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Think the arbitor had no choice....the contract language is very specific, and clearly validated the Eagle's actions. If he had ruled otherwise.....he would have been re-writing the contract.....outside his authority.....and that's not likely to happen.

Good luck to the next team Owens signs up with.....common sense would dictate that he remain unemployed!
I think he'll be resigned soon, after the Eagles cut him loose at years end. I wouldn't be surprised if they traded him after the 4 week suspension and cut their losses. It would be a huge insult to him if they traded him for a 6th-7th round draft pick.

But, his big money days may be over due to his behavior, and there will be a TON of incentives/penalties written into the contract in order to prevent him from becoming a loose cannon again. Whoever does trade for him will probably require his contract be changed before they will touch him.

Still, whoever takes him is getting a headache. He needs to fire that idiot agent too.
T.O. was my best receiver in my fantasy league. Losing him may hurt my play-off chances. I just wish they could have waited until the end of the season and let cooler heads think this thing through. It's just a game, and they are just players, it is not like they really matter in the big picture. Who really cares how these guys act? If they do not break a law that matters like..sorry, I can't think of one that would be worth a loss.
Dad4.....think fantasy league football is the real life when you are being paid to do a job....and in TO's case.....millions to do that job.....respect for your fellow workers/team is important.....honoring your word (as in contract) is important.......respect for the boss....and picking the proper forum to air your grievances....all very important....'

Cooler heads prevail? Just be cool? TO was having no part of that......
Last edited by LadyNmom
T.O. now joins some other puds like Barry Bonds and Latrell Spreewell in the all-time idiotic athletes club. If he had simply continued to play as he was and kept his and Drew's mouth shut they would have reaped millions.
Now, they will be lobbying teams to pick him up and will be looking at incentive laden, low-base contracts. Only thing better than the news was it happened on Thanksgiving eve. If there was truly justice he would be blackballed and end up in Canada.
The guy is a jerk. He is a product of an environment that for years has allowed the players to do about anything they wanted to do and say as long as they were productive on the field. Thank goodness finally this guy has been shown the door. His comments about Jeff Garcia were outrageous and his behavior in San Fran was no worse than in Philly. Now he attacks his new QB and his fellow teamates along with the coaches and the front office. At the same time he acts stunned that they want to get rid of him. His agents act the other day on TV made me want to laugh. Thank God we wont have to watch his act anymore this season. Now I just hope everyone in the media will just stop talking about him while Im trying to watch a game. Someone will take a chance on him next year. But he will resurface as the same old tired act that is nothing more than a cancer to whatever team he is on. Not part of because he is unable to be a part of anything.
As a lifelong Iggles fan, I say "GOOD RIDDANCE". As TR said - there are rules in the clubhouse - you don't throw your teammates, ESPECIALLY your QB, under the bus. He's done it to Donovan, he did it to Garcia. He signed a 7 yr deal and couldn't understand why they wouldn't re-do it after 1 year. The thing is, they would have takenn care of him after this year if he would have only kept his trap shut, and played the game. What a loser, what a waste of talent. His agent is a jerk, too - they deserve each other. I hope they have a good time on Sunday.
Last edited by windmill

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