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Thanks to Tommy Hernandez and the Dallas Tigers!

I just want to clear up some of the rumors I have heard flying around. It is true that I have left the Dallas Tigers to start my own club. I just want to put to rest all of the questions about the reasons. Tommy Hernandez and I are fine, we did not get into it or anything of that nature. I left because I think I have a real good opportunity teaming up with Brian Gaffney and Lance Hayes and building a strong and competitive club. I want to thank Tommy Hernandez for the opportunity that he gave me to help him build his club and for all of his help through the years. I wish him and the rest of the Dallas Tigers the best of luck in the future. It was a very fun time in my life and I am going to miss being around the quality people that are associated with the Dallas Tigers.

Linty Ingram
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Sorry for the delay in response. I am not a regular on here, so I forget to check it.
We are looking for teams, it is starting off small. as of now, we have a 13u team and a 17u team. We would like to have teams at all age groups, but realistically for this spring, we will not have those teams filled. If anyone knows of teams interested, I am all ears.
Originally posted by Linty Ingram:
Sorry for the delay in response. I am not a regular on here, so I forget to check it.
We are looking for teams, it is starting off small. as of now, we have a 13u team and a 17u team. We would like to have teams at all age groups, but realistically for this spring, we will not have those teams filled. If anyone knows of teams interested, I am all ears.

You left the Tigers and didn't take all of Tommy's coaches and teams with you?

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