Since it seems we are forever rained out and doomed from ever playing on a dry field in the state of Kansas for all of eternity ( ok,.so I'm exaggerating and whining at the same time,...forgive me!,..not playing baseball makes me a cranky woman!!) I realized that not only am I grumpy about not being able to watch my son play,..but I am having to cook every stinkin' night during the month of April!! What is up with that???
I'm a baseball mom,...I'm not supposed to cook in April,..I'm supposed to be consuming grilled brats from the bb field and stuffing my face with jalapeno nachos.
Think if I sprinkled a little field dirt on my grill out on the back porch and added some of that famous stadium mustard,... I could convince myself and my family it was a real stadium dog?
Perhaps its worth a shot.
The brat withdrawls are gettting abit out of hand!
..and I'm tired of being so cranky!!!
Who wants to cook in April, May, June, July, and August?
I thought it was against the baseballmom code.