Congrats! You are exactly right regarding this web site. We learned so much from just reading posts from people that have been there.
I also fully agree with your statements about finding the right school. The kid is the one that has to "live" there, they have to be happy. They also have to be happy with the baseball program. Help them, suggest, advise. Don't push, or force or tell them.
As for the recruiting part. We found East Cobb and Fort Myers to be great ways to get noticed. We also found that it is important to get on good showcase teams that hit the big tournaments and can compete. When colleges come to watch other kids and other teams you are right there too. We got a ton of interest from these two tournaments, not the come to our camp interest. In the end because our son found better college/career options up north we had to hit some camps to get in front of those schools. But it was the stats and numbers he put up in East Cobb and Fort Myers that they liked.
Best wishes to your son!