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Instead of best or worst how about what 5A schools have the best records in the DFW area year in and year out and what are their enrollment numbers to compare the size of those schools with?

Would be interesting to see if the larger schools with high enrollment consistantly have winning programs or is it the smaller schools?
Might make interesting comparisons, might not.
KD...what's wrong with the Marcus coach?? Just because he yells at his kids to inspire them or weed out the weak ones? I was impressed they played as well as they did last year with that team. I bet he does not have parents complaining to him? Does he Oldbat?

Are you still ****ed about losing to them? I believe they beat you in three...sweeping you at your place...correct?

NOW...that you got me started...I would add the other Flower Mound HS Coach to the list of BAD Coaches. Did I say BAD? I meant horrible decision maker. Lets see its almost December...they are probally practicing bunting. Small ball.... Big Grin


Get the season started!!!! This TRAIN is ready!
After reading Train's post it reminded me of a playoff game and I was wondering does

"lightning strike twice?" jkjkjkjk Big Grin

And in regards to parent's complaining to a coach let alone to our coach ,,,,,,,,show me a coach that doesn't have at least 1 parent complaining and I will show you a coach that is either deaf or retired....

Each season isn't there always at least 1 parent that is wanting/needing/expecting more.
Last edited by oldbat-never
I believe they beat you in three...sweeping you at your place...correct?

Lets see....who said 5 games?? THREE games...Keller won game won at Marcus I believe, and lost 2 at home. That equals three PD not five. Maybe they teach things differently in Plano HS's. Razz

Good Coaches IMO.... SLC and Woodlands. Not too bad of successful coaches.....Yes, I stayed away from the one you thought I would mention.
A "sweep" is often interepreted as no losses. I believe PD thought you were talking of a three game sweep (e.g., going 3-0), which would require a five game playoff. Initially, I interpreted it as PD did.

I can see now that you were referring to winning two in a row at KHS. Having lost the initial game, personally I wouldn't have used the term "sweep" when talking about the wins in games two & three. But that's JMHO.
Texan -- you read it the same way I did. I was just pulling Train's chain as he strolled down memory lain, with limited distain. Wink He does indeed refer to a 2-game sweep -- my bad.

OBN -- you're right about coaches -- HS or otherwise. I know nothing about the coach at TWHS, but I think little of his team's behavior on the field. He may be the best coach in the history of the world, but shouldn't that also include losing with class on occasion?

Good coaches -- SWINGDOC! Smile
Last edited by Panther Dad
Originally posted by Old Pitcher:
Jeff Payne @ Rockwall is one of the good ones.

Jim Gatewood is the new head coach at McKinney North and the guys absolutely love him. He hasn't coached a game yet, but I can tell you this....the guys knows what he's doin'. He will have our team running like a well oiled machine this year in my opinion!

What do you have to say FO?

Is Gatewood the former assistant from Alabama?
If so, 9-4A has another problem from Mckinney North to worry about!
Yep, OP, Coach Gatewood is a great guy.

I met him about four years ago when Matt and I took a trip up to Alabama for a "camp".

So, I had an idea of what to expect when that annoucement was made.

I know he has already worked hard making calls on Andrew's behalf.

I am really looking forward to this spring.

Not many Cecil Espy's and Jim Gatewoods around.

With the talent and that type of coach, things look great for a fun run this year.
Last edited by FormerObserver
After mentioning the greatness of Jack Sharp and Cecil Espy it reminded me of the quality John Davis used to bring to his teams, also.

And while discussing high school coaches, I'd be remiss if not mentioning Fossil Ridge Coach Doug Delaney and Northwest Coach Che Hendrix. They're both men of high integrity that believe in developing not only the ball player, but aiding in transitioning the boy into the man. They lead by example.
Last edited by collikar
What is the criteria for a good or bad coach ?
Was Barry Switzer a good coach because he coached a couple of years and won one Super Bowl. IMO, He was not a good coach. He was the benifactor of a coach that built that team. Anybody can coach a group of all-star's, providing they stay out of the way. Again, just my opinion.

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