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Scissorbill, thanks for taking the time to give your valuable input delivered in such a positive way.

Originally posted by scissorbill:
That was totally stupid.

You are 100% correct! Totally. I agree.

Originally posted by scissorbill:
Not even funny.

You had me and then you lost me...I think the clip is very funny. But sense of humor is relative.

Originally posted by scissorbill:
Makes zero sense and doesn't relate to taking a third strike.

A few weeks ago, I saw a high school player get called out on strikes in four consecutive at bats. In those four at bats, I think he had 11 called strikes and a foul ball. My guess is that a majority of the pitches were off the plate and the ump had a big zone that day (it was cold outside), but I don't know for sure (I was up the foul line). The player is generally a pretty good hitter, but on that day, he could not make an adjustment. He couldn't get himself to swing the bat (throw the rock). That's how it relates to taking a third strike.

Thanks again,

Mike F
I thought it was VERY funny!
I always tell my son, with two strikes, if it's close you GOTTA swing! Don't go down looking! He walks quite a bit, has a pretty good eye. But I hate to see him watch strike three.
I'll have to show him the clip! I've seen so many kids go up to bat and watch three straight strikes down broadway and could not pull the trigger.
Did some of you watch the wrong clip?
Too funny!
I feel the same way that director does when I see a kid take strike after strike: First one goes by, OK, still in there. He then sees strike two coming-twitches as if to swing then watches it sail by, realizes he should have gone for it but turns to the ump to see if it might have been a ball. Nope. Finally, he chokes up for #3- looks dead serious, digs in, sees it coming and backs off at the last nano-second. Cringes, and looks to the ump, hoping for a break. Nope. He's outathere! Just can't seem to get that bat to move...Argggh! Deer in the headlights. Frozen like a staute.

Swing it! Just swing at something! Just do it! Please!
sense of humor is relative.

True, very true Mike F!
Thanks for the toss of humor out to friends.
Some of us,..especially those of us rained out and stuck at home appreciated it!
Even if I didnt really get it,
I appreciated the offer and the gesture!
( Then again, I was one of those that never
really got the whole SNL " Oh nooo, Mr. Bill " claymation thing from way back when,
in the early 80's. I may have been perhaps the only kid in HS who didn't get it. ha! )

I'll moderate myself with regards
to my opinion about sarcasm,
on the verge of rudeness, where it is IMHO, unwarranted.
Perhaps it is I, who has misunderstood
your intent with your second post in this thread, scissorbill.
Last edited by shortstopmom
Funny or not doesn't matter, point delivered.

If you never do anything nothing will ever happen.

On my JV team it is laid out first week of practice. Take 3 without swinging puts you at the back of the line, your replacement is in.

With my two sons take 3 and you will be borrowing one of your teamates bat for next game. They only had to learn it once as did my JV players.

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