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....well once again it got deleted....I posted it again but then't replace the thread that ran on Valentine's was fun....and had some good posts....the song can be reposted....but the individual postings are I let it go.....

Me thinks there is a male moderator with a lot of insecurities........but even more so......I question what moderators are charged to do.....what are their responsibilities.....and what is their authority?

What are the guidelines for deleting a thread? Anyone know? Is it just left up to the individual moderators to decide what they like and don't like?

Sorry.....lots of light of the damage done again today.....deserving of an answer.......and another question......the moderators are posted on some of the forums....but not all.....think it would be a good idea if moderators were posted on all the forums they are that possible? have to know...most of these questions can probably be answered only by you.....and if they present more work.....well....forget them....because......individual the long run.....are not as important as the total site......individual biases.....should not interfere with the goals and objectives of hsbaseballweb......that said if you want to serve up the head of the male moderator who lacks the guts to stand up and tell us his problems with our postings......we'll be okay with that too.... dwarf
"A house stays in one place. A home is where the heart leads........"
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I'm just in shock to tell you the truth. However, I'm sure Julie is checking into this as she has no desire to have a moderator run amuck! I have a feeling she can narrow it down by log ins and who has access in that room. I'm also sure if she's able to do so, that person will have their moderator privileges revoked - as they should!!!

I said yesterday and feel strongly that any moderator that deletes anything (intentionally Beez! Wink) should notify Julie immediately of what and why. No one controls this board except for Julie!!!
I'm really disappointed that this is happening, and I am taking a look at the situation. But as I mentioned in a PM last night, this is a community and not a dictatorship and I try to allow moderators to do their jobs without being second-guessed. I couldn't possibly moderate all of the forums myself on a part-time basis, so really this community is controlled by a lot of people - government "By the Members, For the Members". Sometimes I cast the deciding vote, but I try to first understand and respect the position of other responsible members.

I have a strong hunch who deleted the female posts including mine. I understand that this Moderator is trying to send a "Men Only - Keep Out" message, and I understand that that doesn't seem fair since we do permit the occasional friendly male post here. I am just still thinking about this situation. dizzy

JMO, but I don't think whoever is deleting is doing so not to be mean spirited, just trying to be funny and keep the Male/Female thing in the spotlight and remind everyone it says "Men Only".
The day I saw that Men Only forum up, I said to myself, uh oh, here comes trouble!
Last edited by TPM
Rather than someone "trying to be funny", I think LadyNmom is more on target with her assessment that it's the work of a "male moderator with a lot of insecurities". I guess we're supposed to stick to those old topics like how to keep those white baseball pants clean. There are some very enlightened and enlightening male posters on this site, so I'm trying hard not to let this moderator taint my views, but things like this sure make me feel unwelcome. Gotta stay in the pink corner, I guess...
TPM - I've wondered those very thoughts. However, most of the men here that I find humorous wouldn't continue to do this and would have been creative enough to make sure EVERYONE found humor in the situation. I think I agree with the other's assessment. I have shared your concerns about the "trouble" though from day 1.

Maybe we females need to just let them have their space. noidea
What I'd really like to see is a show of solidarity from the guys who appreciate what we bring to this site. Since they've had enough time in their new playground, maybe they'd boycott that space and not post there until the little moderator backed off and became more inclusive (like we are here). Just a thought - a thought that would no doubt be deleted from that "other space".
I don't know VAMom - I have no desire to make a contest or war here. I'd rather avoid the site and let it be men only.

No reason to punish all the wonderful guys or involve them in some other jerks behavior. Sooner or later, folks will find out who's abusing their power. I think that person will find out then that the guys and gals don't find it too funny! Until that person is coralled, we have plenty of other areas to continue on.

My life won't change or be less by not posting in the men's forum. Sorry to tell our mysterious male mod!
Not looking for a fight, just wish the other guys would show some love...
I hear ya, though. You're right about the abuse of power. Even though I never even tried to post in that "other place", this whole situation leaves me cold. Knowing that jerks like that pull strings on this board makes me uncomfortable posting in general. "Mysterious", no. Just "little".

The majority of our moderators are very kind, thoughtful, and unselfish in the time and effort they spend to help keep this community safer and saner than almost any Internet forum you will find. Very seldom do I see an abuse of power from any current moderator - ALMOST never. Please try to be patient with this situation while it is sorted out.

I think what is most disturbing about this moderator and what he is censorship. He is in effect stopping our right to speak, and voice our opinions. It matters not what forum we are talking....all forums have always been open to all posters....showing appropriate manners......I do not believe any forums should exist that all can not participate in.....but that is MN-Mom's call.......Witness this Forum, the Ladies....most of the time guys are not going to post here.....but....when they do.....they are welcome.....who would ever think we had the right to delete anyway? Just because they are men? That would be sexist, discriminatory....and let us not forget......childish.......I mean we are not kids building tree houses with "Keep Out" signs.....We are adults....with hopefully enough common sense to know where to post and when to post.....

Do I want to post on the Men's Forum everyday? No, of course not....and I expect that my fellow lady posters feel the same way......but when I do post on a forum....thought and effort ususally goes into it....and it should not be deleted at the whim of little boy playing sherrif......
Last edited by LadyNmom
Well, since I was the originator of the 'offending' first thread, I would like to put my 2 cents in ...

>>I think the biggest problem with whoever is doing the deleting is that it is a guy that JULIE put her faith in to act as a moderator with maturity and discretion. And I believe that his actions are a slap in her face.

>>If the guy is trying to be funny, well he just lost my vote to be the last comic standing. But I have NEVER been a fan of anything that resembles a 'practical joke' to begin with, so that is my bias.

>>If someone finds the threads offensive, then they should either state such on the thread and lock it ... with explanation ... if they want to prohibit further activity on the thread (something I chose to do in our lounge) OR he/she can send the offending poster a private message and express themselves. Then if there is an understanding between the parties, delete the da*n thing.

One of the things that concerns me about this, whether I am involved or not, is that I don't appreciate the person's decision to be judge and jury ... or practical joker ... without consideration to the desires of the rest of the community. Somebody just needs to grow-up !!! 'nough said pull_hair
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom

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