Slush & mush everywhere.
( yeap,..still poutin' & throwin' a pitty party! heh! )
Ohhhh spizzlepop,....aloha!!! Yes,..yes,..yesireee bob,...would give right arm & left toe ring to get back to the island, even for just a few days! We played baseball all year long while about a sweeeet life style!!
I miss my ahi poke,...swimming with the honus,..and those blessed sunsets! When we lived there we could see UH's football stadium from our home! I bet your son is having a BLAST!!!!!( Is he playing at UH? ) Tell him we send him our deepest aloha, no matter where he's playing ball!!
Now about this global warming thing-a-ma-bopper. Were you all reading Newsweek on line today? Big article,....lots of info. Too much for this gals brain to take in today, fidel-dee-dee,...we'll think about all that stuff another day. I'm too selfishly busy throwing my own pitty party.
Ok Hoovmom,...careful for what ya wish for,...according to my
weatherman snow fairy,...all of this white-fluffy-stuff is headed EAST!!! Bunker down! Ya just might get a snow day after all!!! Have the hot cocoa & blankets ready! If not,..we'll fill up the back of the truck and bring ya some!! ha! We have plenty to share!!!
In a bit of a better mood. Got a call that one of the three baseball events today may still be " a-go! ". Fingers, batting helmet, and turf shoes crossed!!! There is
hope!Stay safe out there all!! Drive slooooow!! Thank goodness for friends at the HSBBW,...makes the dreary day go by so much faster!!
*** SPLAT **** Snowball fight !!!!!! ***** SPLAT **