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Sitting in a hotel room having been snowed out in Colorado Springs, watching them hit 'em in the water at The Masters....

Just wondering? Where's the best HOTDOG in baseball? Growing up in Chicago, they were memorable at Wrigley (don't even think of putting anything on t but mustard...), but for my money, I'm going with:

Terwiliger Brothers Field at the Naval Academy in Annapolis

Let the debate begin....


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"Once you've seen how tofu is made you may not want to eat one of these!" That's right.

If you've ever read The Mungle, written by Beancurd Sinclair, you would know what I'm talking about. It's a story of a young mung bean and his family, leguminous immigrants, all working in the Union Crock Yards on Chicago's south side.

The novel is a literal three bean casserole describing the corruption, poverty, and unsafe working conditions that the beans had to endure. It's enough to make you blanch! Trouble and danger constantly simmering...a boil over never far away!

It's just an inedible, soy sad!

Last edited by gotwood4sale
This is going to sound pretty unobjective...but I really mean it.

The best basic (just regular) hot dog I've had in baseball is at Sunken Diamond (Stanford). They're grill-cooked, a little seared, juicy and they must put something on the bun that adds greatly to the taste.

In a way, their own worst enemy in the snack bar because I have no interest in 'upgrading' to their more expensive dogs when the basic is so good. Smile
The colossal dog with sauerkraut and mustard (or the kosher dog) at AT&T Park in SF. I dream about it in the off-season Smile. You can only get it at a couple of concession stands there, not the regular stand but a couple of specialty ones.

Just--I bring sauerkraut to Sunken to have with their colossal dog. Can't have a hot dog without it and they don't provide it.
Originally posted by trojan-skipper:
One time I was at Royals Stadium and the game went into extra innings and I put down 3 polish sausages by the time the game was over. I still remember it as the worst night of my life as I was in severe intestinal pain and I-70 was probably closed down the following day by the EPA.

You did create quite a disturbance that day Skipper...they did close down the Kansas Turnpike the next High Noon...I know you tried you're very best to marshall the willpower to keep 'em down and together, but you had a turbulent time keeping the Polish all together that day for sure!

And that poor guy driving the silver Kenworth pulling a load for The Dollar tore right through him in your haste to get off the Kansas Turnpike at Lawrence. The folks at that Phillips 66 station on U.S. Route 40 weren't too happy with the mess you left behind either...and by the way...that was the women's restroom door you flattened in your sprint to the john! What a mess Skipper! "No more Polish sausages for you!"

And now, for whatever reason, you've got the Phillips 66 Postal Inspectors on your tail! Happy sailing Skipper!

Last edited by gotwood4sale

Afraid I can't agree with assesment of the dog's at the Naval Academy. I will admit it did have potential but apparently in 40 degree weather the freshness factor took a lot away from what could have potentially been a great dog.

I will give it another chance, hopefully in beatter weather.
Originally posted by rz1:
You can talk dogs all day long and they do have their rightful place. But if you want to take the next step in the evolutionary chain of ballpark tube steaks, the bratwurst has no competition, and it's kingdom is WI.

Learn about the brat, be the brat, respect the brat.

If you ever have the opportunity to spend a full day in Kohler WI, I highly recommend playing the Meadow/Valley course in the morning, having a brat and corn/sausage chowder for lunch and playing the River Course in the afternoon (of course, followed by a brat and corn/sausage chowder for dinner).

As to hot dogs, my wife likes 'em at Wrigley Field, my daughter likes 'em at Sox Park, and I like 'em dyed red at the U of Nebraska.

Mike F
Originally posted by Beezer:
I'm not sure if Cleveland's dogs qualify as the best but they clearly have the best condiment...Stadium Mustard!!!

Stadium Mustard is a real is scarce as compared to the other mustards. Here is why.

First a large crew is sent throughout the entire stadium...

Scouring underneath all of the seats, sifting through all of the game day cast offs: soft drink and beer cups, peanut and sunflower shells, napkins, assorted wrappings, and the ever present, sticky Big League Chew wads, looking for the prized and highly sought Nectar of Mustard plastic packets. These plastic packets, after stewing on the concrete with all of the other debris, capture the game day essence of the Jake. Essence that has been literally ground into the plastic packets by the stomping and trampling by thousands of Indians fans and their guests.

Here at Jacobs Field it has been discovered that the largest concentration of what is affectionately known as Yellow Mashed Paste is found in the yellow colored area on this chart. It is speculated, not proven, that during games this area is pelted from above with discarded plastic packets of the highly prized Nectar. Nonetheless, the fans seated in this yellow section seem annoyed and displeased by the shower they receive during each game.

Every precious drop of the Yellow Mashed Paste is then carefully squeezed from each plastic packet and collected for further processing under close scrutiny and tight security...

Rigorous and time honored processing procedures are used to bring you the very best spicy, creamy, condiment for your stadium dog...tinged with that real, authentic Stadium flavor! We're proud to offer you the best!...

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Since it seems we are forever rained out and doomed from ever playing on a dry field in the state of Kansas for all of eternity ( ok,.so I'm exaggerating and whining at the same time,...forgive me!,..not playing baseball makes me a cranky woman!!) I realized that not only am I grumpy about not being able to watch my son play,..but I am having to cook every stinkin' night during the month of April!! What is up with that???
I'm a baseball mom,...I'm not supposed to cook in April,..I'm supposed to be consuming grilled brats from the bb field and stuffing my face with jalapeno nachos.

Think if I sprinkled a little field dirt on my grill out on the back porch and added some of that famous stadium mustard,... I could convince myself and my family it was a real stadium dog?
Perhaps its worth a shot.
The brat withdrawls are gettting abit out of hand!
..and I'm tired of being so cranky!!! Mad
Who wants to cook in April, May, June, July, and August?
I thought it was against the baseballmom code.
Last edited by shortstopmom

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