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Too funny Josh!

Then there's always thee...



Some of the "Old Timer's" favorite to the "Newbie's"...

"Why don't you just relax, and just let things just play out!"


"That Topic / Subject has been discussed at nauseam! Try using the Search Bar first, next time!"  

(*BTW...Just don't make the mistake of then posting on a Topic, that you've pulled up by using the Search Bar! Because, the only reply back to your reply comment / question to an older Topic Post, is a guaranteed..."Reminder" of just how OLD the original post was! LOL!
Last edited by Shelby
Originally Posted by fenwaysouth:

The most popular phrase on this website used to be...


Whatever "pet name" TrHit and TPM had for each other on a particular day.  I miss the public banter.  Ah, the good old days.  

This board was a constant source of entertainment! Feels sort of like the wild west now looking back. The most popular phrase of late seems to be "this thread has been closed and/or sanitized for your protection". In the more recent past, Bum always had a certain way of separating the wheat from the chaff 'round here.

Originally Posted by fenwaysouth:

The most popular phrase on this website used to be...


Whatever "pet name" TrHit and TPM had for each other on a particular day.  I miss the public banter.  Ah, the good old days.  

I have to admit that I do miss TR.  Sometimes in life you don't miss something until it is gone.

The one thing about TR, he understood what this site was all about, even being cranky often, he understood it all, unlike some others who come here and post. We bith had a passion about the hsbbw that was mutually understood between us.


Now the above comment may not be received well but that's...............JMO.


Yup, nothing like the good old days!

Last edited by TPM

I keep a document list of all the phrases I like from this site.  It's about 3 pages long now.


One in particular now that I have a HS senior is "play every game like it is your last, because it just might be."  


To paraphrase for parents: "go watch your son play every chance you get, because you never know when his last game may be".

Originally Posted by keewart:


I keep a document list of all the phrases I like from this site.  It's about 3 pages long now.


One in particular now that I have a HS senior is "play every game like it is your last, because it just might be."  


To paraphrase for parents: "go watch your son play every chance you get, because you never know when his last game may be".


Keewart ~
You have a PM...or, I guess that I should say Dialog! 
Originally Posted by CoachB25:


From the days of the hitting wars, it used to be "which hitting guru is the best."  I'm kind of glad those days are somewhat over. 


...or Pitching Guru!

Personally,  my favorite is, and is what I actually refer to him as...our "College Financial Aid Guru!"

Oh, I know one can probably do this themselves, but life has been kinda hectic & it is one less thing that I have to handle, or worry that I'd screw it up, miss deadlines, etc. Been a Godsend!

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