The question is this. How many kids are using college baseball as their preferred feeder grounds, venue, to play professional baseball?
The question is this. How many kids are just happy to play past high school, for fun, while getting a degree?
I base these questions on what I suppose is a standardized MLB clubs questionairres to prospective draft kids.
They ask all the reasons why you want to play Pro baseball, and if you are ready, then ask you what would prohibit you from signing?? Forget the money. They are trying to figure out where the kids head is at, moreso.
Trying to determine signability!!
Lots of kids, from what they tell me, prefer to be 22 year old rookies versus 26 year old ones.
These are posed questions, thoughts, and not necessarily my opinions.
I think, when to take your shot" is probably the most difficult decision a kid, and his family can make. Thats where the $$$$ come in to play, as well as the CSP, level bonuses, and free flights for the FAM.
Start thinking, but when you do, consider the SA farms, the $50M signing rights, and the entire global aspect of competition for the right to play, and get paid.............
I read Yaz' induction speech again. Too bad those days are gone. I suggest you read it at his website.
Where do you think the 8 in OS8 comes from?
Happy Holidays, and here's to one kid continuing to see grapefruits!!
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