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As a young boy we used to play all day at the playground. Having a new baseball was like heaven. however as we played the ball got torn and battered so we had black electrical tape. Eventually the ball weighed a ton. wooden bat. If it was new eventually somebody broke it and we trudged home to to get a hammer and nail. We did not have helmets, Umpires coaches. We settled all disputes for out safe fair foul.

today go by a field. If it is not organized with uniforms helmets aluminum bats pitch counts etc etc etc chances are you wont see it.
My kid is only allowed to play video games at night, when it's too dark to go outside, or on rain days. Since the season started he has only played twice, and one was a baseball game. Parents need to stop letting tv/games keep their kids quiet and make sure they are doing something more productive. If my kid ended up like those ones that spend 10 plus hours playing videos and not leaving their house I would consider myself a failure for sure.
One of the things that I constantly see are locked fields. Every High School, little league and middle school field has a lock or a sign that warns against trespassing. It appears that a lot of leagues would rather have fields that look pretty while sitting empty than fields where the beauty is in the laughter of children.
I was driving home from work tonight (from a ballgame even!) and saw a couple of different families who didn't need a ball diamond to play ball.

One looked like it was probably a father and son in the front yard playing catch. Then just a little bit further down the road, I saw the dad pitching to the daughter and mom was catching...

I want to go out and play catch...

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