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FALLBROOK, CA - It was a rough day to be a moose. Several were stalked by helicopter, captured with a net, blindfolded and then airlifted to trailers for a six-hour drive. The moose woke up in California on Friday but were going to sleep in Colorado.

The strategy helps The High School Baseball Web cure a moose overpopulation while raising the number in Colorado. In return, the HSBBW will get more monkeys.

"I equate this to alien abduction. It's got to be that traumatic," said Dean Riggs, area wildlife manager with the Colorado Wildlife Division.

Wildlife officers hope to catch 25 moose through Saturday in southern California and transplant them to western Colorado.

Though Utah's overall moose population of 4,100 is on target, there are about 400 too many about 15 miles northeast of downtown San Diego, said Justin Dolling, a wildlife manager with the California Division of Wildlife Resources.

Too many moose can mean a loss of posting habitats, which leads to weakened websters or ones wandering in populated areas trying to find food.

On Friday, wranglers in a helicopter shot nets over the moose. A person called a "mugger" tied the animals' legs and put a blind over their eyes and cotton in their ears.

"I've never mugged a moose, but I guess they're pretty wimpy once they're on the ground," Dolling said.

The moose were then released from the net and wrapped in a large canvas sack to be airlifted to a staging area where veterinarians examined them and gave them antibiotics.

The moose got radio collars and a quick exam to check for disease before crews of eight to 10 people put them into horse trailers.

As the trailers headed to Grand Mesa National Forest, east of Grand Junction, Colo., Riggs said his agency was baiting little monkeys to give to the HSBBW.

About 20 monkeys are expected to be released in the General and the Men Only forums in the HSBBW.

Such interforum swaps are common in the region.

"If it's not moose or monkeys, it's Tigerpaws and Bees>," Riggs said. "If all goes well, in a couple of months, we'll be shipping monkeys back."
Last edited by JT
The moose were then released from the net and wrapped in a large canvas sack to be airlifted to a staging area where veterinarians examined them and gave them antibiotics.

The moose got radio collars and a quick exam to check for disease before crews of eight to 10 people put them into horse trailers.

So as the MOOSE was strapped down, A Poster with BIG HANDS And rubber gloves, Proceeded to do a #%^^#&#^
%$#^%$#^%&&##&, Check.
And then they did a ^U%$^U%$&^$%$&*$&Check.
How Embarrassing??
All the other captured Mooses watching??
My goodness, for a minute I thought it was a joke. That poor poor moose hanging in the air like that ... I would have been puking my guts out being that far above ground, blind folded or not.

We don't have a moose population problem here in Orange County except on the week-ends when the Anteaters are playing baseball at their home field. We have done everything possible to keep the Dept of Wildlife (or whatever it is) away from Anteater field on those week-ends, as I am sure they would not think kindly of having a moose walking around with no reins or form of control, and they might take him into custody.

Thanks for sharing, FO. We are all thinking warm thoughts now of our beloved HSBBW Moose now that we have seen what can happen to the unprotected of his species.
No worries about those moose, FBM. They might not enjoy the transplant experience, but they generally do very well through them. This is progressive wildlife management well excecuted. Utah has habitat for more Bighorns, and Colorado for more Moose, so everyone wins, especially the animals.

Now, as for everyone's favorite anteater, that's another story....
Official Moose Rap Song

Dam Moose, vam moose,
get yer -- get yer -- get yer
Dam Moose
I got the hag, the tag, the stag, who wants to wag
Put 'em in the bag
Hold 'em in the head, instead he wants you talking to the Feds
Dam Moose, vam moose,
get yer -- get yer -- get yer
Dam Moose
He's loose, where's the noose, back to the
Northern roost
Dam Moose
Bullwinkle's decision on HS Football Web offer expected soon.

By: Fawn M.E. Overnow
USA Today Staff Writer.

Monday, January 08, 2007

According to two sources, the HS Football Web on Monday made Bullwinkle an offer through his agent, Jimmy Sexton. The deal, for eight to 10 years, would be worth approximately $40 million in guaranteed money, making Bullwinkle the highest-paid poster on the World Wide Web. reported that Minnesota officials expect a decision from Bullwinkle by this afternoon. The Birmingham News reported on its Web site that HS Baseball Web Director MN Mom traveled to California on Sunday afternoon.

At his season-ending news conference Monday, Bullwinkle continued to try to deflect questions about HS Football Web. When asked whether an offer from HS Football Web was on the table, Bullwinkle said, "I have not talked to anyone."

He also repeated the heart of what he said Sunday on the HS Baseball Web site.

"I am committed to doing my job well here because this is my job," he said Monday, "and that is what I have done all day and that's what I will continue to do."

Bullwinkle, who has three years and $13.5 million left on his contract with the HS Baseball Web was believed to be undecided Monday afternoon about what he should do. Bullwinkle told some posters in their one-on-one, season-ending meetings that his decision still was up in the air, a source said.
Bullwinkle is said to be having a hard time reconciling a possible decision to leave with his earlier statement to his posters that he would stay. That was a promise he did not make to his Baseball Resource Web Master before joining the HS Baseball Web on in 2004 after five seasons with the BR. Bullwinkle also said publicly Dec. 21, "I am not going to be the HS Football Web main contributor."

Monday, in an effort to persuade Bullwinkle to stay, HS Baseball Web owner MN Mom flew to Anteaters camp on her helicopter to visit with her franchise poster. It is not known whether MN Mom offered Bullwinkle more money or a contract extension.

Bullwinkle said the meeting he had with MN Mom was not out of the ordinary. "I met with her and we meet quite often," Bullwinkle said. "I don't think there is anything that I'm willing to discuss right now. I think its organizational business - what the future of the HS Baseball Web is, what we need to do, and some of the things that we are talking about right now. That's what we talked about."

Bullwinkle said he would start "just about immediately" to work on improving the tempo and gags for next season and the new year. The first order of business, he said, would be evaluating google vs. yahoo search engines. Bullwinkle and his computer also will spend a lot of time preparing for the upcoming baseball season
Last edited by Bullwinkle
I have to 'fess up.

I broke my New Years resolution - in just 5 days.

First - I was invited to fly the helicopter used to bag the moose. I accepted.

Then - after I conveniently dropped a few of the moose near a log cabin that I am known to frequent - I cooked one of the biggest Moose meals ever.

Then - I ate like there was no tomorrow.

Here is the Moose recipe I whipped up this past weekend. It was a huge hit with my fellow "campers".

Citrus Moose with Brown Sugar Glaze:

Find some Moose.
Lift them up in the air using a helicopter and some rope.
Drop them near a cozy place with a nice oven.

Make your moose patties - about 1/3 pound each - bone in. Pat dry.

Smear Grey Dijon mustard over the Moose patties. Salt and pepper to taste. Place Moose patties in casserole dish.

Add 1/2 cup chopped onion into casserole dish - and then cut butter tabs into quarters and place on top of Moose patties. Pour in 2 cups of Orange Juice all around the Moose.

Put in preheated oven at 375 degrees
Bake for about 30 minutes - basting once or twice.

Then turn Moose patties over - sprinkle liberally with Brown sugar and put back in oven for 20 minutes.

When Moose is done - pour liquid from dish and boil until it thickens - then pour all over Moose.

Then eat the Moose - and wash it down with some grog.

"He also repeated the heart of what he said Sunday on the HS Baseball Web site.

"I am committed to doing my job well here because this is my job," he said Monday, "and that is what I have done all day and that's what I will continue to do."

Bullwinkle, who has three years and $13.5 million left on his contract with the HS Baseball Web was believed to be undecided Monday afternoon about what he should do. ...

Monday, in an effort to persuade Bullwinkle to stay, HS Baseball Web owner MN Mom flew to Anteaters camp on her helicopter to visit with her franchise poster. It is not known whether MN Mom offered Bullwinkle more money or a contract extension.

Bullwinkle said the meeting he had with MN Mom was not out of the ordinary. "I met with her and we meet quite often," Bullwinkle said. "I don't think there is anything that I'm willing to discuss right now. I think its organizational business - what the future of the HS Baseball Web is, what we need to do, and some of the things that we are talking about right now. That's what we talked about."

Bullwinkle said he would start "just about immediately" to work on improving the tempo and gags for next season and the new year. The first order of business, he said, would be evaluating google vs. yahoo search engines. Bullwinkle and his computer also will spend a lot of time preparing for the upcoming baseball season."


MN-Mom was later reported to comment:

"The Bull is obviously a key contributor and our organization has depended heavily on his contributions to the team at key times. He is definitely a team player, which is very important to our team. Actually his kind of player is becoming very scarce, which some have attributed to the actions of another member of our team - ITS no secret. You could almost call him a dying breed. I cannot comment on his salary and bonus package, but I can tell you that pound for pound, he's worth his weight in - well, some would say prime rib I guess. No further comment."
We have devised a marketing plan that allows a few of us to be captured, then we look sad and uncomfortable, make newspaper copy, then call the Sierra Club to get most of released. Yes a few get cooked….but those that have perished have done so for a profitable service. We have even created the Moosewood Cookbook, in which humans think they are getting recipes for cooking Moose, but in fact it is a vegetarian cookbook!

The Moosewood Cookbook has made our kind very wealthy, with the money from my share; I have built a 5000 sq ft house in La Jolla. I picked the San Diego area due to the fact that most of the humans think that I am an overweight Hollywood party monger with money to burn. No one is the wiser, and most are happy to share the surf with a long boarder.

Once in a while, a few of our brethren upon release smirk….Unprofessional yes, but overall they smirk because we know that you dreadful humans are paying our Moose Lodge to have the right to eat our poop. That product is our biggest profit margin. It is in large supply and easy to produce. All we have to do is package it and release it to the stores.

Here’s the link…..just in case you or your spouse has an upcoming birthday!

Strictly Moose

Moose Poop Jewelry (scroll down, Mrs. Its is wearing one now!)

Moose Candy Dispenser
Last edited by Bullwinkle

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