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Originally posted by aplanodad15:
With the history of posters on this board, I'm not sure anything but winning % is important to most of these parents.

That is a fairly negative and broad-stroke comment about a large group of people. I have found most of the parents that post here are good-natured people who share an interest.

Would you care to be more specific about what you mean...or was it a general comment thrown out there with no real forethought?
"most of these parents" does not include "all" of the parents. My son, like most on this board, has been in select ball for the past 8 years. The parents who care enough about baseball to frequent this site are usually the more "competitive" parents, hence winning is more important. Besides, this board would shrink quite a bit if only posts with "much forethought" were aloud.
Originally posted by aplanodad15:
"most of these parents" does not include "all" of the parents. My son, like most on this board, has been in select ball for the past 8 years. The parents who care enough about baseball to frequent this site are usually the more "competitive" parents, hence winning is more important. Besides, this board would shrink quite a bit if only posts with "much forethought" were aloud.

So, if you are posting and frequenting this site does that make you "competitive" too? Wink

I don't think competitive is an inherently negative trait for parents or players ...competitive to me means you have drive and purpose. Sure, we all like to see our sons win but to me it is not the most important me, development and progress of the team and player is more important than winning.

By the way, aplanodad15, We are glad you've joined us! Welcome to the site!
Last edited by cheapseats
This topic is nothing more than a time filler until we get another 2 months out of the way.

Best coach I've seen around here in the past 25 years was the Duncanville coach. Winning is the name of the game.

Somebody start a new topic and let's quit talking about (I)ndividuals, and start talking about teams. Who is going to make the noise in 5A and 4A in the DFW area.
Since some have decided to point out attendance as criteria, why not use the measure of a coach, the same as has been used as a measure of a country....

Tony Blair has been credited with stating...

"A simple way to take measure of a country is to look many want in....and how many want to get out.

Baseballmom, your son got to play for a great man. Period. One of my son's got to play for two great men.
I've got a question to what makes a good coach?

Our highschool team went to the third round of playoffs two years ago. I've talked to the players from that team and they told me that he let them just play. Let them do what they were used to do. This team had alot of talent though. I think that four players played D1 baseball after and two on scholarships.(oklahoma, xavier, kansas, arkansas). So my question is if you let your players play the game not trying to fix their mechanics but just letting them do what they always have done.
Does that make you a good coach?

If so then Jesuit College Prep- Kevin Williamson and Joe Ray Halsey
first off the players have to know how to play, a coach must do his best to fix mechanics and such as best he can. IMO a good coach is the one that can get his kids to respond in a game, how to approach them after an error or to know when to settle them down that type of thing. Motivation! A team will take on a coaches personality.

im another to say funneldrill is one of the best.
Coach English has won every where he has coached. He is a fair man. I dont like bunting with 2 strikes, but this man has to make a living winning games. I have grown to understand that....and it seems to work more than not. He is honest with players and tells them their role, if they are willing to hear what he is saying. That is a good coach.
Bad Coaches:

Did I mention Marcus?


I looked up these guys up (on their websites.)
FMM Coach - We all know what he did in his first few years, especially 2005.
GV Coach - Dist Champ or Co-Champ or Bi-District Champ or Area Finalist or Area Champ or Regional Finalist,'92,'93,'94,'95,'96,'97,'98,'99,'01,'02,'04.

So, why the "bad coach" labels? Just curious.
Cobra21 -- it appears thsat you're new here -- welcome! This topic is a gag more-or-less but it won't turn in a slanderous discussion. Obviously, there are varying opinions on what makes a coach "good" or "bad". A generic debate along that line might be more interesting than classifying area coaches.

Most of us have had the chance to praise our local favorites -- as important as that is to the guys that read this message board Roll Eyes but, as a moderator, it may be time to shut this thing down.

Concerning HS coaches, there must be a saying like...."one person's prince is another's ___________________"? Smile
Rank the attributes (in order of importance) of a good coach:

-qualifies for playoffs on regular basis
-develops young players on sub-varsity teams
-insists on discipline and appropriate behavior on and off the field
-supports booster club
-insists on integrity by following UIL rules and the proper use of program funds
-provides honest evaluation of players
-ignores HS politics by demostrating consistency in treatment of players and parents
-encourages off-season development by supporting top summer-league competition
-develops pitching despite limited innings during district season
-establishes guidelines for college contacts and recommendations
-promotes players for post-season recognition, when appropriate
-supports proper off-season conditioning program, including baseball-focused weight-lifting and running programs
-shows willingness to make tough line-up decisions
-teaches baseball mechanics
-polices use of suppliments
-communicates effectively

What else?
Originally posted by Melynda:
no, that would have been "Come-back" Coach of the Year! plus, we both LOVE the Marcus coach

Well, although I don't know him personally, I somewhat dig his style.

I appreciate when a little discipline is brought back into baseball.

And all I know, is in the past couple of years, the times I watched Marcus play there was extreme discipline. Wink

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