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Cabbage (college freshman) is enjoying reuniting with several of his old HS teammates who are back in town from college for Christmas Break. Earlier this eve, he came home to tell me he was going to a big “ugly Christmas sweater” party tonight and, of course, asked if I had something he could wear.
Unfortunately, yes, as a matter of fact I do. My wife and I pulled down a box from the rafters so he had plenty of my old sweater vests to choose from. Within ten minutes, several of the boys show up at the door. Word had spread. Cabbagedad has enough ugly sweaters for everyone. Come one, come all. Plenty of ties to match, too.
Now, I’m not a big guy at all. One of the basketball players is about 6’8”, 225. One of the football players is a D1 linebacker. When they put the sweaters on, well, in the words of the famous Chris Farley, “Biiig Guuuyyy in a Liiittttlllle Coat”. My wife couldn't help herself - made some of them take a picture together.

Talk about a mixed bag of emotions...
-Great to see some of the boys again
-Seems like just yesterday we were taking a picture of the same boys for HS Prom, and after baseball and basketball playoffs
-They've all grown and matured and moved on in six short months
-They're all wearing my sweaters that I haven't seen in 20 years, that's wierd
-Any time with our kids now is so precious and appreciated
-Did I really wear those things?

I hope all of you parents of college students are enjoying having your kids and their friends around for the Holidays as much as we are.
Merry Christmas!
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