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If any athletic endeavor opens a door for your child to attend an Ivy League school, then you should seriously consider the opportunity. (Though I would never allow my kids to attend Harvard - I don't care for the Harvard agenda). The professional scouts will find the pro prospects in the Ivy League (regardless of sport), and the non-prospect athletes may gain an advantage in the first steps of their career that they might not otherwise experience. I know my son has already benefitted from his Ivy degree, and he hasn't graduated yet.
Lowering admissions standards to recruit athletes is a double edged sword.

On one hand, you have the incoming academic side that claims standards are being bent.

On the other, you are bringing into the culture people who broaden the social base and bring differeing perspectives.

Being currently immersed in much the same experience, I wholeheartedly agree with lowering the admissions standards for student/athletes. These athletes are still required to live up to the same minumum standards as the non athletic population, yet bring cultural and social diversity and skills that have nothing but positive effects. I think it benefits the general population as much as it does the student/athlete, IMHO.
Last edited by CPLZ

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