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We all know, but often-times forget, just how much joy we can get from some of the simplest things in our playing a game of catch with our kids.

Yesterday, my son and I went down to San Francisco to see the surgeon that performed Tommy John surgery on his right elbow in late September. Rehab has gone smoothly and according to our best wishes. Yesterday, he was cleared to begin his throwing program! We were both feeling pretty good on the drive home.

Today I was at lunch with a client, and a bit distracted. After lunch, I drove home and found my son there. I asked him a simple "wanna play catch?" He about flew down into our basement to get his catcher's mitt out, and we went out on the front lawn for 5 minutes. We were only about 45 feet apart, and after 20 or so throws, he said he'd had enough for his first day back. It was 360 days since his injury, and the last time he'd thrown until today.

I don't know which one of us had a bigger grin on our face. I still haven't lost mine.

Sometimes, it doesn't take much to really make your day!
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what a great get the nod from the doc. best game of catch ever i'm sure. good luck to your son,remember he has a program for a reason. that's difficult for them to remember some times.

we went to the doctor right after thanksgiving for his four month checkup. he was ok'd to throw ,we made it to the motel parkimg lot for a catch. i'm not sure who was happier.your right a simple pleasure we all take for granted.
he'll make it back good luck and congrats
Last edited by 20dad

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