Originally posted by Coach_May:
Read my post again Stats. Where in that post did I say cheating was OK? Read it again. Your a grown man, right? And your on here calling someone else's son "scum." And you know for a fact that these players knowingly broke the rules? And even if they did they might still be great young men who simply make a bad decision or a bad mistake. To call HS kids scum is over the line.
Those that are so quick to call names and judge others cause me concern. These people will have to answer for what they did. Isn't that enough?
The implication to me was you were excusing cheating, and that’s not something I care a lot for. If I was wrong in my assumption, I’m sorry, but no, I don’t’ think scum is too strong a word.
Just like me reading something into what you said, you obviously read something into what I said. Read what I said again. I never said these weren’t fine young men who made what I consider tragic and stupid mistakes.
As for other players who have cheated and gotten away with it, as far as I’m concerned, they’re scum who risk their teammates, and use them as dirt to grind beneath their feet so they can walk a smooth path to their own selfish glory.
As I’ve said, to me cheating implies something done purposely to circumvent the rules, and no matter what you want to call it, to me that makes whoever does it scum. Not because what they’re doing is so bad, but because they’ve purposely let down those who trust and admire them, and count on them to stand beside them against a common foe.
Likely its just a matter of semantics where you place a certain value on a word, and I don’t share that same value. I get extremely wound up and bent out of shape when people call a kid a cancer because he causes some kind of disharmony on a team. To me, there’s nothing in this world worse than cancer. Nothing! But while scum is pretty vile stuff, it can be cleaned up and isn’t generally associated with death.
I do know what happened in this particular case, and I did not call either of the kids involved scum because of what I knew. If that’s how it somehow came across, all I can say is, it wasn’t intended. There was however, another player involved in a different game who did exactly the same thing on the same day, but with a different ML team. In an interview, he called for our team to have to forfeit the game in which his team lost because 2 of our players broke the rule. Now he’s a kid who’s scum! Here he is, having cheated and gotten away with it, but is now calling to punish someone else who didn’t so he and his team can play some more, even though they’ve been eliminated.
Look. There’s cheaters all over the place in HSB and in sports in general! Trouble is, everyone like to categorize that cheating so that some cheating and some cheaters are worse than others. But to me, it all sucks, and sports are worse off for having people like that in it!