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First off, I just made my 2nd lifetime donation to this website. I admit I've held off in the past because I've felt ostracized here (COVID, college free speech, PG 9 BMW kid doing 105 in 45mph zone). But honestly I've obtained a lot of knowledge by being here and I urge anyone who has benefited to consider doing the same.

This is high school baseball web. But there is actually an inordinate amount of focus on college. And we certainly celebrate the remarkable few who make it into the holy grail of professional baseball. I'm guilty of placing too much importance on my kids reaching college baseball. I've been here around 7 years trying to help my 2 kids who've had many ups and downs with high school baseball success and injuries. It has been a fascinating journey. As I reflect, I realize now how much my priorities and expectations have changed over time. My poor oldest son. I'm embarrassed at some of my comments and behavior with him in regards to baseball and academics. I've apologized to him several times and he's been gracious enough to forgive me.

This site is dominated by a relatively small number of people. It not to say they shouldn't post but I suspect it is actually a big community here. As I write this, it says there are 465 people online. But almost none of them ever post anything. This site can goes days without a new comment. And when someone like Francis posts something new (which I appreciate just to keep the ball moving), it almost always devolves into someone else ridiculing him. If you find it annoying, just don't respond. Easy.

As an open invitation to high school and jr high kids (and their parents), please ask questions and post insights from your experiences. You should post freely and also message people directly with questions.

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Thanks @Dadbelly2023

FWIW, I have a little, albeit really dated, experience hosting sites like this one. And, I would bet that the 465 online now contains a lot of "bots." I doubt that there's really close to 500 on here at any given time. In any event, people should feel free to post and comment. That's the whole purpose of these forums. And, for those mulling it, there's A LOT of really smart, kind and giving people here. They are very helpful.

You just have to learn to ignore the few who aren't so nice.

I started to lurk around here in 2019 and it has been an awesome place and have connected online and in person with several folks here. One can find out quite a bit by poking around here. I updated my profile because that is one way lurkers (like I was) can learn more about some of the regulars and occasional posters (like me). I found the search function fairly helpful in researching certain topics that were relevant to my kid and our situation. Examples being things like hamate bone injuries, labrum issues, certain schools that my kid were participants in my kids recruiting process, and the Arizona Fall Classic high academic game to name a few that were very helpful to us.

Enjoy the ride...mine is nearing the end and it's great and not so great at the same time.

@used2lurk posted:

Enjoy the ride...mine is nearing the end and it's great and not so great at the same time.

My son loved baseball with all his heart and it was tough for him to say goodbye to the game.  He found out he was about to be a father and he could no longer pursue his bachelor ways.  Thus, life made the choice for him.  He cried when he admitted he could no longer do (earn a living) at what he loved most.  I told him when you see your son someday hit a homerun or do something good in baseball, the thrill is the same as if YOU did (or were still doing) those things.

Great topic for a thread @Dadbelly2023.  What I find interesting about this site is you get a 360 degree view of a baseball topic.  I love it for that purpose.   Whether that is tips for making the high school team, getting college recruited or getting drafted.   

So much has changed in the last 15-16 years including the questions, temperament of the posters, and the whole baseball ecosystem from LL to MLB.   Like any social setting (electronic or face to face) you have to read the crowd and that can be challenging for newcomers.   Early on, I had some interesting comments by some of the old timers about my approach with my oldest son.   None the less, I listened to the data points of their message and generally ignored how the message was delivered.  Some were very strongly worded.  Regardless, I was seeking their knowledge and experience so you sometimes have to take the bad with the good.  I didn't agree with everything they had to say, but always considered their viewpoint.  There many here who have strong opinions and unique experiences.  That is the "HSBBWeb gold", and what makes it a success in my opinion.


One of the best pieces of advice I got was just recently (thanks @TPM) son was 15 (now 16) and I was asked if he had a trainer?  I’m thinking to myself , he’s a bit young, but was told he should get one.  We found one and it has completely changed his life.  Not only is he bigger faster stronger, but he changed his eating habits.  So many people have taken notice.  A number of his friends are now going as well.  I’ve learned a lot from this website and am enjoying the ride.

Last edited by Dadof3

My son loved baseball with all his heart and it was tough for him to say goodbye to the game.  He found out he was about to be a father and he could no longer pursue his bachelor ways.  Thus, life made the choice for him.  He cried when he admitted he could no longer do (earn a living) at what he loved most.  I told him when you see your son someday hit a homerun or do something good in baseball, the thrill is the same as if YOU did (or were still doing) those things.

Great perspective. In my own personal experience I got more enjoyment out of watching my sons do something great than anything I ever did myself.

Agreed.  My oldest son (non baseball) is about to graduate college and I am so excited for what his future holds, its a big world out there.  One of my other sons is playing this year as a freshman at a very good D3.  The advise and sometimes wisdom found here helped him get to where he is at, and we could not be happier with the transition.  In a social media / sound bite dominated world the kind of thoughtful, real-world experience found here on HSbaseball is highly valued.  Like anywhere else, people have differing approaches and perspectives but that, too, is part of the process.  Yes, I donated.  Thank you!

I know this site is officially titled "high school baseball web," but I think it is an excellent resource for all amateur ball players and their parents.  I've found it helpful to answer the (sometimes very specific) questions that pop up during a player's journey.   I try to contribute the little I know from our family's experience, as needed.  Thanks to all the organizers and posters, no matter what the level.

Last edited by RHP_Parent
@adbono posted:

Great perspective. In my own personal experience I got more enjoyment out of watching my sons do something great than anything I ever did myself.

I haven’t made this comment in quite a while …

Even when your kids finish playing they will still do great things. It just won’t be baseball/softball. My daughter made national news with a prosecution when she was a prosecutor taking down a military academy rapist. She’s now in a law firm. But the thing I enjoy the most is watching her be a mother.

My son texted me today asking if it’s weird to have two kids in their thirties. I responded raising them has been the best part of my life. Now his sister has a daughter and another on the way and he will soon start a family makes this the second best part of my life.

I think I found this site by a Google search when my son was in 7-8th grade.  I remember sitting down one night with a glass of wine and reading everything @Coach May had written.  Printed off a few pages to show my son.  He heard more than once, "the HSBASEBALLWEB" said..."

This website was set up differently way back then with categories you could see on the side bar:  middle school, Coaches Corner, For Women Only, etc.   The categories are still there but are buried so that now you only see the most recent posts whatever category it is in.   Go to the top bar and search around a bit.

And I had to bite my tongue more than once in the stands when I heard mis-information.  I had learned so much from this site, and I didn't want to appear a know-it-all-mom when I heard some dads repeat mis-information about the game and the draft. 

My son is now on his next journey, but this site was so VALUABLE to me for knowledge for him at the HS level, the college level, and the pro level.   His playing days are over, but I feel like maybe I can give back a tid-bit of advice for someone along the path.  My son was a good player in little league, but I had no idea at the time that my 8th grader would play pro-ball.   

I would say about 2-3 years ago there was an influx of new parents visiting this site which was great. There were lulls in the offseason as usual, but once Feb hit it was lively with updates from all different levels.

For a lot of them, instead of taking in the advice from people who have been there and done that, they would argue and tell parents of college and pro players/coaches they were wrong and their son was special/different. It seemed (to me) to drive a lot of regulars away and participate less - who knows, maybe I'm way off base.

I've definitely been less active since. But I'm nobody, the people with valuable knowledge and experience are the people you don't want to lose.

There's a lot of good information on here and some valuable minds. If you're willing to listen and come in with an open mind there is a lot to learn around here.

I think I came across this site when my son was a freshman in high school, but I had never seen a discussion board before, so I didn't understand what all the comments meant.

I read more when it was college recruiting time.  Once I figured out how the site worked, I became absorbed.  I started reading old threads for relaxation (which I still do) - have you noticed that the General Items forum goes back to 2006 or something?  It's incredible how some things have changed, and some things have stayed the same.  I've made friends here; my son has played against other members' sons, which is kind of fun.  Everything I know I learned here, so I like to give back.

I donate at the start of every season, for luck. 

@PABaseball posted:

I would say about 2-3 years ago there was an influx of new parents visiting this site which was great. There were lulls in the offseason as usual, but once Feb hit it was lively with updates from all different levels.

For a lot of them, instead of taking in the advice from people who have been there and done that, they would argue and tell parents of college and pro players/coaches they were wrong and their son was special/different. It seemed (to me) to drive a lot of regulars away and participate less - who knows, maybe I'm way off base.

I've definitely been less active since. But I'm nobody, the people with valuable knowledge and experience are the people you don't want to lose.

There's a lot of good information on here and some valuable minds. If you're willing to listen and come in with an open mind there is a lot to learn around here.

I remember that group. I think it was a little bit longer ago. I don’t offer as much as advice as in the past. COVID changed the recruiting dynamic. I’m more about just sharing the experience. It will always be about the player, the team, the coach, talent, health and academics.

Last edited by RJM

My first post here as well. I joined not that long ago and love reading all the posts, new and old.

My son is a 2029 who plays both baseball and football, and about to go into a super competitive High School (in all sports).

He was always the smaller kid, but grinded and finally hitting significant growth spurts. He turns 14 next week and it seems he has flipped a switch and really starting to mature in sports and where he wants to get to.

The one key thing we did maybe a year or so ago is not focus so much on the private lessons. Yes, we still see a hitting coach a few times a month, also a pitching/fielding coach maybe once a month outside of normal practice. What we replaced all that with is a speed and agility coach. It has been night and day in his athletic ability and its showing on the field. This coach is also a mentor to both my son and me. He's seen a LOT of athletes and still works with pro guys in their offseason.

This site has been a huge resource for me trying to navigate what to expect coming into the HS baseball chapter. I hope the long timers stick around to answer questions and provide guidance.

@PDR58 posted:

My first post here as well. I joined not that long ago and love reading all the posts, new and old.

My son is a 2029 who plays both baseball and football, and about to go into a super competitive High School (in all sports).

He was always the smaller kid, but grinded and finally hitting significant growth spurts. He turns 14 next week and it seems he has flipped a switch and really starting to mature in sports and where he wants to get to.

The one key thing we did maybe a year or so ago is not focus so much on the private lessons. Yes, we still see a hitting coach a few times a month, also a pitching/fielding coach maybe once a month outside of normal practice. What we replaced all that with is a speed and agility coach. It has been night and day in his athletic ability and its showing on the field. This coach is also a mentor to both my son and me. He's seen a LOT of athletes and still works with pro guys in their offseason.

This site has been a huge resource for me trying to navigate what to expect coming into the HS baseball chapter. I hope the long timers stick around to answer questions and provide guidance.

I will reply with the best advice that was ever given to me about this site. When you read a post that creates an urge to respond (either positively or negatively) read the bio of the poster before you hit send.

@RJM posted:

I remember that group. I think it was a little bit longer ago. I don’t offer as much as advice as in the past. COVID changed the recruiting dynamic. I’m more about just sharing the experience. It will always be about the player, the team, the coach, talent, health and academics.

I want to say 2021-2022? When programs and then high schoolers started feeling the impact of covid, so maybe it is more 3-5. It's pretty bizarre to think covid was 5 years ago and we are still feeling the effect of it.

A collegiate wrestler will be going for his 5th National Title this weekend. Make that make sense

@PABaseball posted:

I want to say 2021-2022? When programs and then high schoolers started feeling the impact of covid, so maybe it is more 3-5. It's pretty bizarre to think covid was 5 years ago and we are still feeling the effect of it.

A collegiate wrestler will be going for his 5th National Title this weekend. Make that make sense

I watched a Wisconsin shooter crush UCLA in the Big Ten tournament. I figured the guy would be a great three point shooting role player prospect. Then I found out he was twenty-five. If he was good he would already be in the NBA.

He graduated high school at nineteen, redshirted, a COVID year and a medical redshirt.

He was close to Bluto (Jon Belushi) … Seven years of college down the drain!

Last edited by RJM

This place was happening about 15ish years ago.  Now I check in every few months but I think that's fairly standard as people's lives change.  When I became Athletic Director 13 years ago and became stupid busy I didn't have the time to check in like I used to.  I stepped away from AD 3 years ago and in my 7th season (maybe 8th - it all runs together now) in my second head coaching stint I still think back to some of the great things I learned years ago just from here.  I do miss this place but it doesn't seem the same as back then.  Probably more because I'm older with a different life now.  I don't see as many familiar people posting as much but I'm glad this place is still rolling along giving the valuable advice like it always does.  As long as we have someone paying the bills this place will always exist and be great although even after we are all gone.  We have lost several quality people over the years and I do miss them - even the cantankerous TRHit.

To paraphrase Abe Lincoln slightly -  This place  is dedicated to a proposition which was true in my time, just as it's true today. Be excellent to each other. And... PARTY ON, DUDES!"

I joined in '13 cant believe it has been that long. I would have had boys at u13 and u11 at the time. I may just be getting old and forgetful but i believe this site is way softer and gentler then back in the day. I can remember arguments on hitting theory that would rage for days, people were angry. There is so much knowledge to be gained here if you have the time or interest.

I know having been through the process of the game and the successes and failures that come with it I have certainly been softened. Fortunately, i have 2 adult boys with degrees doing well, I sold my business interests and retired, my golf game is sharper than ever, I still check in occasionally but rare.

I did spend 2 days watching my nephew play D3 down in Florida recently. One of the schools that recruited my son pretty hard was there. I kinda hung out and got in the way of the coach as they were leaving. He looked at me, did a double take and asked what the hell i was doing there! was quite nice seeing him, I thought he would remember me but not sure. Was just kind of neat conversation, he actually stayed for 10 minutes or more asking about the boy and updating me on some of his stuff.

@old_school posted:

I joined in '13 cant believe it has been that long. I would have had boys at u13 and u11 at the time. I may just be getting old and forgetful but i believe this site is way softer and gentler then back in the day. I can remember arguments on hitting theory that would rage for days, people were angry. There is so much knowledge to be gained here if you have the time or interest.

I know having been through the process of the game and the successes and failures that come with it I have certainly been softened. Fortunately, i have 2 adult boys with degrees doing well, I sold my business interests and retired, my golf game is sharper than ever, I still check in occasionally but rare.

I did spend 2 days watching my nephew play D3 down in Florida recently. One of the schools that recruited my son pretty hard was there. I kinda hung out and got in the way of the coach as they were leaving. He looked at me, did a double take and asked what the hell i was doing there! was quite nice seeing him, I thought he would remember me but not sure. Was just kind of neat conversation, he actually stayed for 10 minutes or more asking about the boy and updating me on some of his stuff.

It’s amazing what coaches remember. My youngest brother was a good enough football player to play D1 as an undersized OG. He was recruited by Lou Holtz when he was at Arkansas in the late 70’s but he didn’t play there. So he met Holtz one time. Over 30 years later my brother is living in Columbia, SC and is in the media business. When Lou Holtz takes the South Carolina job my brother eventually runs into him at a luncheon. The conversation went something like this.

“Hello Coach, welcome to Columbia. You probably won’t remember this but you recruited me back in 1977 when I was in HS in Texas.”

”Yes, I remember that, You went to Humble HS, along with Mike Mosley. And he went on to play QB at A&M. And you had a LB that I really liked. Whatever happened to him?”

@Dadof3 posted:

One of the best pieces of advice I got was just recently (thanks @TPM) son was 15 (now 16) and I was asked if he had a trainer?  I’m thinking to myself , he’s a bit young, but was told he should get one.  We found one and it has completely changed his life.  Not only is he bigger faster stronger, but he changed his eating habits.  So many people have taken notice.  A number of his friends are now going as well.  I’ve learned a lot from this website and am enjoying the ride.

I had the same experience with my son, same age. In my day, we only did curls, bench and ate peanut butter sandwiches. He's doing serious, full body workout, counting his macros, and making sure he gets plenty of sleep. Sometimes I can't even believe he's a teenager, lol.

@greenjb posted:

I had the same experience with my son, same age. In my day, we only did curls, bench and ate peanut butter sandwiches. He's doing serious, full body workout, counting his macros, and making sure he gets plenty of sleep. Sometimes I can't even believe he's a teenager, lol.

Unbelievable how far nutrition, strength & conditioning technology have come in our lifetime.  Its' definitely a result of when you grew up, and what sport you played that determined how much time and effort was required.  My oldest son was emailed a 26 tab Excel spreadsheet with a college baseball workout routine and nutrition guide the summer BEFORE his freshman year.  Contrast that with my college coach (not baseball...40+ years ago) who I talked to on the phone for 5 mins before my freshman year.  My coach was big into stretching, quickness, reflexes, and short sprints because the sport was played by a series of shots not one shot.  No bench, no curls, definitely some peanut butter sandwiches.   I didn't even know where the weight room was on my campus.

Another significant difference today is the equipment and technology (all facets of nutrition, biomechanics, etc...).   The ideal build for my college sport at the time was 5'10 to 6'0", and fast as a jack rabbit.   These days, guys are 6'5", fit, mobile and can crack the ball from anywhere....and this is a non-revenue sport.  I do give credit to my college coach for video taping practices and matches so we could see ourselves and evaluate our own mechanics.

What has amazed me is seeing professional golfers jacked up and doing full body workouts and specialized stretches on Instagram and YouTube.  Even golfers are doing it! 

What's next?

Coming to HSBBW so long ago, I had to look at my profile to remember how I found this amazing and exceptional place. Back in ought-six I found a link on my son's summer team's website. For me, it was a godsend.

A few years earlier, son's mom and I divorced and he eventually didn't want to see me. I was crushed. I had always been there to satisfy his immense baseball desires. In '04 I took a job that took me overseas for the next eight years. I found HSBBW and I could vicariously live the experiences of parents of serious and not-so-serious baseball players. About a year in, I was able to meet a couple of HSBBW parents and the incredible PGSTAFF at a major event. It was great fun for all.

Then after one of a group of HSBBW ladies mistook my alter-ID, Infidel08 for a legitimate ID, Infield08, I was invited to join TPM, MN-Mom, the recently resurrected PlayBaseball, a couple others and FutureBackMom. I was in a rather austere environment and this group and this site filled many many hours with baseball and life. Sadly, FutureBackMom succumbed to a quickly developing cancer in the middle of this.

To me this site is so much more than just a forum.

Last edited by TMM_Dad

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