I spent last weekend with my best friend who still carries a lead reminder in his hip at an event called
LZ Lambeau in Green Bay which was the official WI homecoming for the Vietnam Veterans which for some unknown reason has been ignored for 40 years

. Besides that weekend being highly emotional, this last week has been tough on me personally because I've felt a lot of guilt for not "backing my brothers" when they needed it most. Shame on me, and shame on many others of my generation for our selfishness.
I was the DD for 10 Vietnam Vets from the Madison area in a 12 man passenger van. I sat in the background around a campfire for two nights as they shared stories, nightmares, laughs, and tears about their experiences in SE Asia and the personal war when they came home. I ran out of tears as I watched 10 MEN dig deep in their souls looking for forgiveness for the carnage they were a part of and acceptance for the actions of Americas cold shoulder when they returned. It's amazing what darkness lurks in the back of minds while sharing bottles of Jack and sitting around a fire without the worry of "candy coating" the experience. Forget about Aaron, Mays, and those who play games...I now have real heroes from all conflicts, past, present, and future to look up to.
Let this be a lesson for future generations that in order for our "American way" we have to "Pay to Play" and not to forget those who risk their lives to do the dirty work.
Here is a link for a short video clip from the weekend.
LZ at Lambeau