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...obviously, this is a matter of opinion and there is a thread in another forum that is very interesting. However, I wanted to post this here. I just got back with my daugher from a visit to the University of Southern California. She will choose between there, UCLA, Stanford and the University of AZ and now we have seen them all, and all are very impressive. But what really captivated me about USC is Dedeaux Field and its on-campus setting. It is not the biggest nor the most spectacular, but with its location and first-class nature in every way, this has to be the finest overall college facility in the nation, and with its year-round beautiful weather and top-notch university I cannot think of a better place for college baseball.
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I'll speak for Fungo. I don't have much experience with college baseball stadiums or the experiences but my son is starting to understand some of the venues in the Southeastern US. When he is impressed with some place he lets me know.

So far, he said he could not believe Auburn's facilities when his team visited there last year. He said they were first class and the nicest he had ever seen.

#2 for him was Clemson. They played there a few weeks back on a Tueday and there were almost 5,000 fans. That left an impression on him. Also loved the facilities.

#3 East Carolina - played there last year in a midweek contest and said there were almost 3,000. Also loved the stadium.

#4 North Carolina - he loved it there too.

Really, I believe you are splitting hairs between many of these places. I have heard nothing but good things about the places jemaz has visited as well.
The SEC is great for the big bang effect. Heck, nearly everyone of those ballparks is at least AA quality, maybe even AAA. But, for a college setting and the entire package (including the weather, traditon and other things, including the co-eds), I just can't see anything that tops USC. You walk up Mark McGwire way under 12 national championship banners into the stadium where you encounter a display that lists the USC alums who have been either All-Americans or Major Leaguers and you are staggered by the talent that has come through the place. And if that is not enough, you can go visit the coaches in their office and on the way pass through a lobby where you will find display cases containing seven Heisman trophies and too many national championship trophies in nearly every NCAA sport to count.
Last edited by jemaz
Good point about Ohio State Bee> - my son played there in high school and loved it. I think the playing experience for him at UNC was a good one. We really didn't discuss the facilities all that much. Penn State just built a brand new ball park with mountains in the background Smile luvbb can provide more commentary on that.

I should add. jemaz's point is not lost on me. There is more to it than just nice facilities.
Last edited by ClevelandDad

BYU has a very nice venue. Looking out over Left and Center, is the Wasatch Range in all it's Glory. Think Robert Redford in Jeremiah Johnson. They fill it every game with some of the down right nastiest fans in college baseball.

Actually the entire Mountain West Conference probably has the largest number of great Ballparks:

New Mexico - Isotopes AAA Albuquerque
Utah - Franklin Covey AAA SaltLakeCity
TCU - fairly new and very impressive
UNLV - nice, nice ballpark, 4 blocks from the Strip
SDSU - Tony Gwynn Stadium, including Jumbotron
BYU - the LDS (Mormons) spend a lot of $ on their kids
Air Force - terrible park, but a hitter's paradise at 7450' Elev. and a prevailing "outwind".


Originally posted by AcademyDad:
BYU? Nastiest fans? Go figure.

It fools and confuses me everytime I go there. All I can figure is Very competitive and they're smart too... But a lot of the time... downright mean spirited..

If I had several wives...
...I would be downright cranky, too!
(as I duck the flying pots and pans from MN MOM and gang)
Last edited by JT
Clevelanddad...I know we always have this "friendly" rivalry going between Ohio State and Penn State Smile....BUT having been at both Ohio State's AND Penn STate's new ballpark...I can honestly tell you THERE IS NO COMPARISON (and I thought Ohio State's was pretty darn impressive when I was there last year...or, it could have been due to the company I was keeping Wink)! Penn State's new stadium and facilities are just UNBELIEVABLE. Also, for a northeast program, we have been drawing close to 2000 for games where the weather conditions haven't been ideal yet. I know those numbers do not compare to the SEC, but they aren't too shabby.
Of the school's mentioned in the original post (and I am a loyal USC graduate)- Stanford's facilities over SC hands down.

ucla's field is nothin' to write home about and is across a freeway from campus. I've seen it but don't recall AZ's facilities all that well.

USC's field is certainly nice, but seating is pretty much just ok, temporary type bleachers were added to boost capacity to qualify to host super regionals, batting cages etc. are so-so at best. The screen behind homeplate also has too many angles to it and you get some really bad site lines and blind spots here and there.

Stanford's field is, like SC, on campus and from there, I think vastly superior to SC. Better and more plentiful seating, better site lines, better food (you gotta eat) and vastly superior batting cages, locker room etc.

Those 12 championship banners for my Trojans are tough to beat, but..

besides, other than games against Stanford and ucla (and ncaa tournaments which SC has "avoided" past few years), USC draws very poor size crowds for most games.

I don't think the field or facilities are much at Pepperdine, but the view of the pacific ocean is amazing. The rest of the college stadiums in California are ok (Fullerton is nice, as is Cal Poly SLO) but nothing comes to mind that is outstanding.

Overall, I think Oregon State has a great field, and there is Auburn and others that would be considered over USC also me thinks.
I posted this in that other forum.

While a school from the "snow belt" will never have the facilities, I doubt there is a college field in the country that has the backdrop the Univ of Illinois-Chicago has, and then combine that with the "big city" entertainment opportunities. The pic link below was taken by Stickwatcher a couple year ago does not do justice to the actual view. The Sears tower is the big building that is about a mile or so away, Lake Michigan, Little Italy, Greek town, Navy Pier, Museum of Science/Industry, Shedd Aquarium, (largest indoor aquarium in the world), Michigan Ave, and all the "blues" you want to listen is all within walking distance. If you want to see some other baseball, Wrigley Field and Cominsky Park are very close and Soldier Field home of "Da Bears" is also in the "hood".

Sometimes that college setting can be reflected in other life experiences. My son had a pc HS life, and will leave college with a good idea of "life in the big city". While he will probably never live "metro" again, as parents we stress variety, and Ryan has said that he would never exchange the life he has lived the last 4 years. That is what I call a "real life" education and an alternative college setting.

Les Miller Field - UIC Flames
Last edited by rz1
Genius #1 has played at a number of beautiful stadiums throughout the southeast, with most of his experiences being with SEC venues. Auburn has long been a favorite of mine. But this week, Florida had the opportunity to play against Florida State at a neutral site...Jacksonville...minor league home of the AA Jacksonville Suns... I realize this is not a pure college venue, but with 12,280 fans in attendance, nearly equally divided in allegience between the two schools, in a stadium designed to sit something over 10,000, it made for an electric college baseball experience. Son and his teammates said it was amazing. (Oh... and just to be clear... Florida won 17-6. Go Gators.)
Last edited by FloridaHokie
I'll second PG's nomination of Nebraska. A beautiful park with 4000 diehard baseball fans at every game.

Add this to another 4000 football fans that stop by every game and the stadiums filled with 8000 total.

When they play Creighton at Rosenblatt it's not unusual to have 10 to 12 thousand. I doubt if they had near that number earlier this year when it was cold and rainy.

How many seasons do some of these west coast teams have to play before they reach the numbers other teams have in one game?
The stadium in Jax is a great venue.

That ocean backdrop must be a beautiful setting.

My son has been to Nebraska's field twice and agrees it is one of the nicest venues he has played in as far as scenery goes.

I have been to GA Tech stadium twice at night, and love the night time setting in the backdrop with downtown Atlanta all lit up. It is one of my favorites. Smile
Last edited by TPM

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