My junior son has been actively visiting campuses this year and it's been interesting to watch his vision of college life (and beyond) begin to crystalize. He loves baseball, and it has always been his goal to play in college. He's done everything possible to make that a path that's available to him. But I sense a shift...
He has become just as excited to see a fully-equipped lab with exciting research happening as his is going to see the baseball fields. He is actively contacting professors in his chosen field in the exact same way he does coaches--maybe with even greater excitement. I think he is trying to figure out how to make both things work for him, but I'm beginning to get the sense that if push comes to shove, he'll choose a good research situation over his beloved baseball...
Interesting and exciting and gratifying, but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't be a little bit sad not to see him in a uniform after senior year. <sniffle.> I'm feeling verklempt just thinking about it.
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