Second. I have good kids who I feel have made "good decisions in their lives. However, once a year I stand on my soapbox and preach to my kids about the dangers of fireworks. I grew up with guns for hunting/targets, and explosives for entertainment, year round. I remember breaking my ankle as a teenager and turning one of crutches into a trigger activated, shoulder held, side by side, Bottle Rocket/Roman Candle launcher. It was so cool you'd think it came out of a James Bond movie, and I wouldn't doubt it is still on display at the WI State Patrol HQ

Then I had kids, began coaching baseball, and saw how important hand/eye coordination is and how stupid hand held fireworks potentially are. You cannot follow your kids around 7/24 but you can scare the snot out of them. I miss the explosions, but I like counting to 10 when looking at my kids and their friends hands.
It's an easy conversation to have, and with baseball players in the house it's an easy one to put in perspective. Talk to them, warn them, don't blow it off.