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Your time came and went. You only survive on this board, because of Bob's good will.

You're a tiny little man that has gone as far as carrying on discussions with your self, under two different names. For whatever knowledge you profess to own, your "I'm better than you" personality clouds it.

This "free" web site has flourished due to the incredible people that have passed through. The original websters seldom had many bait-n-burn topics, until the likes of you showed up.

Your act ran thin on this board. Much like it has on other boards that you have graced.......but what do I know. I'm just an ignorant dad, with only a fraction of your baseball knowledge.

Teacherman? That's your handle? Teaching what? What a freaking amusement you are. Smile

Have a wonderful day!
David Marshall
HSBBW is a great source for information, it sometimes becomes a place to vent and sometimes it becomes an arena of debate.

Debate is healthy and a learning experience. What I witnessed and experienced from you was not a healthy form of debate but a means of constant belittlement and attack.

Go if you please but if you stay I for one will stear clear of your posts for fear of personal attack. I don't come here for verbal abuse nothing is "learned" or gained by that.
PS: entent (intent, remember)

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