One game he was warming up the pitcher and as he ran off the field I noticed 2 people giving him a standing O.
I think kids like that always earn the respect of us parents and their coaches. That's a player who's obviously there for the love of the game and is a team player... they play a very important part of any team.
I could share many "good" stories as we've been very blessed over the years with coaching. My now college son has a former HS teammate who is in Iraq. I sent him a care package a couple of weeks ago. JohnLex7, another poster here, told their HS coach and asked for a hat for me to include in the care package. Not only did he send a hat, but this year's t-shirt and a letter to the young man. I know that thought would be appreciated by any kid... but one over in Iraq! I know it touched him tremendously to hear from his old coach. The coach told me "once a General, always a General". That's good stuff!