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Originally posted by Tx-Husker:
Boy, where are all the Harper criticizers? Are you really going to say Harper bothers you more than Zambrano? crazy

Zambrano's behavior is much worse. The difference in the amount of comments may be, in part, due top Zambrano is gone. He's received his consequences. Harper is still on his way up and has the opportunity to avoid such consequences.

Despite what some think, most of the negative comments about Harper come out frustration and disappointment, not schadenfreude.
Reading the media tea leaves, it looks as though Zambrano's agent may have saved his bacon by smoothing things over with the Cubs, and agreeing to being put on the disqualified list with no pay . Carlos probably would have walked away from the balance of his 2011 $18.8M due him plus 2012 $18M and 2013 $19.25M. I know if I was the Cubs owner I would be hoping and praying that he is stupid enough to retire. What a knucklehead.

Harper looks like a choir boy when compared to Zambrano.
Last edited by fenwaysouth
YGD - I agree about it being a shame. But it is kinda fitting too. Bobby Cox does lead MLB in number of ejections.

The thing about Zambrano is that he didn't have these blowups until he signed his huge contract a few years ago. Now maybe he did have them but because he wasn't a superstar in the making like Harper we never heard of it but there is a correlation. Zambrano is running himself out of the league due to his bad attitude and if Harper doesn't figure it out he might be heading down this road as well. I hope Harper figures it out and I hope Zambrano figures it out but if they don't they only have themselves to blame.

Not everyone can be Rickey Henderson and Reggie Jackson who can walk the walk after they did a lot of talking.
People out here in the world banging it out day in and day out for peanuts and still find the time to treat others with respect. This guy is making millions of dollars throwing a baseball and has no clue. Time for him to simply go. People like him should never wear a baseball uniform muchless a ML uni. I wouldn't go to a game he was pitching if they gave me box seats. He is not worth my time. jmo
Originally posted by rz1:
Originally posted by YoungGunDad:
So now Zambrano has filed a grievance for being put on the 30day disqualified list by the Cubs.

Are you kidding me???

What I find kind of funny is the Players Union has to back him 100% even if the players find his antics deplorable.

He pays his union dues and he has a right for his union to step in and file a grievance on his behalf like any other union job where there is a grievance involved between union and management. even though it looks as if they should let this guy go, it's his right to file a grievance.
Last edited by zombywoof
Originally posted by zombywoof:
Originally posted by rz1:
Originally posted by YoungGunDad:
So now Zambrano has filed a grievance for being put on the 30day disqualified list by the Cubs.

Are you kidding me???

What I find kind of funny is the Players Union has to back him 100% even if the players find his antics deplorable.

He pays his union dues and he has a right for his union to step in and file a grievance on his behalf like any other union job where there is a grievance involved between union and management. even though it looks as if they should let this guy go, it's his right to file a grievance.

Just because you have a right does not make it right.
Originally posted by getagoodpitchtohit:
Originally posted by zombywoof:
Originally posted by rz1:
Originally posted by YoungGunDad:
So now Zambrano has filed a grievance for being put on the 30day disqualified list by the Cubs.

Are you kidding me???

What I find kind of funny is the Players Union has to back him 100% even if the players find his antics deplorable.

He pays his union dues and he has a right for his union to step in and file a grievance on his behalf like any other union job where there is a grievance involved between union and management. even though it looks as if they should let this guy go, it's his right to file a grievance.

Just because you have a right does not make it right.

No, but his union has an obligation to represent him if he is a member in good standing.
Originally posted by YoungGunDad:
Just what is his deal? Nothing seems to work for him and his temper tantrums. I say good riddance if I was the Cubs owner.

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I see the Cubs decided to Axe their GM today; Jim Hendry. He's acknowledged as a pretty good guy that brought them some success but depleted the farm system in the process AND saddled them with ridiculous contracts for Zambrano, Soriano and others.

It appears they will leave the dirty work of cutting Zambrano loose, and eating his nearly $1 mil a month contract, thru next year, to the interim or newby.

Somebody in dire need of pitching, like the Yankees, will no doubt offer him a job. What a business..
Last edited by Prime9
Me too. I'm not sure what kid of club would take a risk on big Z but he certainly hasn't helped himself any. As a life long Cubs fan I find him to be one of the biggest disappointments in my personal history of watching this club.

The things that will seriously hurt him in any market decision is the fact that the guy hasn't had an ERA below 3.5 since 2006 and has only been below 3.0 once in his career. His number of innings pitched has steadily dropped since 2006 and he has had no complete games since 2009. This isn't a guy that will give you quality innings anymore. And he isn't considered a pitcher of the future anymore.

If he wasn't a mental case he might make an ok 3rd starter for most teams but with his increasinly bizarre behavior he simply isn't worth the risk for a lot of teams. I suspect the Cubs will simply eat his salary and release him next year. Painful as it is Zambrano is more of a problem on the field than not, millions of dollars or not.

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