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Cold weather stops short-stawp-momma & son in their tracks!!!

8 inches of snow last night & its STILL snowing!!!!! College winter bb camp scheduled for this weekend cancelled,...indoor winter bb league cancelled, summer bb showcase team practice cancelled, daughter's volleyball tournament cancelled. Geesh,....

Anyone else get hit by the storm and stuck inside?
( pout-pout-pout!!! )

I need directions on how to play " blizzard-baseball ", please! Wink

( STILL pouting!! )
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " Play both sports until the competition convinces you otherwise!! " " ...because baseball is just GOOD PRACTICE FOR LIFE ".
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Actually, the snow fits right in with the patterns to be found with global warming. GW can't be measured by whether or not we have some wintery days mixed with warm ones, but the overall health of the planet. Biggest clue: most of the worlds glaciers have melted away to a great degree in the last 15-20 years.

Generally you will see greater swings in weather patterns along with larger and more violent storm sytems as the oceans warm. (It's the ocean temps, not the air temps that indicate GW.) Precipitation that falls will often happen "all at once," as in inches and inches of snow or rain in a short intense time rather than in measured amounts over a normal season. This means increased blizzards, freezes, floods, mud slides, big hurricanes, bigger/more tornadoes, etc.

Not moping, just watching with great understanding.

Guess you'd jump from Kansas tornadoes and snow, to Florida hurricanes and wild fires! Hmmmm. Tough choice.
Last edited by quillgirl
Remember this also PUMA1, our average daily temperature has been 7 degrees higher than normal the past year and the sun seems to be getting hotter and hotter down here around the equator in the tropics in the spring months and especially, the summer months. In other words, we better not get too happy with our one night fireplace usage too quickly because we might be the ones getting roasted instead of the marshmellows this spring at the ballparks down here Big Grin Then, we'll be saying: "That's it,...we're moving"...up north!!! Big Grin
Just Kidding Smile peace shep
Last edited by Shepster
Ready for Quick Trade/swap:

Historical, multiple story, military on-post home. Free utilities and snow! ( sorry, deployments not optional )
Baseball fields located across the street and next door,... Ya just can't see them, right now.

Willing to trade/swap for small beach bungalow, sand preferred and the smell of the ocean mandatory.
( Willing to make our own bb field on the beach using sand buckets and tanning oil!! ) Cool

Any interested parties call:
1-800-goin'-stir crazy-in-the-cornfields!! Big Grin
Last edited by shortstopmom
Unusually warm weather for us here in South Florida this time of year.

BTW, snow thirty years ago in South Florida!

I hope we don't suffer the consequences come summer.

I suppose the wild weather in other parts of the country will bring a new influx of South Florida residents, always does!

Yes, by summer, the heat and humidity will be so awful, more thoughts of going north for many.

South Florida is a constant revolving door!
GW weighs in on GW...

Originally posted by quillgirl:
Not moping, just watching with great understanding.

I'm not moping either and I am also watching with great's a topic of concern...and should be dealt with as far as possible outside of the political realm and more correctly should be sorted out by an honest, impartial, and unbiased scientific community.

Unfortunately the scientific community is split down the same political lines as the rest of the country and world. This divide shows in the results that each consortium of scientists stands behind. This is truly a very unhealthy development and everyone should be most concerned about it. How can we rely on scientists who bring personal and political biases into their research?

I am not painting all scientists with the broad brush of skepticism, but the scientists who get the most airtime to spout off their opinions in the media I am have the least faith in.

As recent doubters of global warning being caused by man's activities have commented...follow the money. The money trail argument is summarily and often used by critics and activists of almost every fairness, concerns of global warming being caused by man should not be exempt from this same line of reasoning and analysis.

With all of that being said...

I've consulted a world renowned and highly regarded meteorologist popular here in the Chicago area regarding the global warming situation. He told me that he has seen no credible research showing an increasing amount of water vapor in our atmosphere. Without this he remains a skeptic of the global warming problem as it is being relentlessly presented to us in the media.

He explained to me that the total amount of water vapor remains constant, but the concentration and arrangement of this water vapor throughout the atmosphere is in constant flux and is not static. He also explained that this migration of water vapor from one region of the atmosphere to another is quite common and this is what affects our weather erratic as they may seem at times.

I'm properly we all should be...but I'm not losing sleep over it.
Last edited by gotwood4sale
Back in the 30's through the 70's Citrus was a major commercial crop in Central through Northern Florida. Orange Park (named for its Citrus Industry)is a just south of Jacksonville. Central Florida all around Clermont and Leesburg up through Weirsdale was full of Citrus. All those trees and industry have been frozen out of existance except south around Lake Okechobee. The winters have been COLDER here!
Slush & mush everywhere.
( yeap,..still poutin' & throwin' a pitty party! heh! )

Ohhhh spizzlepop,....aloha!!! Yes,..yes,..yesireee bob,...would give right arm & left toe ring to get back to the island, even for just a few days! We played baseball all year long while about a sweeeet life style!!
I miss my ahi poke,...swimming with the honus,..and those blessed sunsets! When we lived there we could see UH's football stadium from our home! I bet your son is having a BLAST!!!!!( Is he playing at UH? ) Tell him we send him our deepest aloha, no matter where he's playing ball!!

Now about this global warming thing-a-ma-bopper. Were you all reading Newsweek on line today? Big article,....lots of info. Too much for this gals brain to take in today, fidel-dee-dee,...we'll think about all that stuff another day. I'm too selfishly busy throwing my own pitty party. crazy

Ok Hoovmom,...careful for what ya wish for,...according to my weatherman snow fairy,...all of this white-fluffy-stuff is headed EAST!!! Bunker down! Ya just might get a snow day after all!!! Have the hot cocoa & blankets ready! If not,..we'll fill up the back of the truck and bring ya some!! ha! We have plenty to share!!!

In a bit of a better mood. Got a call that one of the three baseball events today may still be " a-go! ". Fingers, batting helmet, and turf shoes crossed!!! There is hope!

Stay safe out there all!! Drive slooooow!! Thank goodness for friends at the HSBBW,...makes the dreary day go by so much faster!!

*** SPLAT **** Snowball fight !!!!!! ***** SPLAT **
Last edited by shortstopmom


Always glad to see when a trained professional jumps in on this "oh too political" topic. You are absolutely correct. I watched "his movie" on the subject and lost serious interest when, for the first 20 minutes, all we heard was how "he" actually won the election.

Just got back from "mainland" and any one criticising our efforts at improving the environment, need only see what "their attempts" or indeed their mandates by Kyoto entail. No wonder we won't sign... and shouldn't until the real perpetrators are called on the carpet. We live on the same spaceship, and anyone who thinks that changing the MPG of our vehicles is going to change the migration of penguins is simply naive. Haven't seen the sun in China for 6 years, including on sunny days.

Is it occuring? Of course... that is undeniable. Has it happened before? Unquestioned by real scientists. Can we improve our own quality of living by doing all the "suggesteds"? Of course... just don't be so quick to blame the current administration for EVERYTHING on the planet. "He" had 8 years to help, and apparently did little.

I persoanlly think the efforts would be better spent lobbying the govt of Brazil to change what's going on in the Amazon.

Back to baseball... season opener in Colorado Springs in 2 weeks. Bets on getting 'em in? Probably as good as Navy's opener in Tallahassee one week later.

Here in Norcal we generally experience about 6-9 weeks of tule fog in the winter. This year only 2 days so far. Dare I say "knock on Wood"? I like this Global Warming thing (well, only that part of it...)

Heard on the news y'day, a commentator who said when the weather is like this, the only thing between the North Pole and Amarillo is a barbed wire fence...

I remember back at UofM a thousand years ago, a professor once said... do you really hate the fact that the dinosaurs are gone?


I was living in Key West when the snow hit Miami that year. People were going nuts as the storm moved south over the keys.. we were getting hourly radio updates as it had never snowed in Key West before. And it didn't. The storm stopped 40 miles short.

And Kansas Mom, before you think Florida is so great, try spending a summer there without a paddle boat in your front yard.
Last edited by Bum
My son had batting practice last night here in South Georgia. Yes, it is nice this time of year. Having said that, last year we were in a weekend tournament right here in Savannah and had a three game marathon on a Saturday in July when the temperature didn't drop below 100 degree's. Yuk!!! I had to laugh when my brother told me that up in Michigan they will call a game because of heat when it go's over 90!
Sizzlepop, you're not suggesting that Beenthere, the patriarch of the HSBBW, and devout anti-hunter was once a dinosaur hunter in his early years? Naaah! This winter weather has got y’all suffering from cabin fever! As for me, I’m leaving Friday for a week of sailfish fishing out of Islamorada, FLORIDA in the Keys! I’m looking forward to the daytime temps nearing 80 and dropping into the 70s and 60s at night. Hmmmm, let’s see --- sandals or tennis shoes? I think I'll take along some Jimmy Buffet music and some margarita mix just in case the fishing is slow..
Being the considerate husband I am --- I’m going to split and haul some firewood into the basement in case Mrs. Fungo wants to build a fire to break the winter chill when she gets in from work. Wink
As for me, I’m leaving Friday for a week of sailfish fishing out of Islamorada, FLORIDA in the Keys! I’m looking forward to the daytime temps nearing 80 and dropping into the 70s and 60s at night. Hmmmm, let’s see --- sandals or tennis shoes? I think I'll take along some Jimmy Buffet music and some margarita mix just in case the fishing is slow..

I hope you have a terrible time Big Grin

Seriously, no one is more envious right now than me - that sounds like a great time. Make sure you take the digital camera to record any trophies you might catch.
Last edited by ClevelandDad
Originally posted by jmepop:
Hey Fungo if your driving down, stop in Boynton Beach to say hello.

I am not much of a fisherman but I can make a mean margarita and I know for a fact the tiki bar at Islamorad makes an outstanding rum runner.

After you stop off to see JMEpop, TPM is right down the road.
Sandals, tennis shoes, boots, no shoes, etc. are acceptable. Big Grin
sandals or tennis shoes

Fungo,..bare foot tootsies,..its the best way!!
Have a rumrunner on moi!! We'll be thinking of ya! Take pics and come back and share! Ohhhh I am pea green jealous! Pea green, I tell ya!!! cry

Still stuck in the slushy stuff,..and more expected on Friday. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Woodsman where are youuuuu??????,..ya got a pic of a palmtree,..I could really use a picture of a palmtree right about now!
Cabin fever stinks!!! crazy
Last edited by shortstopmom
Those are all awesome tracks. Unfortunately out of my price range this time of year. During the winter I try to stay on the muni's when I can get out.

During the summer you can find some great deals but you have to be prepared to hydrate.

Checked again this morning and they are calling for hi's of 70 Fri,76 Sat and 78 Sunday. It should be perfect. Have a great time.

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