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I just wanted to write and let some people here realize the kind of men that we trust our boys to. I sent an e-mail three weeks ago and Chis Snuez (catchaprospect)suggested I post it here. Three weeks ago I became involved in a situation through the fire dept with regards to a 15yr old boy from upstate NY. He was burned in an accident over 80% of his body back in early March. He has been in the burn uint for 8 months now and is fighting every day. The only guarantee with burns is pain and plenty of it.

After the World Series, I was asked if I could get John a signed baseball or anything for that matter, since he's a huge sports fan. I was able to get him a Yankke batting helmet. When I was told of the joy it gave him I decided that I would begin a campaign (Burn Center Project) and contact every college program I could and ask them to send a hat, t-shirt, media guide etc.... well it not only worked but the response has been tremendous. John Sr is keeping track of what arrives but here is what I wrote to the coaches today...
The college coaches have really stepped up...

I just wanted to say Thank You to the programs who had the opportunity to participate in my Burn Center Project. I also want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.

Today I went to visit John at the hospital. He was heavily sedated from having skin grafts done to his chest and rib cage area yesterday. However, I did have the opportunity to sit with John's dad along with Coach Carey from Iona College and just listen and ask questions. This is John's 8th month in the burn unit and his dad has sat bedside for these 8 months with mom visiting every weekend and spare moment away from work.

He was so thankful to all the coaches and schools who have sent hats, t-shirts, media guides etc. It has given him the opportunity to sit bedside with his son, open a package and then talk about what has arrived and then they look up the school on the Internet and basically fact find. This has made everyday a little more manageable and broke up the monotony of what has become reality (hospital life). John Sr told his son he'll be able to decorate his room with a ring of hats when he is released from the hospital. This is going to be a very long process for John. The thought of rehab and what he'll have to endure is another scary thought. John Sr felt comfort in the fact that for just a few moments people have thought about his son.

This is a parents nightmare, one that one could never wish on their worst enemies. Having a son 15 it really hits home and the sacrifices this family is making daily will help me appreciate what I have and truly understand giving thanks..

Thank You Again,

Joe Mercurio
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CoachMerc - That is a fantastic idea... a huge pat on the back to you for thinking of it. That has probably been a lifesaver for this family to feel support from the baseball world as well as have a tiny distraction from this difficult journey.

You are right when describing the life of a burn victim is pretty much pain. A long and challenge journey to return from. And imagine as a parent having to watch your child endure this.

Blessings to you and every college program that has taken the time to care about this young man! My prayers for him and his family.
I would like to publicly thank the following organizations. When I told them about John they couldn't wait to do their part to help:

The College World Series of Omaha
Creighton University
The University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO Mavs)
Iowa Western Community College
Bellevue University

John will be receiving a care package with goodies from these places soon. I hope it brightens up his day.
Coach Merc...

It is obvious that the baseball community will pour out for this young lad. Do you still need "stuff", or is it getting to a point of "overflow" and should we back off for a future date? The marvel of the Internet (thanks Al Gore...) is the miracle of exponential response.

But..... let us know if you still need stuff, money, or whatever.


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ mtns or teepees?

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