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Lets face it, they are better than the National League. 10 straight losses in a row. Am I bitter? How can Tony justify not using Pujos? I'm sick that the American League will again have the home field advantage and we left one of the top players in baseball for the past few years on the bench.

"Failure depends upon people who say I can't."  - my dad's quote July 1st, 2021.  CoachB25 = Cannonball for other sites.

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Nowdays doesn't mean nothing. Players plays one year in one league and the next in the other. Was rare for me see genuine NL players playing for AL and vice versa. Like Beenthere said: One run game was a great game that any one could win. Even the managers, belong to the other league and not the one that they coached last night.
Last edited by Racab
I think the game could have gone either way. I didn't see any dominance.

I think it is obvious why Tony didn't use HIS player and most likely one of the best all stars there. I am sure that the HR derby took a lot out of him (from my perspective) and it isn't worth the chance losing him in the season line up for one or two at bats.

Score 5-2 and a dropped ball at 2nd that was clearly in the glove. I'd suspect that Roberts catches that ball 99% of the time. Slow runner moving to first so more than enough time to throw the runner out. That set up the Soriano HR that made it closer. Let see, American League 3 HRs and NL 1 HR. 1st K by a NL pitcher in the 7th inning while several by AL pitchers throughout game. In fact, the NL hitters had 9 K's to the AL hitter's 1-K. Remove Reyes' accomplishments and this game, imo, was dominated by the AL. Hey, it's just my opinion. As I've often said, my opinion and $6 will get you an extra value meal at Micky D's.
Originally posted by Flintoide:
I heard no comment on Reyes' failure to tag up at 2nd on Bonds long fly to LF with no outs, poor fundamentals.

Did that ball even make it to the warning track? You'd have him tag up and make the 2nd out at 3rd when he's already in scoring position with the heart of the lineup hitting. Then again, perhaps I remember it wrong and that ball was deeper than I remember.

BTW, THE NL WAS 1 - 16 WITH RUNNERS ON BASE. That means that someone was on early in an inning and then a whole lot of guys struck out and/or failed to get hits. Again 1-16.

I guess I haven't made my case for dominance. However the game I saw until that last inning sure didn't seem like a white knuckle affair.
Last edited by CoachB25
Per the postgame interviews, Albert was not happy about not playing and says he was keeping himself loose all game to be ready. Tony gave one of his signature convoluted answers as to why he didn't send Pujols to bat, aptly described by deadspin today:

"As tends to be the case with La Russa anymore, he's so busy thinking about how he's three steps ahead of everyone else that he walks smack dab into a pole."

Two outs, bases loaded, one run game, ostensibly a game for the fans, NL park. Hmmmm....who might those fans want to see? I know Rowland would come to mind almost immedietly

Why, oh why, would TLR aggravate our franchise player over a flippin' exhibition game????????

I agree with you completely. Bases juiced and Pujols available. There is no excuse plausible for not giving him a shot. He practically won the HR derby the night before, sure he hadn't hit one on his last 74 AB's but on a stage like that I sure wouldn't have bet against him.

What the heck was LaRussa thinking. I am an AL fan but I would have really like to see Albert have that chance.
jmepop, on another message board, I mentioned that baseball fans in general probably wanted to see Albert Pujos hit. I came under some fire because many stated that most fans weren't even aware he was on the team. LOL! Thanks for posting your observations.

Orlando, well, we're 7 1/2 back. We can do this. I do think that with all of the injuries, if we can get a player or two back we stand a good chance of being there in October. Of course this doesn't help. I do really like a couple of the young guys and think that Edmonds might just have to battle to play when he gets healthy. With 5 errors at SS in the last 2 games, I think ECK is safe.
The closest (and it's still a heck of a stretch) any of us TLR watchers can get to a guess at why he did that is that he has had some "success" aggravating veterans into better play; it has worked in the past with both Rolen and Edmonds.

His suggestion that he was saving him as a utility player for extras was a complete non sequitor....ya don't have no extras unless ya tie the game, Skipperino.

TR, I didn't think it was his 'edge' he lost last night Wink

A couple of the Cards' fan sites had all manner of links to blogs and boards for other teams, Coach. They all seemed to feature the words Moron and Idiotic.
I remember as a kid growing up in the late 60's/70's, our rule in sandlot baseball was that whoever won that day got to be the National League All Stars in the next game..the loser had to be the American League. Everyone in the neighborhood hated the American League back then.

And 46 years old...I still hate to see the American League win.

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