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I've decided to no longer post here. I'll log in still every once in a while to check PMs - since I've developed friendships with some people here and would like to continue them. But, this will be my last post on HSBBWeb. There are several reasons for this I don't wish to get into. It was nice getting to know the people I've gotten to know through this website. Thanks for the good times.



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Thanks for your help over the years.  You provided a unique perspective and guidance for me and my three youngest son is a high school senior getting ready to apply to colleges.  Time has just flown by.  Your posts will be missed.


If you wrote something on HSBBWeb I always read it and considered it.  Your opinion was "gold" because you had been through it, were going through it or just because you are a smart young man.  Most of the time we agreed on many things, and sometimes we didn't but your opinion was always respected.  Keep up the great work, and best of luck.

Last edited by fenwaysouth

I am relatively new to this site, but I have already learned to value your opinions.  I'm sad to see you go because you added a perspective that is unique.  I am trying to get my son to take ownership over this process as it is HIS journey, not mine.  You have been a shining example of a young man who has done just that.  Best of luck to you!

Hey JH,

Very sorry to see this.  Your contributions and insight have helped many here over the years, certainly including myself, the players I work with and my son.  Thanks for giving so much here.  I hope your reasons go beyond dealing with the few that make it tough here at times.  We'd be glad to see a change of heart at any point in time.  Best wishes going forward!

There are very few that have contributed as much as you have to this site. You gave us a current players perspective. You gave us a unique look into the game and all that surrounds it. It was clear to me very early that you were and are a very special man. I understand this decision you have made. Stay in touch my friend.

Josh, if I may, I'd like to mention that participation on any site has its goods and bads.  Often, the problem is that the good things one accomplishes or brings to a site go unmentioned.  Yet, so many benefit.  The truth is Josh, you won't ever know all of the good you have done.  Then, naturally, there is the bad.  The arguments with this or that person or the perception that your posts no longer have value.  In your case, as with many, that simply is not the truth.  While I understand your need for a break, please consider that it only be a break.  You are doing great stuff here for the membership and I for one want to point that out. 


Take care,



Last edited by CoachB25

It is only the top of the 3rd Josh, you can't come out of the game yet!  As you can already see, from numerous supporters, you are truly loved + needed.  It has been said many times, go where you are loved and I know you are here.  Please stay involved in the HSBBWEB community, your help + passion are second to none.

Josh - I sent you a pm and would like to discuss offline as well.


If this decision is based on your scouting position and conflicts with that then I understand.  If it is based on contentiousness with other members or what not, perhaps we could work through that offline.


You are an irreplaceable asset of our site and I am sure everyone else here agrees.

Originally Posted by CatsPop:

It is only the top of the 3rd Josh, you can't come out of the game yet!  As you can already see, from numerous supporters, you are truly loved + needed.  It has been said many times, go where you are loved and I know you are here.  Please stay involved in the HSBBWEB community, your help + passion are second to none.

One time through the order, he gets out without the 2nd time through the order penalty


It's always a shame when super intelligent people stop sharing their knowledge with other people. We've had too much of that lately in the baseball world (usually for good reasons though). You'll be missed and please come back soon to fight the good fight!

Hello Josh!
Hopefully it isn't goodbye...but, just maybe see you later...
Josh, there will always be negative, pessimistic, argumentative, faceless people on blogs.
And as it happens sometimes on these kinds of sites, a smart, knowledgeable, likeable person like yourself comes along. Not often mind you though. And they kind of build a following of members, wanting to hear what they might think or say. Just as you have. But, there will always be a few bad apples in any bunch. I am hoping you won't let them spoil it for everyone else. 
You truly do have a wealth of knowledge insight, and personal perspective to offer..
So maybe... just step back,  take a little  breather away. And when you come to the realization that you're not gonna let some Clowns, determine whether or not what you have to share on a site, is of value... Come back!

Thank you for all of your contributions and the best of luck!




Say it isn't so I've read just about every post you've made since I stumbled onto this site when my son was in 7th grade.This week he began his first week of college as a student athlete.Your experiences and wisdom have helped us along the way.A great role model ! I wish you all the best and hope to see you contributing again in the future.


   I've been reading your posts, learning all I can about the sport and the recruiting process, for the past 2 years or more. If my 2015 lands a spot to play for college, you will have been a contributing factor to that success; this board has been the single greatest factor in the progress he's made (plus practice!). I'll be very sorry to see your posts end, but you've left a database on this site for parents like me to read and draw upon.

   Will PM you, hope to stay in touch and let you know the outcome!


 Your contributions here will be missed.


It is a shame that maybe non baseball related dialect has driven away another knowledgeable poster. I have to think it has kept many “lurkers” from contributing as well.


The number of post lately that have been deleted or shut down by moderators isn’t the norm for this site.  Although mildly entertaining and amusing as they may be, that is not the reason I peruse this site. Usually I try to read between the lines and ignore the non-baseball items, but lately that has been tougher to do.


Best of luck to you JH, maybe you can open a blog somewhere, or your own web site

“ask the scout”.


If there is a conflict of interest because you want to draft my son, I will gladly leave the site instead!!!! Just PM me, I’ll go quietly.


Best of luck in the future!

Nah.   I agree that the political and beaning threads probably have something to do with his decision.  But JH proved more than capable of handling himself in those dustups, so I doubt that lack of backup has anything to do with it.  I think... and I'm totally just guessing... that JH found himself incapable of resisting making pointed comments when somebody said something really stupid here (like the noggin being the safest place to be hit with a baseball) but didn't want to waste his time on the BS that came after he made such comments.  If that's accurate, it's really too bad, but 100% understandable.

Hey Josh! Your absence will be sorely missed. Your insight and experiences, your surgery and your come back and the opportunities that have opened up for you! How you have stayed in the game. Your are invaluable to this community. I feel as though you are a friend that I have come to know over many years. You pitched against my son in the Coastal Plains League back in 2009 or 10...


I know that whatever your reasons they are well thought out, you are that kind of a guy. Thoughtful and respectful. I hope that your circumstances change and you feel the ability to once again share your time and knowledge.


God Bless,



Last edited by floridafan



Thank you for sharing your journey. So many people only share the good times, but you cared enough about others to share the bad times as well. 


Good luck as you continue your journey. I hope that the time will come when you will feel like sharing again. But if not, your past contributions will still be here. Nothing detracts from that. 



I guess I have been reading on here for about 8 years, long before I signed on.  There are a handful of posters here that I read and respect greatly....actually savor the posts....that have helped our family and son (successfully) through the recruiting process.  Coach May, Prepster, Fenwaysouth, MidloDad, TMP.......and you.


(And then there was the banter that I also learned from and tried not to participate in ....  Does anyone remember Bobbleheadoll?  And of course, TRhit.)


Wishing you the very best.  It has been great to follow you through your college days, surgery and rehab, graduate school, and professional work.  


Please don't go!  (she says with a whine)



Your knowledge of the game as a player and now a scout is a valuable asset to a site like this.Your writing ability has always been something I enjoyed. You have an ability to write in a way that makes you want to read more. I have enjoyed your posts and remember when you first came on here. I hope you come back.

I can only echo what others have already said.  You are one of a handful of members that I follow.  I have only been lurking since I discovered this board about 8 months ago as my then 10th grader began getting into the more serious process of being recruited.  I have absolutely loved reading your posts and even ventured back in time to read early ones.


Hope you will be back at some point but you have already made a lasting impact on this forum and your contributions will be impacting people well into the future.


Wishing you continued success in your career.



i echo that which has already been said. I hope you'll take the needed break and come back to continue to share your wisdom that has had such an impact on so many.  I'm not sure if you remember our dialog, but your educated opinion on long distance running set in motion a series of events that led to a very good outcome for my son. 


We don't realize the impact we might have on random strangers lives, but for you, it is very evident that your impact is tremendous. 


I thank you and wish you all the best things.

I was never one to participate in dialog or express my opinions in class until one teacher pulled me aside one day.  He told me that my participation had nothing to do with what I felt about what I said, what he thought about what I said or even what others felt about what I said.  Participation was my duty (?obligation) to my community/class.  My voice/your voice needs to be part of the community of voices.  What comes of that voice and its relative importance we have no control over, but the voice itself needs to be heard.  Doing otherwise is an act of selfishness (in my case as the mute student, it was).

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