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Big topic around here.

It's amazing that in 2014, that this is a story and blowhards like Boomer Esiason and Mike Francesa call this guy out and Esiason going as far as saying Murphy's wife should've just went for a C-section like it was an inconvenience to have a kid on opening day and should've opted for it. When did Esiason get his medical degree? After all, isn't Murphy in the right considering he gets 3 days according to the CBA? I wonder where these peeps get the stones to say how people should live their life.

Last edited by zombywoof
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Yeah, Boomer's being a jerk. But I think that people who get paid to fill the airwaves or the op-ed page, or the blogs, or whatever, often stake out a position on something just to give themselves a way to use up a 20 minute segment or column or whatever.  


Murphy should take the whole month off IMHO.  It's not like the Mets are going anywhere.

Go44dad, you took the words out of my mouth.


What passes for a controversy these days is when someone says something stupid and all the couch potatoes take to FaceBook or some such to write flaming commentary. 


To me, there is no controversy.  An employee asked his boss for time off and the boss agreed.  Apparently this is news just because it happened in sports and not at the local bakery shop or something.


Though I suppose if the boss had said no, that would've generated a whole spate of internet flame wars of its own.  Maybe we could boycott the business and demand the boss's firing, etc.  Why do I feel like some people were disappointed that they got cheated out of this?


Yes, and and they make mountains out of mountains too. For example a certain missing airliner.


Tonight on Sports Center there will be endless talk about Puig getting benched for being late to the park for the Dodgers home opener.   That's a legit story, but it will be talked to death.


You hear stupid comments from media folks all the time...and you always hear that one that makes you think "well, nobody will every make a dumber comment".  Then one day...someone always finds a way to do it. did it.  You're number 1....until someone else comes along....the trophy is on the way to you

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