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When I was a kid I had 13-itis. I received the number in L.L. on friday the 13th, and asked for a different one. Only one that fit. Then I move up to Babe Ruth and I get 13 again. I switch to 3. Then I am put in leadoff spot. Batter 1 number 3, then I pitch and position 1 number 3. Drove me crazy.
Funny though, never hurt my b.a. or ability.

Then I have a son on April 13. My son tells me his lucky number is 13, wears it in L.L. and up to high school. On april 13 '03, His b-day, he goes 3-3 with a triple and 3 rbi's. Pitches 3 innings and fans 3. Everything 13 has turned into a blessing for me.
Since he is one of my 2 greatest blessings, I am happy to display 13 anytime.
I started wearing 13 as a freshman in HS. It was a very lucky number for me. Funny you should mention April 13. April 13 is my Dad's birthday (Happy Birthday Dad) and was always my best day of the year for baseball. That freshman year, we played away at a field were in deep left field was a lake. I ripped a shot deep into the lake that day that actually hit a fisherman in his boat Razz 2nd dinger of the game !!

I was the anti-superstitious player. I stepped on the foul lines and talked about a no-no I was throwing Smile

13 will always be my number

Last edited by cong
I'm a 13 guy too. Always been a lucky number for me.

I was born on Friday, Nov. 13 1959.

Wore #13 in every sport that I could talk the coach into giving it to me.

Oddly enough, traditionally lucky numbers have been nearly fatal to me.

On 7-7-77, I was a passenger in a one-car wreck with my best friend. The car was utterly destroyed. We were hurt, but by the looks of the car, should have been toast.

My best friend's birthdate: Friday, November 13, 1959.

And 7-7-77 was my mother's birthday!
Originally posted by cong:
I started wearing 13 as a freshman in HS. It was a very lucky number for me. Funny you should mention April 13. April 13 is my Dad's birthday (Happy Birthday Dad) and was always my best day of the year for baseball. That freshman year, we played away at a field were in deep left field was a lake. I ripped a shot deep into the lake that day that actually hit a fisherman in his boat Razz 2nd dinger of the game !!

I was the anti-superstitious player. I stepped on the foul lines and talked about a no-no I was throwing Smile

I was gonna be 13 this year, I wanted to try and break the curse. But I decided to go with 11. MNmom, if you see this, will you change me to mustangs11

Dibble, did you get homesick? Or sick of the Italian food? You must have got sick somehow.
Last edited by AKBaseball6

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