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TPM, I appreciate where you're coming from, but bear in mind that the roster was not made final until only days prior to their departure for Mexico.

This is not an event where players who are physically unable to perform are put on the roster as an honor. Only healthy players break camp and catch the plane. If you're not sharp at the final trials, you don't get to go.

In fact, this is a big change from when when DK went to Youth National Team trials some years back. Until last year the final trials were held several weeks before the tourney week. Now they're back to back weeks. The whole idea was to prevent the situation where someone makes the team, then gets hurt between that time and the week of the big trip. (USA Baseball had that happen to them more than a few times in the past.)

If you look at the JNT roster, you'll see lots of arms and many of them barely got used in Mexico. Two never pitched at all. Shortage of arms wasn't the problem. No, it's just that Weber won it for the Youth National Team last year, and he'd shown comparable stuff Monday and for 8 innings Saturday. They bet the ranch on the hot hand, forgetting that he was getting over extended. Esp. when you remember that they used him in relief on Thursday, too. As you know when a guy hits a batter late in a game, that's a sign he's hitting the wall. But they left him in for two more batters -- both hits -- and there goes the ball game.

We've had discussions in other threads about excessive emphasis on the RADAR gun and Weber is one who proves the point. I love to watch him pitch. He is talented and he clearly knows what he's doing out there. The fact that he has shined in his international outings last year and this year should make his stock rise in a lot of people's eyes. I just think it's unfortunate he was left out there to take the loss after doing such an outstanding job. Bad for him personally as well as for the team as a whole.

Pitching management aside, you won't beat Cuba very often with only 2 runs. So you have to question the Skipworth thing and other decisions that may have contributed to the lack of runs.
I didn't say anyone was hurt. I didn't say anyone wasn't sharp.
I said it was a long summer with all the events taking place.
There have been changes since DK made the team if I can remember, trials were end of June, you made the try outs, went to Houston three weeks later, practiced for a week and then another week with final team, then left for Mexico. No series of games in the US before the initial games, and was done and finished by mid August. And that was your summer.

Has USA changed things to accomodate the players who wish to participate in summer venues? Or has USA been forced to work on this schedule due to all of the events?

BTW, I came up with this after I read something posted on the PG boards regarding seeing the same players at all summer events. It was an interesting viewpoint.
Last edited by TPM
Just out of curiosity I went to the information when DK made try outs for Youth National Team. His birthday prevented him from JNT the following year. So I do not know when they played.
June 29, 2001 trials ended for east coast.
July 20, 2001 players arrived for try outs in Houston.
July 27, 2001 cuts went home
July 27-August 1, 2001 training and scrimmages in Houston.
August 2-13 Mexico

Just seems to me for all of these players there is so much playing time going on with the USA teams being the final event of the summer, when players are tired.
I guess you mean celebrating his birhday precluded his participation in Joplin for the JNT trials.

Players on the YNT cannot be older than 16 and players on the JNT cannot be older than 18. Playing both both is usually a logical progression.

Looking at the box scores, the coach didn't use the players he had well. If they were actually tired he could have rested some players between games or not allowed players to play in two consecutive games.

I can't find any excuse or rationale to justify the coach's decisions.
All the facts are obvious.

Weber is a great little pitcher and the coach asked him to go further than he could.

The team was not producing runs yet the coach left a proven hitter out of the game.

The coach had other quality pitchers available, yet did not use them.

The coach had other quality hitters available yet did not use them.

The facts are plain.

The only other alternative is that the Cuban and Mexican teams are that much better.
Last edited by Quincy
Originally posted by Quincy:
I guess you mean celebrating his birhday precluded his participation in Joplin for the JNT trials.

Players on the YNT cannot be older than 16 and players on the JNT cannot be older than 18. Playing both both is usually a logical progression.

Did they have JNT back then? I think the JNT back then were considered the college players. The reason being mine was a 2004 grad, one of the younger ones, most of the team he tried out with were 2003 grads. Mine was 16 going on 17. The following year, where he birthday fell, he was too old for the YNT (which I meant)? So rules have changed.

I agree with TR, we weren't there to know why coaches made certain decisions.
Ryan pitched great," Solis said. "Cuba was able to get a couple of cheap hits off him at the end. But his performance shouldn't be remembered for those late hits. Cuba had other opportunities to score earlier and Ryan was able to get out of those jams and keep us in the game."

This statement makes it obvious that the coach was going with Weber in the ninth in spite of the fact that a high school pitcher is usually limited to seven innings.
The only substitution made by the USA team in the entire game was the pitcher for Weber.

Entire series - 39.1 innings
10 USA pitchers used
Weber pitched - 16.1 innings

They had the one player with an .800 average and the team's only home run sitting. They also had a kid batting .429 on the bench while four batters went hitless.

Why didn't he use them?

That is the question that only he can answer.
Last edited by Quincy

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