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Why is it such an issue to some posters if someone wants to share about their kids?
I have seen several posts that state it annoys people. I talk about my kid, does that annoy some of you?
This is a site that some of us have shared our kids struggles, their recruitment stories, their heartaches, we help the young parents of HS kids, what is wrong with talking about success stories.
If we cant do that then I really think thats sad.

Academy dad, you have not offended me, I love to hear about the boys.
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Originally posted by fanofgame:
Why is it such an issue to some posters if someone wants to share about their kids?
I have seen several posts that state it annoys people. I talk about my kid, does that annoy some of you?

Not at all an issue. I was the one who started the college and high school reporting threads at the top of this forum so we could hear about things.

Look, I expressed my opinion. My issue is one-sidedness. fanofgame you are a long ways from making this place all about you. I have seen you over and over again try and reach out and help "other" people.

The original topic-starter responded by altering two threads (removing titles and content) and he deleted yet another thread. Another moderator locked one of the threads. All I did was express my opinion as it seemed over the top. Obviously, several disagree with my opinion and that is your right as well. I have not moderated any of these threads other than express my opinion in one of them.

I apologize for strongly suggesting that you closed those threads.

As for the one-sidedness of a poster's contributions, so be it. I look at a poster's contribution for what it is. I don't keep a running tally to ensure some sort of balance.

I will agree with you that we don't need for HSBBW to become someone's personal blog. Some have tried to do that on a daily basis. I didn't see that in this case. Maybe I missed something.

We are all different folks. Some conform to the general way HSBBW operates more than others. The extremists should be dealt with. I didn't consider AcademyDad's posts extreme, even if they were, as you say one-sided. I have my own personal filter to screen the posters I don't care for. I think most others do, too.
Last edited by infidel_08
Originally posted by fanofgame:
Why is it such an issue to some posters if someone wants to share about their kids?
I have seen several posts that state it annoys people. I talk about my kid, does that annoy some of you?

I don’t see it as an issue and; no you don’t annoy me with your posts. But there is a fine line between informative and offensive. I admit there have been posts by parents about their kids that annoys me. It’s not the accomplishments of the kids but the “tone” of the parent’s voice that strikes a nerve and the adjectives they select in doing so. These parents are simple offensive braggarts and push --- not their kids accomplishments ---- but THEIR opinions of their kids on others. It’s akin to the parent describing what they see through their rose colored glasses. The reader should be allowed to form their own opinions from the kid’s accomplishments and not the parent’s opinion. It can be a slippery slope when “sharing” your child’s accomplishments.

I receive updates from many parents about their kids accomplishments and appreciate those updates. Most do so by forwarding someone else’s opinion for me to read. A newspaper article or stats sheet from a game or tournament does quite well. Other people ask advice and in doing so “describe” their child’s accomplishments. At times they add their opinions but usually preface those with “In my opinion” which keeps it in perspective. I love to hear about players and their accomplishments ----- I get more than enough parental opinions from my wife.
The site has rapidly become what it was not meant to be---the original concept was to talk about your kids (Brag a lttle if you wish) and erxchange ideas---today the site has gotten strange-- Academy Dad has been here for years and deserves to brag a bit when the young man gets recognized as he did--and then the thread gets shut down, supposedly anyway, but I posted there this morning
I just got an email from a friend that her son had the second-highest batting average in the county, so the bragging isn't exclusive to this board! Personally, I find it much easier to share my son's struggles than his successes -- I'm afraid that bragging just tempts the universe to take you (and him) down a peg or two. But I do like hearing about honors such as AcademyDad's son's being named to the All-Decade team, and I get a vicarious thrill when another poster's son is ranked. And I also appreciate the stories from parents whose kids have struggled, worked through it, and then good things have happened...

Originally posted by JPontiac:
Perhaps we should create a subforum just for the purpose of "bragging."

Isn't that what the college and HS reporting threads are for?

Look, I don't mind updates on kids at all. I really like reading about your kids. But as 'fillsfan' has suggested in another thread...its gotten a little out of hand. I mean really...we see whole threads about 8th graders trying out for their HS teams with daily updates no less! We read each day yet another thread about how Jr. got hosed and is on JV instead of varsity.

For every parent on here whose kid made varsity as an 8th grader, there's another whose kid got cut as a junior. When your son starts as a freshman at State U., another parent's kid is on the sideline with a career-threatening injury. I am not suggesting that I know the 'perfect way' at all. No doubt I've rubbed some the wrong way at times. And plenty has been posted on here about one of my own sons...but mostly by others.

I'm just advising to put yourself in the other mom's/dad's shoes before you post that your freshman is better than their junior...before you post a list of players cut (for information only, of course!) while others are headed to the airport to pick up their heartbroken sons. Pick your spots wisely! Wink We'll all, let me on the disappointing end of that discussion eventually. Think about how you will feel when you get there.
Last edited by justbaseball
fan, keep us posted on your son's college experience, many of us are just about there. I too tend to get annoyed by the bragging, especially the ones who think D1 is the only place worth playing. What I like to hear is what to expect in college, homework, what course schedule needs to be taken in order to further your education at the universities. There has been a tremendous amount of information on this site, I just wished I had found it sooner. I can avoid the bragging posts on my own, don't need it to be removed for me.
For about 2 minutes I felt guilty of talking my kids up over the years.

I'm over it.

Am I proud of them? Yes.

Do I do it on this site for a "feel good moment"? To an extent.

I'm guilty for "talking-up" the road my son took, and, going outside the box and mentioning my daughters water ski team success. While I'm frustrated Wink the girls do not even own a glove, they participate in a competitive sport, and work hard at it. Isn't that the message we want to share with parents that are just beginning or moving to the next level of competitive sports? It's not always about the result, but, rather the road taken to get there.

From this site I've learned so much about expectations, dealing with failure, and the definitions of highs-n-lows from other areas of the Country by listening to parents talk about their kids. This is a baseball site by name, but, for the most part it is a support/learning site for parents and their growing kids. I would never expect anyone to use my experiences as a template for their own kids but if one parent took a portion of the road my kids took, and succeeded, I would feel good about sharing it.

There is places for personal daily blogs, and also a places for ripping on others, But IMHO not here. Continue to post personal successes and failures, I'm listening, still learning, and always willing to throw a kudos to those who worked to get what they got.
Last edited by rz1
Do I have a problem with parents bragging about their kids on this site, NONE WHAT SO EVER!
I do not get annoyed because I can read it and move on. It does not effect my life one iota. In some I see a very proud parent gleaming from ear to ear. In others there are those who are trying to say my son is just as good as yours (if not better).

These things don't bother me, it is what it is and I have way too many other things that I can let annoy me.

Don't read the da** post if it really bothers you that bad. Anyone can post whatever whenever on this site as long as it is not demeaning and obscene to others. We let people vent, then let them brag, let them feel good about themselves and their kids. Move on!
Last edited by Danny Boydston

I also enjoy all the stuff about your daughters and their accomplishments.

Here is some bragging... My grandson made the all state team in swimming. He's only a ninth grader swimming on the varsity. He also made all american at something. I hate swimming! Much prefer he be a baseball player, but that aint happening.
I read ten times more than I post on HSBW, and reading about player's struggles and accomplishments are one of my favorite things to read about. Sometimes I get the impression that parents try to make their kids sound like superstars, but that's going to happen with 90% of parents anyway. Everyone want's their kid to be good and sound good, including mine.

I don't know about other kids, but I would hate it if my parents bragged about me, which they don't. If i'm going to be talked about, I want it to be because of the way I play and act, on and off the field, not because of what comes out of my parent's mouths.

Just some input from the player's point-of-view.
excellent post rz!

i love hearing about the success of all the players, and although i hate hearing about the failures and trials that some face, you never know who you may be helping by sharing that info.

the one thing i've found is that when someone does come on the boards and goes a little overboard, there usually seems to be an experienced veteran to reel them back in.....sometimes gently, sometimes not so much, but usually the point is well taken!!!
I don't know about other kids, but I would hate it if my parents bragged about me, which they don't. If i'm going to be talked about, I want it to be because of the way I play and act, on and off the field, not because of what comes out of my parent's mouths.

DiamondDevil, Welcome to the HSBBW.
Thank you for becoming a member and for your for sharing your thoughts about this issue, from the perspective of the player involved in what happens on the field.
Please don't be a stranger.
Originally posted by infielddad:
I don't know about other kids, but I would hate it if my parents bragged about me, which they don't. If i'm going to be talked about, I want it to be because of the way I play and act, on and off the field, not because of what comes out of my parent's mouths.

DiamondDevil, Welcome to the HSBBW.
Thank you for becoming a member and for your for sharing your thoughts about this issue, from the perspective of the player involved in what happens on the field.
Please don't be a stranger.

infielddad - thanks for catching this and I agree 100%.

DiamondDevil, welcome to the HSBBW indeed!

The only thing that you need to have talk for you is your bat, your glove, your arm, your speed, and your attitude - deeds not dialog if you will. Everything else will only distract from those pursuits. Talk is the cheapest commodity in sports. Let your play and attitude do all the talking for you and I am quite positive someone other than your parents will notice.
Last edited by ClevelandDad
Bragging is the reward for a good upbringing, early morning games and many uniform washings , among the many other things.

With all the hard behind the scenes work (usually done by the Moms), parents deserve an attaboy once in a while.

We all know that for many baseball years, players will think that uniforms are always clean, baseball socks and belts are always laid out with the uniform and that the car will always be in perfect condition no matter how long the drive.

We don't do it to live vicariously through our children, but we do puff up a bit when they have their good moments.
Keep posting and talking about your grandsons TR!

There is a thread on here called HIGH SCHOOL REPORTING! That is exactly what it is for - parents to report the results of their player's high school games, both good and bad.

Does it seem that the majority only post the good? Yes.
Does it seem that there are some people wearing rose-colored glasses? Yes.
Does it seem that this, if assembled, would be the greatest collection of baseball talent ever? Yes.
Who cares!

I enjoy reading about some of the other player's experiences, especially ones that relate or are similar to my son's. In my limited posts about my son I have tried to report the good and bad, and give a feel for the game if I can. I am a coach and instructor, but from the beginning of March to mid-May I am just a parent sitting in the stands rooting for our team and feeling a little nervous every time Jr. is in a big situation. And I love it!

So parents, grandparents, whatever - keep reporting your kid's success and failure, and the vast majority of us on this site will keep reading!
Where a player lives there's no need for the parent to wave the flag on his abilities. It's all out there on the field to be seen. On a board when explaining situations it can be neccessary to explain kid's abilities for an understanding of how they fit into the story. When relating to a post on how a situation can be handled it can be neccessary to describe level of ability. There's also telling the board community about certain accomplishments.

I'll discuss the good and the bad about my son. I've shared stories of negative situations with my son as a lesson for others. I don't think there's any situation out there one kid gets involved with, that isn't happening somewhere else. There's always someone who can learn. But like most of the posters here, he's talented at his level. There will be more positive than negative.

But to keep my son humble I tell him there will be a level where everyone is just as good as he, if not better. Then it's up to him to find an edge (legally). At some point the game will tell him it's over regardless of ability. Even Willie Mays was told it's over. The goal is to go as far as possible whether it's high school or beyond.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by L8 Breaking:
excellent post rz!

i love hearing about the success of all the players, and although i hate hearing about the failures and trials that some face, you never know who you may be helping by sharing that info.

Ditto !

For me it's the diversity. If the forum was limited to the sage well thought out perspectives of a PGstaff or a TPM and many others it would be boring. I crave the newbie wading into the webster posting pool (see dswann) with some inane question/comment about their kid. It's interesting to me to see what kind of game that poster may have and what they do with the information.

HSBBW Is all about the; advice, bragging, questions, comments, rejoicing, commraderie, relationships, experiences, b******g, hate for s****r, tips, strategy, connections, humility, bad speling, chit chat, PM's, upside, downside, projectabilty, Avatars, good days, bad days, mindless postings, cyber kaos, brilliant insights, attidude adjustments, timely suggestions, stepping in it, venting, ranting, taking the high road, archives, fund raising, melt downs, heart felt moments, crying, whinning, coaching, philosophies, karma points, D1, D2, D3, NAIA, JuCo, HS, knee jerk reactions, scouting, preparartion, sacarfice, parents, empathy, humor, good calls, bad calls, recruiting, tolerance, grades, learning.
Last edited by dswann

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