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Hey, so I've been working on getting more hips in my load, its been a big problem of mine. Here's a link of my recent tee work, just 3 swings, one up the box, one pull and one oppo.

All comments appreciated. Thanks so much.

Also, any suggestions on how to quicken up the process of bringing the mechanics from tee work to the field?
Baseball, it is said, is only a game. True. And the Grand Canyon is just a hole in Arizona. -George F. Will
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You have no seperation between the lower and upper body. Your swing is powerful, but because you commit early in the swing, offspeed stuff will give you difficulty. Its step THen swing not step with swing. You front heel is helping to initiate bat launch. which is bad if your step is mis-timed. If you step and can pause for a split sec before bat launch, then you can batter adjust to different speeds and location of pitches.
Last edited by LAball

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