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Baseball is a game that requires you to park the family's transportation a great distance from the ballpark for many reasons... foul ball “dings” being the most obvious. With this being the case, we don't like the long trek back to the car so the most important part of the parent’s belongings is “the bag”. From gum, pens, bug spray, blankets...whatever I need, I can find it in “the bag”. Mom’s (and Dads too), give us some tips as to what’s in your bag?? Smile
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All the above, PLUS New Skin, Band-Aids, finger splint, elbow & ankle braces, sewing kit, pencils for the scorebook, the scorebook, glasses(to keep score!! Eek) camera & 2 lens', 8 rolls of film, batteries for camera, post-it notes (to label film), FOOD, & a pack of "Life Savers"! These REALLY come in handy, from time to time, when the kid pitches!
Add replacement bat handle tape, scissors, screwdriver (you'd be surprised how many times that came in handy), antihistemine, hand cleanser and wet wipes, eye drops, flashlight, energy bars.

We referred to it as The Field Bag, and it always remained packed. I still keep a Field Bag in the car (tough habit to break), two years into college -- just haven't used it much!
I've never been able to sit down at a game. I'm pacing back and forth the entire time. If I brought a bag I would leave it at the field more often than not. Plus this gives me an excuse to walk to the car and back (more pacing). It was even worse when my son used to pitch. My car has a lot of stuff in it. I have no idea what's really in there.

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