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Which would you rather have happen in 4 months:
Beginning info

Body Fat %:10.6%
Fastball (top)-77 mph
Bench (max)-120 lbs
Squat (max)-200 lbs
Biceps-11 inch
Vertical Jump: 24 in
40 yd speed: 5.2 sec
20 yd speed: 3.05 sec
Other: Small build, weak, no 6 pack.

Option A
Body Fat %:6%
Fastball (top)-82 mph
Bench (max)-180 lbs
Squat (max)-295 lbs
Biceps-13 inch
Vertical Jump: 26 in
40 yd speed: 5.0sec
20 yd speed: 2.95 sec
Other: Muscular Build, strong, well defined 6 pack.

Option B
Body Fat %:8%
Fastball (top)-83 mph
Bench (max)-140 lbs
Squat (max)-250 lbs
Biceps-12 inch
Vertical Jump: 32 in
40 yd speed: 4.85 sec
20 yd speed: 2.85 sec
Other: Small build, medium strength, undefined 6 pack
Original Post

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That's a lot of s'pposin'

How old is this person? Adding 5-6 mph is unlikely in 4 months. An out of shape 14-16 year old might be able to do it that quickly.

I don't think the term "6-pack" often applies to baseball players other than in a refreshment sense.

Desired build depends too on the game position. 2nd base/SS? Catcher? Pitcher? CF? All very different of course.
Last edited by micdsguy

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