because they only have 2 or 3 games a week , leading to possible limited pitching and playing time.
Usually college is where you become a pitcher only.
There are pros and cons. My son decided to go "pitcher only" his senior year. That did lead for some boring time on behalf of his parents, but he was happy with it. He had already signed as a pitcher and just decided he wanted to focus on that craft.

When he was a sophomore, however, his versatility got him more playing time than he might have had otherwise. He was caught in a numbers game on the mound and only pitched jv. But he played various outfield and infield positions.

My son's high school often had 4-5 games in a 7 day period (particularly if weekend tournaments were involved). There was no problem getting work as a pitcher. Also you have to factor in that there will be injuries, sore arms, etc. Depending on the pitching staff there may not be many complete games.
My son was a position player for the 1st 3 years in HS. His senior year was asked to do some pitching also due to a couple of injuries. His last two years at JC he also wa a two way. Several issues come up for the two way, expecially if he is a starting pitcher.
1) Arm recovery. Throwing 7 or 8 (JC) innings then coming back 2 days later and throwing from 3rd base or the outfield. Arm is still not full strength.
2) Bullpen time conflicts with fielding or hitting, unless you come early or stay late.
3) Hitting, along with practice, I haven't checked, but my guess is his batting average on the days he pitches is not the same as the days he doesn't.
I do agree with the above, if you can, play as many positions for as long as you can. Play where the coach wants you.

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