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I wanted to change the mood in our forum and though I'd start some posts on thoughts etc. from our program as a way of trying to open some good discussion. Here is a handout that we give our kids on things Coaches notices:

Negative List:

1. Who is listening when the coach is talking? (Eye contact etc. demonstrate that the player wants to learn.)
2. Who has to be told a drill more than once? This is especially troublesome if that player is an upperclassman.
3. Who can’t remember his equipment? THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN!
4. Which players rotate to the back of the line all of the time. In other words, which players are so unsure of what is going on that they never step up to be the first to do a drill?
5. Which players can discuss a concept of what is being taught when the coach asks the questions?
6. Which players gravitate to standing around in groups instead of working on drills? Now, this is the coach’s fault as well. A phrase to remember, “Groups larger than 3 beware of me.”
7. Which players continually use the phrase, “yeah I know” and then mess up when a coach is trying to correct them on a drill …
8. Which players are unaware that they are being corrected? (You won’t believe how much this happens!)
9. Who forgets their equipment at the field everyday!
10. Which players are “just happy to be there!”

Positive List:

1. Naturally, reverse any of the above and you can make that a positive statement.
2. Which players are there early to help set up for practice!
3. Which players are the last to leave practice AND put the equipment away?
4. Who wants more…!
5. Which players experience the bumps and grind and still come back for more instead of seeking the trainer for every little scratch.
6. Which players TALK BASEBALL!
7. Which players understand, “You might have 10 girlfriends between the one you have now and the one you call Wife but you won’t ever get these 4 years back.”
8. Players that understand, “Never say sorry! GET BETTER!”

"Failure depends upon people who say I can't."  - my dad's quote July 1st, 2021.  CoachB25 = Cannonball for other sites.

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coach, similar to what you set out for your team, beleive it or not we in travelland have a handout as well.
What it takes to be an Oriole
1) Persistence is more important than talent
2) There is a reason that the word student comes first in student athlete.
3) Respect the game as you would want to be respected.
4) Tuck in your shirts and wear your hats correct.
5) Practise hard because you play the way you practice.
6) It doesnt take talent to hustle.
7) Be a student of the game. Learn learn learn..
8) Help your team win whether you play or not.
9) Keep a daily diary of what you do at practice and keep notes of your observations.
10) Set goals for yourself and for the team. Short , medium and long.
11) Never argue with an umpire.
12) Agree to let your coaches train you.
13) Maintain above ave grades.
14) Don't tell people what you are worth, prove it!
15) Your girlfriend is not more important than your career.
16) Your parents love you, but they don't know more than your coach about baseball.
17) Do not let anyone make an excuse for you.
18) Maintain eye contact with all adults when they talk to you, practice on your friends.
19) It is your coaches opinion of you that counts. He makes the lineup out, fail to understand this and you will be on the outside looking in.
20) Be passionate about your teammates.
22) The only things a coach owes you are his knowledge and experiences and HONASTY.
24) Balance makes champions. If you focus on hitting and ignore the Defense you will never be a complete player.
25) Pitching always sets the tone.
26) Games are lost not won, mistakes lead to losses.
27) Work on your game every day, the guy who beats you out will.
28) Who you are today is a result of who you were in the past. Fill your past with smart work and prctices and you will maximize your potential.
29) You dont have to be a great athlete to be a great baseball player. Do the little things.
30) Baseball reveals character it doesnt build it.
31) Character means doing the right thing when nobody is watching you.
32) Show off your talent to your current coach and future coache by doing this always..
a) When you jog in warm ups finish first.
b) When you stretch , take it serious.
c) When you play catch, throw to a target and try to hit every time.
d) When you are doing a drill, do it perfect every time,
e) Never walk on a baseball field, go hard all the time.

These are a few thing we teach our kids and a handout that goes to every one of them.
16) Your parents love you, but they don't know more than your coach about baseball.

All parents love their sons and many know more than the coach does about baseball.

That said...It is important that the parent who knows the game not interfere or intrude on the coach's coaching of his team.

That is why I'm always out in the "outfield".
deucedoc, yes, I believe you do have a list there and an extremely good one at that.

With regards to #16 I never say that I know more than parents. I do, in our Parents Meeting, mention that when a parent suggest to their son's that they know more than the coach, they won't be changing who the coach is and so, they do more harm than good for their son. This rings especially true when it comes to something we are asking the kid to do verses what the parent tells the kid to do.

This goes to Loyality which we place a high value on.
I live by these rules you guys have posted. As a 15 year old baseball player it honestly bugs me to see guys who are constantly disobeying these rules on my team. Last season in travel baseball always the same group of guys were standin around in a circle in the dugout talkin about video games....WHAT IS THAT!? Funny thing is I get on their backs about it and they seem annoyed. Another funny thing is they are they ones who don't play close to as much as I do.

Here's exactly the words that were exchanged when I got on their backs in a tournament.
Me:"Vince are you talkin bout the game over there..I didn't think so now pay attention I bet you don't even know the score"
Vince:"So what I don't play in tournaments anyway."
Me:"And you wonder should do somethin bout it!"

The nerve of these guys. Of course that specific person sees me as a person who wouldn't understand because "the coach loves me"
Or is it I just play hard all the time and he doesn't.

Nice set of rules...hard to argue with the success you two have had...these rules are producing good old school guys keep up the good work!


You are certainly on the right track for success...keep setting your standards high...don't lower yourself to other's low standards.

Much success to you...keep us posted on your progress.

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