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Originally posted by coach2709:
We think it's confusing and distorted now - wait until Clemens comes up with the "Maybe he did it without me knowing it" defense. IF the needles and gauze pads come back with his DNA don't be surprised if he trots this one out.

"I thought he was giving me a vitamin shots but apparantly it was the steroids / HGH he gave Andy"


I want Denzel Washington to play me...he's the only way I'll ever get portrayed as cool Cool
If you thought this story was weird wait until you read this:

WASHINGTON - Brian McNamee told congressional investigators he injected Roger Clemens' wife with human growth hormone as she prepared for a Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition photo session five years ago, the New York Daily News reported Friday.

Can't wait to see what she looks like now......
Originally posted by coach2709:
We think it's confusing and distorted now - wait until Clemens comes up with the "Maybe he did it without me knowing it" defense. IF the needles and gauze pads come back with his DNA don't be surprised if he trots this one out.

"I thought he was giving me a vitamin shots but apparantly it was the steroids / HGH he gave Andy"

Everyone knows that a nice guy like McNamee with such great character would never think about doing something like that to one of his best friends and then keep the evidence for years just in case his buddy denied using steroids 7 or 8 years later. That would take a real creep to do something like that. Never would such a nice guy like Mcnamee do anything like that. Would he?

I don't know yet if Roger Clemens is guilty of anything, but I'm pretty certain that MacNamee is a scumbag!
MacNamee also was an employee inside the Yankee's organization.
Is this correct??
Hired by the Yankee's as a trainer.
Representing the Yankee's on the Management side.

He's not a Player, So he has to be a part of the management side.

I thought maybe this whole mess would pass by now.
Just come out, all partys and apoligize and move on.

But it doesn't seem that will be the case.

It must have to be a long drawn out process to implicate everybody involved.
Oh Well.
Clemens - "I am innocent - never took anything"

McNamee - "Roger and I are best friends and he let me inject him with bad stuff"

Petitie - "I just did it once or twice because I had an injury"


Tejada - "I gave steroids to Palmerio"

McGwire - "Hey what's in the past is in the past. I am not at this hearing to determine what happened in the past to talk about the past. Now elect my 75 inch arms into the Hall of Fame before I lose my temper."

Sosa - "aldjfladjfla al;djflasjd Flintstone Vitamins alksdjflasjd alksdjflkad Sorry corked bat alsdjfal alsdfjflad alsdjfalks"

Canseco - "Told you I wasn't full of s**t. Now someone pay me for another book and I will name even more names but this time I might not get lucky like last time."

And now the fans will quote the famous philosopher Charlie Brown.......


I feel a little better now.....
Originally posted by itsinthegame:
Can you imagine what happens if - somehow - they can prove that McNamee is telling the truth about the wife thing.

Oh lordy.

The only remaining question at that point will be whether Roger gets served up rare - or medium rare. LOL

Either RC goes to jail or McNamee goes to the looney bin. Smile Somebody isn't going home. That's fo sho.
Last edited by Dad04
Originally posted by TPM:
What I really find sad, our tax dollars being used to solve some personal vendettas between these two.

Doesn't that make anyone angry?

Yes it irritates the he** out of me when there are so many other important crises in our nation and around the world that our elected and appointed officials need to address but instead are spending valuable time AND OUR TAX MONEY on this.
MacNamee has to be either totally insane by manufacturing evidence like this to try and clear his name, or he was the most intelligent and craftiest son of a gun I've ever met to keep this stuff around knowing he would need it 8 years later.

Could be that he was holding onto that stuff for a reason. Maybe he had been holding it for leverage if ever got fired. Maybe he has been holding it over Clemens for all this time. Maybe he's a sick no good piece of ****. Either way, unless Roger admits it out of nowhere, we'll never know the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Last edited by powertoallfields
According to ESPN bottom line Roger Clemens now has the "magic" evidence to prove Brian McNamee lied in his deposition to federal authorities.

Amazing how this "magic" evidence always shows up at the last minute.

If I screw up and do something very stupid I want to hire Clemens and McNamee's lawyers. They are both really good with "magic" evidence.

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