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Well....A lot of people have talked about the PBR generating a lot of interest in HS Baseball and it has lived up to that billing in more ways than one.

I hope no one thinks that it is wrong or sacrilege to differ in opinion with the PBR in spite of the extremely high place it has earned amongst us. There is however a big difference in disagreement and disrespect.

I think it's OK to say that you agree or disagree with a team ranking or to say that another kid could/should have been ranked higher. But to make negative comments about a player or group of players isn't aceptable. I'm not sure that I want to put the editors on the same level as the Tribune or Sun-Times when it comes to being critical of content or editorial postion.

So let's have fun with it....if you go to Libertyville and think you are going to kick Stevenson's rear end no matter what the PBR says go ahead and say your own risk on the field. Or if you want to tell The PBR they missed out on you and when the season's over and you hit .375 with 6 hr and 40 RBI they will be the ones with egg on their face...that's fine too.

I have met Sean Duncan a few times and don't know him really well but I know he is a good guy with a sense of humor and he can handle reasonable criticism as well as anyone.....but I don't think he should be subject to having people doubt his integrety.
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It is also important to realize that high school players can change dramatically from one year to the next. Through growth spurts, added off-season work and sometimes a light goes on that takes a player to the next level and beyond.

Some players go the other way. So when the season ends don't be surprised to see highly rated players who have not done well and unrated players who have. It doesn't mean that they were rated improperly (though they may have). It can also mean that they have changed.

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