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The $64,000 question, which school, overall, would you choose?.

Anyone prepared to pay $64,000 for college, should consider baseball the least in making that decision.

At some point, let's say $64,000,  the cost of college means you have to factor in the educational benefits so much that the baseball part doesn't really matter.  Still nice if you can have your cake and eat it too.

Haha, the male/female ratio seems to "worry" a lot of the boys out there.  But remember Hoboken/NYC are very vibrant cities with a high concentration of young people.  Social interaction with students at other local universities through fraternities/sororities, clubs, athletics, etc. provides plenty of social contact with whomever you may seek. 

Last edited by Tallydad
PGStaff posted:

The $64,000 question, which school, overall, would you choose?.

Anyone prepared to pay $64,000 for college, should consider baseball the least in making that decision.

At some point, let's say $64,000,  the cost of college means you have to factor in the educational benefits so much that the baseball part doesn't really matter.  Still nice if you can have your cake and eat it too.

I don't think any colleges my 2016 looked at cost less than $60k.  In the end baseball helped get him in to a school that will cost us $64k per year.  I should have my head examined.  

We did do some research and the school he's attending is highly ranked for average income after xx years (using a link I believe I found here) so hopefully he'll work hard and his degree will help him.  But, if I gave him the $64k, with the understanding that it would be invested and not spent on xbox or clash of clans, and he got an entry level job and worked just as hard as he will (in theory) work at school - under which scenario do you think he'd be better off? don't need your head examined. If you can afford it and your son can continue the game he loves then go for it! Of course he will be better off with the degree! I disagree with the post that baseball should be the least of considerations when making a private school decision. I do agree that education should come first and you should not go to a school only for baseball. I am just a mom but have been reading posts for about 18 months now....seems to me that there are those that have the attitude if it is not D1 and a scholarship then why bother....need to realize there are others out there that have different goals and respect their decisions!


I sure didn't mean to be disrespectful.  Let alone try to say why bother.

Probably could have worded it better, but my point was if college is going to cost that much, the educational benefit has to be the primary concern.  Not necessarily the only concern.

I do realize there are others out there that have different goals. I think everyone realizes that. And I did say it is nice if you can have your cake and eat it too. (Great education and Baseball)

Guess my point was, if two schools cost $64,000 and one is stronger academically and the other stronger in baseball, I know which one I'm going to choose.  I know it isn't always that simple. If baseball was my biggest concern, I could probably find several colleges that weren't that expensive.

I certainly have nothing against kids going this route, in fact I support it.  I spent several years coaching at the small college level.

So I apologize if my comments offended anyone. That wasn't my intention.


When son had choices that included choosing a $64,000 school with academics over one where baseball was top notch, he chose the one that would provide the better future after baseball as he was very aware that a baseball career can end suddenly for many reasons.   I do think that decision hindered his baseball career, but I agree with my son in that it was the right decision for him.

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