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Thought about this several months ago but waited until November.
It is now just a few weeks from Thanksgiving. I am guessing that nearly every poster and every "lurker" has a very good reason to be "thankful" this HSBBW was created by Bob, continued by Julie, and made a better place by nearly every poster. What would your day be like if the HSBBW wasn't? How would things have progressed with your son if the HSBBW wasn't? What a gem we share in this site. Seems fair we share our sentiments.
So, I thought this might be a wonderful time to thank Bob, Julie and/or others who helped your baseball journey.
For me, I am very grateful to bbscout who helped so very much to understand whether our son's singular focus on being drafted and playing professional baseball was feasible for someone at the DIII level. Becoming both personal and internet friends with him, justbb, TPM, ClevelandDad, rz1, O'44, Dad04, fungo and so many others has been just Having CD call me one day and talk about his coming to Lansing to watch Jason...unbelievable. To have a chance to share the life of Coach Meccage and the importance of "the dash"...meant and means so much.
To Julie and Bob, thank you!!!

'You don't have to be a great player to play in the major leagues, you've got to be a good one every day.'

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Thanks infielddad for starting this thread. I too would like to thank those that make the High School Baseball Web possible. Like you I have so many people on the HSBBW to thank. (including you). Some are gone (or maybe inactive) but not forgotten. It may be surprising but I want to thank the newcomers that are making their first post because I think those first post are the heart and soul of the HSBBW. When someone asks a basic question like “What can my son do to make the high school baseball team?" --- Or --- “Should my son play on the local recreational team or should we travel?” These questions stir an emotion in me from years ago. That sounds just like me making my first post!! I had those very same questions and the people on the HSBBW would step up and give their opinion. We are all different, (except my California twin brother justbaseball) yet the majority of us share that one common thread of or sons and their baseball. Our level of involvement is so deep that only those that share that same involvement could possible understand what we are going thru during these times.
I especially want to say thanks to Bob for starting the HSBBW and for him giving MANY hours of hard work. Thanks also to others like HiwasseeVol, Bama Bomber, bbscout, TRHit, BeenthereIl, PGStaff, TennDad, Coach Tim (aka Governor Tim) and many others --- way too many to mention. Some may not recognize some of their names but that doesn’t matter. As they leave there are others that quickly step up and fill the void. That’s what makes the HSBBW so special. I want to say a big thanks to all the moms too. Even though high school and college baseball is a male dominated sport (I DO remember Molly McKesson) They have shown me that they are as baseball savvy as any man, plus they have that special way of presenting their thoughts on the HSBBW. And how could we not give a special thanks to Julie for her efforts in keeping the HSBBW alive and well?
Again I want to thank those that are just beginning the process and invite them to share their opinions and questions. Without a question there can be no answer and without an answer there can be no solution.
There always seems to be a catch to anything good but in the case of the HSBBW there is no catch --- no ulterior motive, it’s just people helping people. So, when I set down to the Thanksgiving table, I will remember those on the HSBBW that have helped so many. --- Now would someone please pass the sunflower seeds and the Gatorade Smile
Happy Thanksgiving,
Very nice infielddad and Fungo!

You know a place is great to be when it starts running another place out of business, so to speak. Seems like ever since some of us started talking THIS place up on our local message board...our local one has gotten awfully quiet and this one is much more full of active Northern California posters.

This place is simply the best. I've dabbled with other sites, but nothing compares. I have to agree with Fungo when he says our first-time posters are what keeps this site strong. Their questions often make me think hard about my own thoughts and philosophies on all of this stuff.

And now as I spend my weekend in Peoria, AZ with a bunch of parents of 13/14-year olds (here for a USA Baseball tournament)...I can't help but realize how valuable a site like this is. I hear all kinds of questions in the stands, "where should my son go to HS?," "should my son even play HS baseball?," "what kind of hitting coach should I look for?," "how good do my son's grades need to be to go to the local prep school? to a good college?," "whats college baseball really like?," "how much time do they get for studying?"

Sound familiar? Same questions that are asked here all the time. What a great place this is!

These questions stir an emotion in me from years ago.

Yep, thats it for me too...'brother!' I've got the camera read for the championship game today too. Cool (By the way, how do your Tennessee friends feel about you havin' a half-cocked California 'brother' Fungo? Big Grin)

But 'thankful'...yes, our family is truly, TRULY thankful! You, all of my 'brothers' and 'sisters,' kept us going this past summer. You have no idea how powerful your prayers were felt and how much healing you truly provided. Oh my, we are one family that is THANKFUL for this hsbaseballweb family!

Carry on hsbaseballweb, you ARE the best around! Wink
Last edited by justbaseball
What a nice thought indeed infielddad - we truly do have much to be thankful here on the hsbbweb.

I have never really met Bob but thank you - it took a great mind to conceive something like this but better yet a great big heart.

That is why I come because so many try to be helpful to others and those are the types of people I want to interact with. The best, most moving posts are those that simply speak from the heart. Maybe they show some vulnerability but they are honest and they mean something to me.

When I first signed on, my bio says my best friends are baseball people. All my best friends now exist here in cyberspace. Thanks Julie for continuing the site and thanks to everyone out there for providing me with a wonderful social outlet where we can collectively help each other get our sons to the next level - no matter what that level may be in baseball or in life.
This site is really too much for me to even begin to try to describe. There's support, advice, friendships, compassion. I can't even begin to name the people that have touched my life in some manner.

It goes back all the way to the beginning when I joined. Bob, himself, offered assistance for a kid in another state that he didn't know didly about. Many others have done and offered different kinds of support for him that will never be forgotten by my heart.

That is what makes this site unique.... the people. The Oldies and the newbies that care about one another. Whether its prayers for Justbb's son this summer who was seriously injured, torn labrum or elbows of other posters, or FBM's recent illness, those words, thoughts, and prayers have all been genuine.

I truly care about so many folks here and am thankful to be a part of this community. It is a blessing that I will remember when around my dining room table at Thanksgiving. Thanks to all of you.
Count me in too! When I joined a little over a year ago, I did not have a CLUE about college recruiting. I have learned SO MUCH from all of you as you have shared your successes, failures, and experiences. The friendships have been wonderful too. I got the privilege of meeting and visiting with Oldbat Never when her son and mine attended the same college visitor's day last month. And FastBall Mom and I have been trading emails this weekend as our sons are at the same showcase. It's a wonderful thing to cheer on not only my own son, but the sons of so many on this site. Many thanks to all of you for your willingness to help and your friendship!
I saw this thread earlier today and it caused me to reflect.... 10 years ago our family had just set wheels in motion to transfer our son to a larger school in the middle of his freshman year. Shortly thereafter I stumbled onto hsbaseballweb in it's very earliest incarnation.

The early "welcome, how can we help you" style of Bob Howdeshell and the rest of his earliest hsbaseballweb posters eased the high school baseball experience for our family and encouraged us that, yes, it is possible to PLAN for baseball beyond the high school years.

Along the way I was fortunate enough to meet Bob(featured speaker) and fungo when they(fungo jr) participated in a showcase in my area.

Later, through travels for baseball, we got together again(well, fungo could not pull himself out of the fishing boat) on a couple of occasions. Both gentlemen are as genuine and real in person as they have always been in this forum.

There have been so many others over the years that have always been willing to share, assist, co-miserate(sp), hope, dream and more.... ya'll know who you are.

Thanks to Bob for the creation of this site and equal thanks to Julie for keeping hsbaseballweb headed in the a direction that I am sure makes Bob take continued pride.

I have always taken pride in being one of the "early" hsbaseballwebsters, but I take even more pride in the way that each successive "wave" of newbies assimilates into the spirit of this site! Thank you for keeping hsbaseballweb at the very TOP of information sources for those with serious baseball dreams.
Right on ID....Thanks!...Ain't this thing a hoot!

And just when I figure my own silly little tenure has pretty well run out, it's stuff like your post ID, that keeps me coming back...

...or some New Poster who has a question I can't resist helping answer knowing what it was AND STILL IS everday to need help...

...or Fungo posting one of his thought provoking masterieces...or JB, CD, lafmom, and playbaseball sharing their hearts with me and others over and over....Or a post by the Woodman and Bullwinkle and JT who simply astound me with their creativty...or a TPM post that really make me think and reminds me how much she does behind the scenes for so many...or a pm from caBB and 08DAD who actually make me feel like I am actually doing some good for someone...or a post from the masters PG, , Consultant, coachmerc, coachb25 ...or when I was concerned about my son going to an unknown venue for collegiate summer ball having CoachGRCC and The EH assure me that it was a good choice...Or a call from The Woodpeople...or TR who brings things right into focus...0r 06catcherdadwho is another poster who makes a difference...and those are just those off the top of my head there are SO MANY MORE of you that have made it work for us and others....All of which keep bringing me back.

I am sure that I am not alone in saying that there are times when I feel some guilt for the anmount of time that I spend here. But then I remember (and I don't need to tell you) that it's a tough world out there boys and girls. It is important for us to take every opportunity we can to respect and preserve the best past of our, compassion, caring, friendship and charity. The HSBBW offers us all these things....wrapped up in a stitched rawhide bow by Bob and MN-Mom

Thanks you to all and may the HSBBW live on forever...

Cool 44

p/s...Of course it's also got something to do with the Karma....
Last edited by observer44
Of course, I'll add my thanks as well. I miss Bob but feel thankful for Julie.

Truth is I don't always enjoy everything that is posted on this site. But there is something very special here. It's the number of people who are willing to share their experiences to help others.

It's not about the "experts" it's about the rest of us who continue to learn. It's odd the way a person can respect others who they've never even met. That's the beauty of the HSBBW.
I have to add my thanks too, to Bob for building this great site, and to all the members, way too numerous to mention, who offer their insight and experience to guide parents and players along the way.

Fungo, you really hit the bull's eye - it's the new members and their questions who keep this site alive. Even though I'm no expert, and my son is not yet done with his playing days, it gives me kind of a nostalgic feeling when I see a new member with a question similar to all those that were running through my head and initially led me here. LOL, my first ever post was something like "My 16-yr-old pitcher son only throws about 75 mph but it sounds like all the other HS pitchers in the country throw 90!". How often have we heard that discussion over the years? Big Grin

Thanks so much to those who have questions, those who have answers, and everyone who supports this site in one way or another. And thank you to Bob, most of all!

Last edited by MN-Mom
Having been here from the beginning, I can tell you that this site has grown into the "biggest and best" internet family in cyberspace.

Sure we have our "fights" like any family but at the end of the day it is the info that is distributed that is key.

This site is all about the kids from T Ball thru the pros
How could I forget to mention One Players Pop. Thanks Tom for all the things you've done over the years. Just thinking of you reminds me of Leftydad and the time he poured scalding coffee on my wife out in Waco, TX. It's been about six years now and she still cries when she sees a cowboy hat and a coffee cup together. And what about Ann from Palestine, Texas? Don't hear much from her--- and what about Who's on First?
This would perhaps be an appropriate time to remind anyone who has not made a donation in awhile to make sure and do so...

There are too many great things about this site to list, so I will mention just one: the fact that there are so many openminded discussions about baseball skills and techniques.

For an example, check out the thread in the catching section titled: "Blocking - something new!

A relatively new member posted an interesting description of a different approach to blocking pitches in the dirt. The suggestion was met with several clarifying questions, and requests for pictures or video to illustrate the technique better.

There wasn't a single post denigrating the new approach - there was only a sincere effort to understand it. People, even professional catching coaches, treated the poster with total respect.

Now I understand that this is not always the case with suggestions about technique - just look at arguments that have raged between some folks on the pitching and hitting sections. But those battles are usually just a couple of people going at it.

It is far more common for the folks here to treat each other with kindness, in a true helping spirit. It is infectious, which is why I think this site has remained relevant and fresh for a long long time, and why I think it will continue to do so.
Good post, thanks.

Lots of good things said here so I won't repeat.

I am happy to see lots of new people posting and relaying their experiences, these are feel good stories, and those of us "Old Timers" really enjoy reading your posts. Thank you.

I agree that I don't like some things posted here either, but I am sure that you are aware that I think that those who follow certain topics know when good advice is given and when it is not. That's the beauty of the HSBBW. People can come and take a little bit of this and a little bit of that and then try to make some sense out of it and apply it to their personal situation.

I want to thank those who have been down the road before me, I have learned a lot from all of you and knowing what I do now and learning new things as I go,I respect your opinions and helpful advice.

I thank Fungo for recognizing the baseball moms. I enjoy when a question is asked, how a mom answers vs. dad or coach. Interesting.

I also thank Bob for creating the HSBBW and for Julie becoming the caretaker, she is a special person.

One more person I would like to thank, my friend,Justbaseball. As you all know his son was badly injured this past summer. From his family's strength through the whole ordeal and his son's positive attitude, I have learned that life is too short to stress over the little things in life that happen to our children. Enjoy each at bat, each time on the mound, that's what it is all about. The rest will take care of itself. Don't fret over what's past and what the future holds for your player, male or female. Big Grin

One more thing, as the holiday season approaches and you start making your list and checking it twice, make sure you have included the HSBBW!
Ditto on the Thanks message.

Besides making new friends with similar tastes, the HSBBW has allowed me to blow off steam, impove my typing skills, and have an ear to talk to when those times come up. One good thing about this site it is it has honest people, talking honestly and I would say as a whole there is a lot of mutual respect. Hard to find that now-a-days. I hope that those who only lurk here, and there are many, start sharing their thoughts. Many who contribute on a regular basis are "old school" and while their comments may offer insight and "old timer" experience it's new blood that will make this site evolve. HINT - HINT

Let's all go to Omaha!

I would say most of us would be going as tourist as 99% of our sons don't have teams with those kind of guns. Sometimes reality suucks. The game of baseball has a winning and losing team, however, at the end of our day, when push comes to shove, its all about OUR kid, and how he is evolving.
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As baseball parents, we are supposed to live with the philosophy, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!

Don't forget that little school from Manhattan, last year, one game short of not going to the CWS?

O R A L Roberts, played our super regional, very capable of getting to Omaha, IMO.

Never say never. Just ask the Cardinals! Smile
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OK TPM, I'll bite.. Anything is possible. Do you play the lottery, Why not? It's very easy to look at Omaha through rose colored glasses when the school is a perenial power and has a Tiger in the tank. I wish them a great season but at the same but I can't have goals that high, and I'm a glass half full kind of guy.

In MLB you're talking about 30 teams filled with professionals, high goals are a little more realisic. College you're talking over 250 D1 teams where most schools set their highest goal as an NCAA bid.

This is not a rip on the power schools at all, but rather but rather a realistic view of college baseball.
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I almost don’t even know where to begin to say my thank yous.

HSBBW is a unique place on the web for me – a place with a sense of community, a community that shares a common love for the game that I have loved for decades, a community that is nurturing the next generation of players for that wonderful game that is baseball.

It is also a special place on the web where people freely give of themselves in the name of helping a player to take the next step.

It is a place where people that I regard as my friends come to share their joys and their sorrows, their excitements and their disappointments, their bewilderment and their insight, their triumphs and their agonies.

Most of all it is a place where people come to share of themselves – a community that has disappeared from much of our society.

So this year I have many people to thank – and as soon as I finish I am sure that I will remember someone that I left off the list – so if I forget you – please know that I appreciate all of the posters and lurkers alike who have helped me so much the last few years.

Of course, I have to start by thanking Bob and Julie. I cannot imagine the hours of painstaking labor that it takes to make this place work. Thank you for all of your efforts and for your generosity.

Next I must thank all of the old timers who makes us newcomers feel welcome – Fungo, TRHit, BeenthereIl, PGStaff, bbscout, TPMom, OPP – all of you and many more provide the continuity that this place needs so that what is learned is not lost along the way.

Let me also thank many of you with whom I have traded PMs and, as a result, add clarity to a very confusing time.

Observer44 who really got me started on this site, provided the local knowledge along the way and expanded my horizons across all of the baseball community – thank you for all that you have done the last two years – hopefully 08Son can keep the streak going.

Justbaseball for all of the hints and encouragement of the last few months – I think things are headed in the right way – but your insights reassure me constantly – Thanks. (and as a side note – I am truly thankful for your son’s recovery and return to the mound)

Krak and Texan – it is so reassuring to have someone else who is going through the same phases – may all of our 08s meet on a ballfield some day. Beer is on me!!! Thanks for being PM buddies.

Rob K – meeting another HSBBWer – and learning that there are normal (well at least people like me if that is normal) people out there who also go a little overboard in here at times – thanks…

As for the rest of the HSBBW community - thank you for all that you do - I look forward to many more years of community!!!

08 dad
My children don't understand why we spend so much time on this website. They think it is a "High School Baseball Web." They don't realize that it is so much more.

It is a place for us to talk to people who are just like us--mostly parents (and at least one very proud uncle) who have sons who are crazy about baseball, and who will do just about anything to help them realize their dreams, whatever they are. It is a place to discover that "karma" is the root of so many words. It is a place to discover who the "best hitting instructor" is, and what the "right" way to hit a baseball is--with hips first, or is it hands first? It is a place for us to prepare for that one day when we, too, may "get the call".

My friends and siblings don't understand why we "give up so much" for this baseball odyssey...they surely don't understand that we are not "giving up" a thing. But you all understand....It is a blessing to be able to share our heartaches and burdens with someone who has been there. You understand. And it is a blessing to be able to laugh out loud sometimes...and shake our heads at other times. And it's a blessing to be able to ask for and offer prayers for so many calamities and misfortunes.

I kind of feel like I'm on the Academy Awards, wanting to thank so many, but not wanting to leave anybody out. So I won't, except for Julie, of course! And Bob, of course! And thank you, everyone, because you all make this such a special place to be. But special thanks to the very special people who know who you are...

Once upon a time, my sons had a baseball coach who declared that "It is a small baseball world." I don't think that he had a clue about what he was saying. It's really a small baseball family. It may be dysfunctional at times, but it's a family. And I love you all!!!! cry
Last edited by play baseball
Today on a Special Dr Phil…

Let’s get real and find out who you really are…..I gave this test to Oprah, and she found out that she has issues with relationships and her overall dissatisfaction with her life. How come someone can have so much money and yet so little understanding?

When do you feel your best?
a) in the morning
b) during the afternoon and early evening
c) late at night
d) After a bases clearing triple by your son

2. You usually walk...
a) fairly fast, with long steps
b) fairly fast, with little steps
c) less fast head up, looking the world in the face
d) less fast, head down
e) very slowly
f) when you have four balls

3. When talking to people you...
a) stand with your arms folded
b) have your hands clasped
c) have one or both your hands on your hips
d) touch or push the person to whom you are talking
e) play with your ear, touch your chin, or smooth your hair
f) ignore them, your kid is pitching

4. When relaxing, you sit with...
a) your knees bent with your legs neatly side by side
b) your legs crossed
c) your legs stretched out or straight
d) one leg curled under you
f) gatoraid for your son in the bleachers waiting for the sign

5. When something really amuses you, you react with...
a) big appreciative laugh
b) a laugh, but not a loud one
c) a quiet chuckle
d) a sheepish smile
f) arms pumping and loud cheering

6. When you go to a party or social gathering you...
a) make a loud entrance so everyone notices you
b) make a quiet entrance, looking around for someone you know
c) make the quietest entrance, trying to stay unnoticed
d) aren’t there, your driving your son to his next game

7. You're working very hard, concentrating, and you're interrupted. You...
a) welcome the break
b) feel extremely irritated
c) vary between these too
d) always are interrupted, so what’s the big deal?

8. Which of the following colors do you like most?
a) red or orange
b) black
c) yellow or light blue
d) green
e) dark blue or purple
f) white
g) brown or gray
h) whatever team color he has on

9. In bed at night, in those last few moments before going to sleep, you're...
a) stretched out on your back
b) stretched out face down on your stomach
c) on your side, slightly curled
d) with your head on one arm
e) with your head under the covers
f) rubbing your elbow or shoulder

10. You often dream that you are...
a) falling
b) fighting or struggling
c) searching for something or somebody
d) flying or floating
e) you usually have dreamless sleep
f) your dreams are always pleasant
g) looking at your sons bust in the HOF


1. (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 10

2. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) 2 (e) 1 (f) 10

3. (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 5 (d) 7 (e) 6 (f) 10

4. (a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 2 (d) 1 (e) 10

5. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 5 (e) 2 (f) 10

6. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 10

7. (a) 6 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 10

8. (a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 5 (d) 4 (e) 3 (f) 2 (g) 1 (h) 10

9. (a) 7 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 2 (e) 1 (f) 10

10. (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 5 (e) 6 (f) 1 (g) 10

Now add up the total number of points.
100 POINTS: Others see you as a wonderful parent, wish that they could be you and wish that their son didn’t play the flute in the high school band. Your car is covered with stickers; the back seat is covered with peanut shells and empty bottles of water. Your credit card invoice has words like Nike, Demarini, Easton, Wilson and Mizuno on it and you’re happy to get a second on your home to pay off your travel bills. You don’t yell “Balk” every time the pitcher spins to second, you know what a hit and run count is and you know what your kids pitch count is at any time. You don’t do the wave, but you always cheer your son teammates. You have made the top rung of the evolutionary ladder; you are after all a baseball parent.

OVER 60 POINTS YET LESS THAN 100 POINTS: Others see you as someone they should "handle with care." You're seen as vain, self-centered, and
extremely dominant. Others may admire you, wishing they could be more
like you. However, they don't always trust you, hesitating to become
too deeply involved with you.

51 TO 60 POINTS: Others see you as an exciting, highly volatile,
rather impulsive personality; a natural leader, who's quick
to make decisions, though not always the right ones. They see you as
bold and adventuresome, someone who will try anything
once; someone who takes chances and enjoys an adventure. They enjoy
being in your company because of the excitement you

41 TO 50 POINTS: Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing,
practical, and always interesting; someone who's
constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced to
not let it go to their head. They also see you as kind,
considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them up and
help them out.

31 TO 40 POINTS: Others see you as sensible, cautious, careful and
practical. They see you as clever, gifted, or talented, but modest. Not
a person who makes friends too quickly or easily, but someone who's
extremely loyal to friends you do make,
and who expects the same loyalty in return. Those who really get to know
you realize it takes a lot to shake your trust in your
friends, but equally that it takes you a long time to get over if that
trust is ever broken.

21 TO 30 POINTS: Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy.
They see you as very cautious, extremely careful; a
slow and steady plodder. It would really surprise them if you ever did
something impulsive or in the spur of the moment. They
expect you'll overexamine everything from every angle and then, usually,
decide against it. They think this reaction is caused partly by your
careful nature.

UNDER 21 POINTS: People think you are shy, nervous, and
indecisive. They see you as someone who needs looking after. The see
you as someone who always wants someone else to make the decisions and
who doesn't want to get involved with anyone or anything! They see you
as a worrier who sees problems that don't exist. Some people think
you're boring. Only those who know you well know that you aren't.
Last edited by Bullwinkle
Hi All,
While I haven't posted in forever, I do stop by and check on things. What a great job Julie is doing!

Of all the holidays Thanksgiving is my favorite. Nothing is better than taking time to count your blessings. This website and the many friends and aquaintances made thru it are a blessing.

Right or wrong I have intentionally stayed away from posting or in any way offering input. I strongly believed if the site was going to continue it would require that it did so on it's own, with Julie at the controls. Once again I made a lucky decision .... Julie am, are, is, was, were the right person to continue the site.

I remember the embarrasment of my 15 year old son when I told him that I was starting an internet website about high school baseball ... and the evening a few weeks after the start when he offered the opinion that no one would ever see the site, or visit so he figured that he had nothing to be worried about. Ha how we proved him to be wrong!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Nice to hear from you Bob! Sticking your head out from behind the curtain reminds me of special movie that happens yearly as I've grown up.

Most Thanksgivings the Wizard of Oz classic is shown on the tube and I can't help but to think of the Wiz cast in conjuntion with the HSBBW folks

The Wiz - Bob
Dorothy - MNMom
Tin Man - Fungo
Lion- TR
Scarecrow- PG (looks like the Wiz is checking over a PG scouting report)
Good witch - leave that to your imagination
Evil Witch - leave that to your imagination

And the rest of us are those annoying flying monkeys

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(Shouted with warmth by the usual gang, like shouts of "NORM!" on Cheers.)

What a treat to see your post on Thanksgiving! You don't know what a smile it brings to my face to see your words. And I love your anecdote about your son's prediction for the site!

Rz, the OZ reference was hilarious!

Last edited by MN-Mom

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