On this day, in particular, I am thankful for feedback! Trying to go in a straight recruiting line. 4 D1 college contacts in the last 6 weeks, 2 fallback, 2 not even on his radar. But I take that to mean they are one of the "go where you are loved" options. Has talked to HC/RC of one dream school, but nothing like the 4 recents. It is hard to read between the lines. I do not mean to wear out my welcome, or be terribly long.
I have garnered much information from HSBBW, as an observer here, have been able to aquire/apply info to our particular situations w/ time to spare. Suddenly, it seems like a vortex, a wormhole 
There are alot of moving pieces to the college recruiting puzzle, that I do NOT have a grasp on....I can see why parents get advisors.
2016 spent summer/fall w/travel team going to events, in front of BB people (HC,RC, assorted assistants/scouts,etc) at college campus tournies and PG events. I leave that to summer coach/team.
In 2013/2014 Oct-Dec a few showcases/prospect camps he is academically intereted in. One school he was interested in got scratched b/c he did not like the area. Kind of unofficial visit w/ BB thrown in. One school he visited he texted his summer coach and said "I can go to school here." We were checking all them out, more or less. Has gone either as a PO or 3B/C, shown well enough Ex; I observed the HC at MID D1 camp last weekend move from behind HP, walk to 1B side eveytime 2016 got an AB (and 2 other position players too). 2016 had 7 AB's If he worked a walk they told him to stay in there. I took that as good??? I dare not ask anywhere but at HSBBW. Have found it too hard to 2 way at events or it is not even an option. At a PO event the PC talked to him for a long while after his BP, and end of event, asked him to send his bio/resume/schedule. I also took that as good??? Has gotten "send us your schedule, we'll be following, on our recruiting board, or nothing, no curiosity, etc" in both roles. 2016 has gotten bold and directly asked the HC at last 2 events "what are u looking for in 2016 class?"
Funny thing at the most recent event the HC said MIF, OF, maybe a catcher, don't call us we'll call you. He left thinking "move on" The next day he gets follow up email from RC, "send us your HS/summer schedule."
My opinion (ok,parental objectivity is difficult to prove) he still projects in several positions. Maybe it is b/c he is 6'4"/200. I say he can hit, but will he continue to hit? Projecting hitting is for smarter people than me. It is too hard for me to even interpret HS age BA/hitting. I believe, for my 2016, it is largely dependent on consistency at the plate and what happens the next 2 years, he bats 3,4,5 in HS (and summer (does not hit when he pitches, nor do any of the 2 ways). HS (6A) plays 1B, mostly. Played 3B when 2015 3B ahead of him pitched. He played 3B more last year 2015, 3B moved to V.
As far as P. Starter pitcher make-up. I think it is easier for me to be objective. He pitched some V innings as Fresh/Soph. Pitched alot of JV games/innings. Has 2 college starter commits & pitching specialists ahead of him. 2016 hoping for velo to come. Throws about 90 across the diamond, FB mid 80's. Velo not a negative for him at all, and in my limited knowldge can see where velo is projectible, he hits his spots, gets outs, knows how to pitch. He understands the magic #90, as a RHP.
Summer coach plays him at 3B and P, but he catches for him too, his best pop is 2.0, game is slightly higher, for not being a FT catcher his exchange is good, soft hands, receives well, calls a good game, huge behind the plate for blocking, throws very accurate BB's.
Footspeed is not where an elite would be or where he would dream for it to be if dreams came true like that
, but it continues to go down. At 11 he was as round as he was tall and a blazing 10.5. If he had swallowed the kool-aid then..... linebacker.
JMO (I am not sure I am qualified to have too much of an opinion either).....not as much negative as I would have suspected @ footspeed, maybe because he is huge, 16, not shaving, P/C possibility and has 2 HS seasons to drop 1/2 second? (I really have no idea) He recognizes below 7.0 as another milestone......more for smarter BB people. It is also why he has chosen not to give up on P/C.
IMHO, his grades will allow him to have more options of higher academic universities or over less academic BB players. He's no Rhodes scholar and has to work at keeping GPA as high as he can (control what you can control)
Clevelanddad/Fenwaysouuth: Nail on the head!!!, That college timeclock is somethig I do not grasp.
Find it hard to grasp the coaches side, as the coaches are "masters of ambiguity and misremembering" and they have done this over and over.
2016 is concerned about coming across wrong by being able to bluntly ask "did you see any moments of greatness that gets me on the board at this school?"
I do not grasp being in contact with multiple schools, waiting for your dream schools return contact. He has reached out agressively to his target schools.
Summer/fall are really going to be a frenzy if this is any sign of what activity is on the horizon.
One of the schools that has reached out to him is a no (as it is too far, too far north than he wants to go). How do you say that when you are geared toward do not quit a job til you have a job?
I am not sure what to take at face value. I am afraid by the time I do know, it is going to be over.
Thanks for offering up your .02, i am one grateful observer!