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My kid watched the video and says that he thinks Tebow's hand path  is okay but that overall he looks out of sequence, like a natural righty trying to learn how to swing lefty.

Just saw that an MLB guy who I'll be watching play tomorrow night does not seem to be a big fan.

Andrew Jones on Twitter:

rynoattack posted:
old_school posted:
Bolts-Coach-PR posted:

His swing is a lot better than I thought it would be...

Sheffield: Tebow can be in Majors in two years

swing is much better then I would have guessed but it is still a cage and BP...

Sheffield IMO doesn't do much to sway an argument in this interview. He probably wouldn't be real high on my list of guys I would be going to discuss hitting with.

Why not?  Sheffield was a great hitter!  Probably the quickest bat I've seen, and he worked VERY hard at his craft.  He's probably forgot more about hitting than anyone on these boards...

this link posted earlier by JCG sums up what I was attempting to say...I saw none of this type of thought from Sheffield. great hitters don't necessarily know a damn thing about hitting mechanics or teaching.


Go Tebow!  Good for him. Not a single one of us know for sure if he can make it. And odds are stacked against every (well almost) player who signs a minor league contract.  But they keep signing and pursuing their dreams. Shall we criticize all of them?  He has the money so isn't hurting anyone financially by making a move like this. I can see no down side to him giving it a shot. I wish him the best and hope he makes it!  There are so many horrific back up and third string qb's in the nfl. I truly believe he is out of work because of his strong religious beliefs. What a sad world we live in. 

2forU posted:

Tebow got a ton of bad press due to his showing his religious beliefs.  Believe it or not, he still does.  Lots of conspiracy theories about being blackballed or just not good enough.  He did not do drugs, steroids, or drink - did not fit in with the NFL.  

So you are saying that NFL owners prefer employees who do drugs?

I don't think so.


JCG posted:
2forU posted:

Tebow got a ton of bad press due to his showing his religious beliefs.  Believe it or not, he still does.  Lots of conspiracy theories about being blackballed or just not good enough.  He did not do drugs, steroids, or drink - did not fit in with the NFL.  

So you are saying that NFL owners prefer employees who do drugs?

I don't think so.


You might want to re-read 2forU's response, because that's not what he said.

NFL owners want it all to fly under the radar just like baseball and every other sport.  The do not prefer, just expect players do whatever they have to do - with a blind eye. They have to take the high road, they are owners.  Now you can also see why they would not want anyone who seemed to openly push religious beliefs / agenda on anyone - true or not, they don't want the perceived problem.

No one picked up Ray Rice after the domestic assault incident.  Great running back, had life left in him, very bad mistake, no one wants to deal with the backlash of picking him up.  Everyone knew what happened, but he did not get dropped until the video proved it to the owners.  Dropped him like the Cowboys drop touchdown passes.

2forU posted:

NFL owners want it all to fly under the radar just like baseball and every other sport.  The do not prefer, just expect players do whatever they have to do - with a blind eye. They have to take the high road, they are owners.  Now you can also see why they would not want anyone who seemed to openly push religious beliefs / agenda on anyone - true or not, they don't want the perceived problem.

Swampboy will shut this down pretty soon if it goes much further, so I'll just say that that vocal Christians hold prominent positions in every field of endeavour in this country, from government, to education, to medicine, and to sports.  There is no heathen conspiracy to exclude them. On the contrary. If you want to be a member of an ostracized minority, try being an Atheist.  Or a Muslim.

SultanofSwat posted:

Love the guy. Hate the swing  Based on the one video clip that's being shown, Tebow's swing is terrible.  It's bad for a high school swing.  Sorry folks, it's not going to work.  Whoever he paid to help him should be sued for malpractice.

If he has terrific speed, he may be able to beat out all the ground balls he's going to hit.

Agreed......he may be able to hit a fastball....but he'll never touch a curve.  My son's friend had that exact same swing thru HS....all the power in the world on a FB...but a curve....forget it.  He's a PO in college now, even though he was one of the most powerful hitters I ever saw.  It was natural....nobody could fix it.  If someone has been with Tebow for a year and he's still swinging like that, I really don't like his chances.

We could close this thread now if people like.  Please, no more religious or political comments because it always leads to a degeneration of a thread like this.  Please direct your comments toward the topic - whether or not Tebow is qualified and has a legitimate shot. 

Thanks - your friendly, highly paid (0$/hour), hsbbweb moderator

Matt13 posted:
2020dad posted:

G There are so many horrific back up and third string qb's in the nfl. I truly believe he is out of work because of his strong religious beliefs. What a sad world we live in. 

No, he's out of work because he's no good as an NFL quarterback, not because of some made-up Christian persecution. 

NFL teams will sign players with criminal records if it helps them win. In other words they will sign anyone who helps them win. It seems all those players on a knee, handing hands praying together on the did try hard line after games are religious. And they're signed. 

Here's my specific response to Tebow not being signed due to religious persecution ... Aaron Rogers. Rogers is very religious. He wears it on his sleeve. He's always willing to talk about his religion. The difference is he's a stud QB.



ClevelandDad posted:

We could close this thread now if people like.  Please, no more religious or political comments because it always leads to a degeneration of a thread like this.  Please direct your comments toward the topic - whether or not Tebow is qualified and has a legitimate shot. 

Thanks - your friendly, highly paid (0$/hour), hsbbweb moderator

Good point, I'll delete my last comment about theories!  Go Tebow - make it or not.

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