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Why do we do it??? We need tournament reform! I'm all for the free enterprise system but this is getting stupid!

Let's take a closer look at SOME not All tournament organization.

Recent experience - $950.00 tournament fee, no baseballs supplied, tournament director scheduled all 50 teams to play only one game a day over 4 days. Several fields were absolute **** while the college field and double AA field were very nice. "You must stay at our hotel"??? What's this ****? Oh yes it is the (from hotel manager) we had to up our rates $10.00 because the tournament director wants $10.00 a room. Let's look at it - 50 teams-avg 12 rooms per team = 600 rooms a night x $10.00 = $6000 x 4 nights = $24,000.

$24,000 in room revenue
$47,500 in registration fees
$?.?? concessions
$?.?? gate fees
$?.?? shirts

Let's use the total of $71,500

expsenses - field rental $50 per game x 200? $10,000
Umpires - a total of $75.00 per game x 200? $15,000
baseballs - $0.00

Approx total expenses $25,000
Approx profit $46,000

I'm fine with tournament fees, I'm fine with gate fees but the Hotel stay should be up to the team or individuals. Especially when the tournament gives you a specific block of hotels and then they schedule you games 1-2 hours away from where you are staying.

One other thing - If the Hotel says you must cancel your room 72 hours prior to your stay. Tournamnet Directors should be required to post their schedules 96 hours before the first game.

Schedule came out 48 hours prior - I checked out, got a room from priceline closer to where we were playing for two days and stayed at the same brand for half price and saved gas by not having to drive 80 miles each way from hotel to game site.

We need the right to choose our own hotels!!! who's with me?? anyone, anyone Bueller?
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The whole system is ridiculous. How much to play on a team, then travel and hotel and food costs?? How did scouts ever find talent before showcases and PG and scouting services?? I believe we have been buffaloed into believing that players will go un-noticed if we don't spend our life savings for the right team, the right showcase tourney, the right camp, the right coach, etc.
I understand you-it's like a vicious merry-go-round, and the different orgs. are selling the exposure and the tournaments they go to. I just seems it has gotten out of hand. I don't like being told by the tournament that we have to pay 1000-1200 to enter their tournament and use their hotels so the hotels can gouge us as well.
Txbball14 If you don't like it don't go, that's the easy way out.

I don't think an organization should be able to dictate where you stay, didn't use to be that way. So you are going to be ok when in a year or two they make deals with restaurants and tell you where to eat and where to buy gas so they make a spiff off of you. If Texas teams stop feeding the out of state tournaments and start staying home and play things would change. You would also have a more concentrated area for those scouts and coaches to visit.

Scouts and college coaches will come to the big tournaments where they know D1 kids and propects are but for 95% of the teams that travel believing that they are going to get noticed is crazy! Most of the teams that travel don't even have a D1 or D2 kid on their roster. Unless you're the top two or three level teams with a well run summer organization the scouts and coaches are not sitting in the bleachers out in Guthrie, Ok hoping they find someone thats not already on the radar. Scouts know where the prospects are and they are NOT at a majority of the tournamnets that promote that scouts and coaches will be there.

I feel for the families that can't travel because they are paying $125.00 a night for a room when they could book there own room for $75.00 and now afford the gas to get there.

Let's just call the majority of the tournaments what they are "Baseball Vacations" and lose the hype of the term showcase.

Is it even legal for a organization to mandate where you must stay or you can't play in there tournament?

This is not my first summer rodeo but after many years it is my last. We need tournaments, it's fun to travel with your team. But when a hotel mgr in Ark and Ok confirm what I had thought and tell me they had to raise their rates so they could commission the tournament organizer $10.00 a room I decided to voice my opinion. It is what it is until people change it!
If you want to do what's best for the kids and families, we need to get the Tigers, Dbat, Patriots, Frozen Ropes, Heat, Ft Worth Cats, etc.. to hook up with UTA, TCU, LaGrave, and Air Hog, and get it on.

The clubs could charge more and still save the families thousands of dollars. Quality programs from around the country would travel to Dallas to play here. College Coaches and scouts would be at those games, I promise you.

We had Texas, Oklahoma State, Texas A&M and Houston at a 7:00 Friday Night at South Grand Prairie two weeks ago. We didn't have that at any single game at East Cobb this year. I would much rather play here as a coach.

It is a positive experience for the boys to get to play at some of those venues, but for 1 or 2 games and 50 teams, come on.
Originally posted by Vanlandingham:
If you want to do what's best for the kids and families, we need to get the Tigers, Dbat, Patriots, Frozen Ropes, Heat, Ft Worth Cats, etc.. to hook up with UTA, TCU, LaGrave, and Air Hog, and get it on.

The clubs could charge more and still save the families thousands of dollars. Quality programs from around the country would travel to Dallas to play here. College Coaches and scouts would be at those games, I promise you.

We had Texas, Oklahoma State, Texas A&M and Houston at a 7:00 Friday Night at South Grand Prairie two weeks ago. We didn't have that at any single game at East Cobb this year. I would much rather play here as a coach.

It is a positive experience for the boys to get to play at some of those venues, but for 1 or 2 games and 50 teams, come on.

Agree with you 100%, Lynn.

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